1244. Chapter 1229 is intervening

If it is in peacetime, Brahma Rāga naturally does not dare to be so arrogant with Zhao Wunian.

His character has always been cautious, and when there is no absolute certainty, there is absolutely no such thing as the existence of Zhao Wunian.

But now the three are besieging Zhao Wunian, Brahma Rāga’s daring is also a lot stronger.

Anyway, his Brahma Rāga’s own reputation on Jianghu has stinked, and there are many sinister and deceitful, two-faced, three blades and so on. Now it is just dropping stones down the well. This kind of thing is often he Will do it.

Zhao Wunian stunned him and said: “You can let me go when you hand over things? I am afraid that what you want now is my life? And my Zhao Wunian has never handed over the habit of making things all right!”

I know very well about Zhao Wunian in my current situation.

At the moment, the three men besieged him, but in fact both of them are killing intent to him.

Erdo wants to kill him because he wants to report the revenge of the previous one. He also wants to use the strength of bigge to weaken the overall strength of Great Zhou.

And the idea of ​​White Lotus Holy Mother is similar to that of Erdo, so they didn’t talk nonsense like Brahma Rāga, but they started to die.

Just then, a light voice came slowly.

“It’s very lively to play.”

Su Xin and Gongsun Yun’s figure appeared on the spot, and White Lotus Holy Mother and others immediately stopped, and the look on his face seemed to be eating a fly.

Almost, they will solve this Zhao Wunian. I didn’t expect to kill a Xin in the middle.

Seeing Su Xin coming here, Zhao Wunian’s eyes suddenly showed a hint of fineness.

He directly pointed at Su Xin’s loud voice: “Su Xin, the last time I followed Great Zhou to take action on you, the two sides have different positions. You also know my character. If I don’t take action at that time, I am not Zhao Wunian. .

If you help me this time, I have just found five beads in the hands of Heaven and Earth Origin Essence. If you take action to help me, these five beads are yours! ”

Upon hearing this, Brahma Rāga immediately had an urge to vomit blood.

He said before, as long as Zhao Wunian surrendered the beads themselves, they could not take action. As a result, Zhao Wunian refused directly. It was called a crisp and neat.

As a result, I saw Su Xin now. Zhao Wunian started to ask for help when he put down his body directly. He took out the five beads without hesitation. It is also called a crisp and neat. Is this a guilty?

Here Su Xin has not promised, White Lotus Holy Mother would have been frowned: “Su Xin, now you have not Great Zhou of the people, besides the former Great Zhou true for you, do you still want to help Great Zhou degrading to do ?”

Su Xin’s face showed a smile like a smile: “Great Zhou I never wanted to help, but my relationship with Zhao Wunian has always been good, help him personally why I refuse ?

Another point is that my hatred with you seems to be biggest?

Golden Horde had the Supreme Khan ‘Heavenly Wolf’ Mogo is dead in my hands, White Lotus Holy Mother you also join me Bai Wumo seriously injured, we are also a threat to Divine Martial Decree message.

As for Brahma Rāga Founder, I guess, when I destroyed the flame of your Zoroastrianism and forced you to kill the Martial artist of Black Water, did you want to swallow me?

So now I am thinking about killing you all here, saving you the trouble of coming back to me after you go out. ”

Brahma Rāga quickly said: “The former grievances I am willing to write off, compared with the opportunity in White Emperor City, what are the little grievances before?”

Su Xin shook his head and said: “I am afraid you don’t even believe this yourself? If you look at White Lotus Holy Mother and Erdo, they won’t say that it doesn’t make sense.

Not as practical as it is, Zhao Wunian adults gave me five beads, look at your appearance, obviously that thing is precious.

If this is the case, then you will give me the two times worth of the beads. I will not see it, turn and leave, how do you see it? ”

When this statement came out, Erdo sneered even as he gnawed his teeth: “Su Xin, do you really think that we are all idiots?”

It’s rare that Jianghu is robbed by the bonfire and the degree of shame like Su Xin.

Just to buy you don’t intervene, we have to pay such a big price. If this is the case, then what are they still robbing and what are they fighting for?

Su Xin’s words are simply insulting their IQ!

Su Xin shook her head and said: “I didn’t treat you as an idiot. I just treat you as a dead person!”

When the voice fell, Su Xin’s figure directly turned into a pitch-black streamer, and the moment between the moment appeared in the eyes of White Lotus Holy Mother, the endless Force of Death condensed, with Su Xin The Only My Dao’ Sword in his hand was pulled out, and Dao Gathering on the longsword was completely transformed into the endless Force of Death. At the moment when Su Xin pierced the sword, he seemed to open the door of Underworld. !

Snatching Fate 15 Swords is also Sword of Death!

Nine Deaths Origin Embryo has the power of blessing, Su Xin that Snatching Fate 15 Swords of sword intent to be even stronger than the Original Version.

After all, the insight Yan 13 out Snatching Fate 15 Swords are always people out of sword skill to comprehend, but now Su Xin cast by Snatching Fate 15 Swords Nine Deaths Origin Embryo it is at the core, supplemented by Snatching Fate 15 Swords of flawed The Force of Death used by move Sword Dao is purely incomparable, like a natural one, and ordinary people can’t control it at all.

Force of Death is overbearing, and the palm of White Lotus Holy Mother falls gently, but in the twinkling of an eye it brings up a True Home looming.

Around the space is squeezed, White Lotus Holy Mother like this beat can be shrouded general, these party Heaven and Earth gave the seal in which, it turned into the True Home Su Xin This Snatching Fate 15 Swords to seal therein.

But then wait till sword momentum to reach the peak, Force of Death crashing outbreak, sword user but ominous weapon, the moment put this Force of Death played the Pinnacle, and instantly put it completely explode when True Home!

I haven’t waited for White Lotus Holy Mother to retreat, and Su Xin has another second sword.

Only My Dao’ Sword above the death qi dissipated, this sword does not contain any impurities, and some are just the purest sword, sword intent, 3000 li (1500 km)!

One Sword Arrives In The West, Heavenly Flying Immortal !

This series of changes made everyone in the room unresponsive. It used to be a terrifying sword that was pierced from Underworld. It was amazing enough for Su Xin to control such a powerful Force of Death.

But the result has not waited for everyone to surprise this, Su Xin is actually taking the action directly, stabbing this amazing sword from Above Heaven.

The changes in these two swords are completely different. They can’t figure out how Su Xin is cultivate. He can use these two powerful and powerful sword skills in the blink of an eye. The conversion is naturally incomparable. People are deeply shocked.

Faced with this Flying Immortal sword again, the White Lotus Holy Mother’s complexion has finally changed.

Su Xin is now more terrifying when she was besieging her with Bai Wumo last time.

She can block Su Xin’s first sword, but she can’t stop Su Xin’s second sword.

So White Lotus Holy Mother retreats decisively.

There are countless Gold Lotus in front of her, each of which contains a strong Buddha Light Dao Gathering, which goes forward to Su Xin’s sword, although these Gold Lotus are broken in the Flying Immortal sword. Crack, but at least temporarily suspend Su Xin’s offensive.

The two swords forced White Lotus Holy Mother, and Su Xin’s strength made Brahma Rāga and Erdo’s complexion slightly different.

There is no clear level in True Martial Realm, such as Lighting Divine Realm, at least it will be divided into low stage, middle stage and late, but True Martial Realm is not available, because this thing is not very good. .

Some True Martial Realm’s existence has just entered True Martial and it has great strength, just like Meng Jingxian and Emperor Yama. Of course, Su Xin is definitely worth it.

But there are still some cultivates that are still the same for hundreds of years of strength. It’s normal for hundreds of years to go, and True Martial Realm is no longer a realm that can increase its strength.

So in True Martial Realm, the people only measure the strength of Martial Artist by their strength, not just cultivate time and realm.

The original White Lotus Holy Mother is already very strong. In Central Plains, among the many True Martial Realm, it is not considered that God Bridge Realm exists, and White Lotus Holy Mother can at least rank Top 10.

As a result, she is now very embarrassed, and she is forced to retreat by Su Xin. So, the strength of Su Xin should be terrifying to what realm?

Erdo’s reaction was faster. As soon as he saw that White Lotus Holy Mother was in a disadvantage, he immediately prepared to take action support.

However, Gongsun Yun did stop in front of him: “If you want to do it, then you will be accompanied by the downs and want to besiege Sir Su. This is not a bright move.”

As said, the endless waves of water at the foot of Gongsun Yun swept the waves, and the power was magnificent and powerful.

At the same time, Brahma Rāga also wanted to go to support, but this time Zhao Wunian stepped out and went straight to the front of Brahma Rāga and smiled and said: “You just didn’t let me hand over things for change? Now I am People are already here, my life, are you coming to take it?”

When the voice fell, Zhao Wunian sneered directly, punched down, and the battle was extremely strong. Although he had no gun in his hand, his fist was a gun that had smashed the sky and smashed the world. !

With 3 versus 3, White Lotus Holy Mother is basically not as cheap as Su Xin. Last time her injury was still unhealed, Su Xin, who was exposed to the front, could only avoid it.

While Zhao Wunian is also crushing Brahma Rāga, Martial Dao of Western Region wins a Strange’ word, but Zhao Wunian’s Martial Dao is melee and overbearing, both strength and Martial Dao. Its restraint is dead.

Only Gongsun Yun seems to have become a close match with Erdo. No one can help.

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