1252. Chapter 1237 Great Dragging Silk

The four people have become a close-knit for Su Xin, and this momentum can be different from before.

In addition to Mo Wuwei, Su Xin was holding absolute killing heart. The rest of the three people also said that there is some perfunctory meaning.

But now, the four people never have that meaning anymore. Instead, they face the killing intent, and they swear by Su Xin.

The last time Brahma Rāga retired, which led Su Xin to escape, but this time Brahma Rāga took the lead action, he closed his eyes, and when he blinked again, his eyes burned. The pitch-black flame looks extremely irresent and strange.

The most powerful place in the Martial Dao heritage since ancient times is Central Plains, so the inheritance of Central Plains can be called Martial Dao.

Others like southern barbarian, Eastern Foreigner or their Western Region are actually not the Martial Dao, or the secret technique.

Zoroastrianism as the Western Region First Sect, Brahma Rāga genuine The bottom of the pressure box is not the powerful Martial Dao, but the most strange secret technique, sacrificing!

Sacrificing is different from burning blood essence and burning Origin Divine. Burning blood essence and Origin Divine actually only bring their potential to biggest, and the burning is just the power in their own body.

But sacrificing is not the same, sacrificing can not only sacrificing itself, but also sacrificing others, and this sacrificing object is the god of Zoroastrianism mouth, of course, for most people, the object they sacrificing should be in this Heaven and Earth The evil thoughts, the power of Yin Evil, and so on.

Brahma Rāga spit out a series of strange spells, and the spells spit out, the winds raging in the air, the screaming sorrows of the evil spirits, the death qi and the boundless inferno condensed into a strange Demon God, rushing towards Su Xin .

Su Xin frowned slightly, and he waved his hand directly, and the instantly boundless blood apparition sword qi condensed and completely smashed this Demon God.

But almost instantaneously, then Demon God re-aggregated and rushed toward Su Xin.

Su Xin waved his hand and this time he used the Heavenly Principle Fire Dao with fire to overcome the fire. It was also the moment that the Inferno Demon God was burned, but the other party seemed to be playing Undying at all, and it re-aggregated his body.

This time Su Xin was really a bit surprised. Although this thing looked scary, its attack power and defense power were not too strong. Su Xin could crush it.

But the problem is that this thing is playing Undying at all, and it is impossible to let the other party attack it. This is the hard part of Brahma Rāga’s secret technique.

If it is a single person, no matter what this Brahma Rāga sacrificing is, Su Xin will directly kill the other party a slap, and this thing will naturally dissipate.

But now in this case, it is obvious that others will not give Su Xin this opportunity.

Sure enough, at the moment of Brahma Rāga take action, Mo Wuwei and other three people have already taken action, all with the wrath of thunderclap to crush Su Xin.

Brahma Rāga’s complexion is pale, and even the sound has some hoarse and weak taste in it.

“Su Xin, you don’t have to work hard. My Zoroastrianism’s sacrificing method is not so good. The Great Jin did not destroy my Zoroastrianism in the past. What is jealous is the sacrificing method of my Zoroastrianism!”

Although Brahma Rāga is now arrogant, his injuries are not small.

But every sacrificing method can be more serious than burning blood essence, so unless you encounter the life and death Pass head of genuine these years, Brahma Rāga or other people in Zoroastrianism will never use this supplementary secret method. of.

As a result, Brahma Rāga is now talking about this level of secret method. It is conceivable how strong Brahma Rāga is for Su Xin.

Taking advantage of the moment when Inferno Demon God was entangled in Su Xin, the three men took full action this time. This time they didn’t let Su Xin escape, but they suppressed it to the extreme in a flash.

White Lotus Religion’s secret method 奇诡irregular and strange, White Lotus Holy Mother behind Unliving Old Mother Dharmalakṣaṇa emerges, White Lotus Puzzled Heart, Gold Lotus annihilation, countless lotus petals flying between, seemingly holy, but it is irregular and Strange is incomparable!

This time Erdo is also desperate. Golden Horde’s martial skill is actually very simple, so they all majored in fleshly body, directly breaking the power, and walking is the way to reduce the ten.

Erdo also broke out of his own Dharmalakṣaṇa, but his Dharmalakṣaṇa is rather strange, not physically, but as if one level of mist is attached to Erdo’s body, causing an unexpected false image behind him, like a giant. .

At this moment Erdo landed on the ground, and the powerful force caused the earth to break, and the mountains under his feet even split.

Erdo’s nickname is the Alting Mountains Ancient God. When he first entered True Martial, he even actually translated a hill stift for more than ten miles, showing his powerful power.

After the eruption of Dharmalakṣaṇa, Erdo still can’t compete directly with Su Xin’s Combat Gold Body, but at least he can barely compete with Su Xin in strength.

And there are white Lotus Holy Mother assistants in the outside world. The two people are actually playing with Su Xin.

Mo Wuwei didn’t have a First time take action, his hands were constantly dancing. At the beginning everyone thought he was printing, but in fact, if you can look carefully, you will find that Mo Wuwei has a trace of true. The condensed silk thread is dancing.

These true qi condensed wires look fragile, but they contain strange powers. Once they are woven, they can absorb the surrounding Force of Heaven and Earth and become more and more tough.

Mo Wuwei is very weak in the inheritance of Martial Dao, but he can make such a big name on Jianghu a hundred years ago. It is not only because of his means, but also because he can not rely on those strong inheritance. Has the power to surpass most of True Martial!

The tiny silk threads were quickly woven by Mo Wuwei, fluttering, blending into Heaven and Earth, colorless formless, entangled with Su Xin.

This is the most powerful secret that Mo Wuwei has been studying for so many years, Great Dragging Silk!

Under this Great Dragging Silk, Su Xin felt something wrong first.

Those formless, unproductive silks wrapped around him, ignoring his true qi defense, and shackling his movements, causing Su Xin to be passive in the face of White Lotus Holy Mother and Erdo.

Erdo’s fist fell, Su Xin could have used the Combat Gold Body to defeat it, but because of the power of the Great Dragging Silk, Su Xin was slower than Erdo and could only be hard with Profound Yin Sword Armor. anti.

The final result was that Su Xin was fine, but it was bombarded by more than ten feet. Profound Yin Sword Armor could not resist for a long time. Erdo did not give Su Xin a chance to reunite Profound Yin Sword Armor. , began a fierce suppression.

The same is true of White Lotus Holy Mother on the other side. White Lotus and Gold Lotus bloom together. In the explosion of power, Su Xin has a phantom in his mind. He just wanted to resist with Sentencing God Tribulation, but because of the power of Great Dragging Silk. His Origin Divine was unable to condense.

White Lotus Holy Mother 趁 At this moment, just pointing out, True Home slammed, but brought about the power of the world, No Life Finger!

Su Xin’s Force of Reversing Yin-Yang broke out, and the two reversal forces shattered the True Home directly, but Su Xin’s figure was too close to the Force of Reversing Yin-Yang, so he was involved. True qi was wiped out by this force, but it also took the opportunity to force Erdo back.

This power is not cultivated by Su Xin himself. Su Xin can only control it, but it cannot be manipulated.

Once the Force of Reversing Yin-Yang is exhibited, even if Su Xin enters it, it will be attacked.

Collapse the Inverse Yin-Yang, Bury the Heavens Great Method, Su Xin’s Heavenly Principle Fire Dao’s inferno burst out instantly, but suddenly extinguished, the power of the Great Dragging Silk is getting tighter and even let Su Xin The surrounding Heaven and Earth have become a cage, trapping Su Xin.

Mo Wuwei said: “No need to struggle, my Great Dragging Silk weaves Heaven and Earth. Any force is the nourishment of this thread. The more you struggle, the greater the strength of the Great Dragging Silk.”

Su Xin said faintly: “Mo Wuwei, it’s no wonder that you can make such a big reputation on the former Jianghu, you really are not easy to get along with.

Whether your previous Heaven and Earth Great Capture or the current Great Dragging Silk can be passed down as a top Sect Supreme martial skill, the usual martial skill is integrated into Martial Dao and cultivate to this level, I only I have seen one person, that is the Divine Eagle ‘Tie Ao of Six Doors. ”

Mo Wuwei’s complexion hasn’t changed, and the compliments from the enemy have not made him feel like he is content.

After all, in Mo Wuwei’s opinion, what Tie Ao is just the backwards Martial Artist of the junior, Su Xin took him to compare with himself, shouldn’t he still be glorified?

But then Su Xin said: “It’s just that Martial Dao also represents a person’s character to some extent. Your Heaven and Earth Great Capture and Great Dragging Silk are really powerful and amazing. Martial of the same order. There are only a handful of artists who can get rid of your two moves.

But the problem is that you can control two people, but you can’t kill. Martial Dao fights, the most important thing is not to kill each other, but to kill each other!

Your Martial Dao doesn’t have a killing move, because you’re too cowardly, and you’re not even sharp! ”

The last word of Su Xin fell, and Brahma Rāga’s Inferno Demon God, White Lotus Holy Mother and Erdo had already rushed up, but Su Xin’s body broke out with an amazing death qi, as if The gate of the Hades was opened, and the death qi was roaring, and the formless lines of Su Xin’s body were instantly broken by the Force of Death!

Mo Wuwei’s Great Dragging Silk claims to absorb any force as a nutrient, but is the purely Force of Death also absorbed by Great Dragging Silk? Unless Mo Wuwei himself had control of the Force of Death, the consequences of the Great Dragging Silk’s absorption of the Force of Death were completely eroded by the Force of Death, which became vulnerable and was directly broken by Su Xin.

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