1235. Chapter 1220 is intimidating

Under the miraculous way, Gongyang Qi’s Origin Divine was bitten by the countless beasts, and then he reacted. The whole body divine light Mang Dasheng wanted to keep all the beasts out.

But it was already late, Gongyang Qi’s Origin Divine was torn by the fierce beast, revealing the stillborn of the irregular and strange, the big Force of the Force of Death eroding the Origin Divine, has turned Gongyang Qi’s Origin Divine into A piece of pitch-black.

Su Xin’s hands were printed, and Sentencing God Tribulation broke out again. The giants who were completely condensed by the power of Origin Divine slammed out. Through the endless Force of Death, they directly caught the stillbirth of Gongyang Qi Origin Divine. In the hands.

Su Xin is also very curious about what this thing is. After being caught in the hand, the stillbirth is still continually struggling, like a living thing.

Su Xin can now be sure that this thing is definitely not the Gongyang Qi cultivate.

The power of the powerful Origin Divine broke out and condensed directly into a golden cage to seal the dead fetus and was thrown into the Mustard Seed Bag by Su Xin.

Without this dead fetus, this time Gongyang Qi really became a corpse, crashed into the ground, and even directly became a pile of pitch-black color fly ash!

Su Xin smiled at Brahma Rāga and said: “It seems that Gongyang Qi is a lie to you. This secret method is not a cultivate. How can he give this secret method to you?”

Brahma Rāga’s complexion has become a bit ugly. Of course, he also sees that the key to the secret method of Gongyang Qi is the stillbirth. What is the Meridians to accommodate Force of Death is simply a slap in the face.

Brahma Rāga directly waved: “Give me all the Martial Artists of Black Water!”

With the order of Brahma Rāga, Zoroastrianism’s Martial Artist immediately took full action and swarmed and directly smashed the Martial Artist of Black Water.

The other party has only a dozen people, even if the strength is good, but can not resist so many Zoroastrianism disciple.

Regardless of the screams of the Black Water Martial Artist, Brahma Rāga yelled at Su Xin: “Sir Su forgive me, and is only confused by this Gongyang Qi, so it will be an enemy of Sir Su.

Now Gongyang Qi, the detestable bastard, has been given to execute by Sir Su, and the other people have also handed it over to Sir Su. ”

Su Xin heard a hint of play in the eyes.

This Brahma Rāga is really worthy of the famous two-faced, three blades of the generation, only when he endured not taking action, and now that Gongyang Qi is dead, he has pushed everything to Gongyang Qi. The body of this dead man.

Su Xin said faintly: “You should know that anyone who is enemies with my Su Xin usually has no good end, whether you are active or passive, it is the same. You say forgive me, but if I am Don’t you forgive me?”

This overbearing attitude makes Zoroastrianism and Brahma Rāga both angry, but they are helpless.

Execution Gongyang Qi , Su Xin’s strength and power have been seen, Brahma Rāga did not think that he is stronger than Gongyang Qi.

So now he has no other way than to think about it, but it seems that his attitude has been lowered very low now, but Su Xin seems to have not let him go.

So Brahma Rāga can only bite his teeth: “Sir Su, this thing I have Brahma Rāga to bear, what Sir Su wants to say directly.

However, I will stay in the front line and hope that Sir Su will not push my Zoroastrianism to a dead end.

The strength of my Zoroastrianism on Jianghu is not top, but it also has a unique secret method, that is sacrificing!

Not only sacrificing itself, it can even sacrificing the entire Zoroastrianism, with the enemy to the end!

So when the Great Jin was the strongest in the past, Great Jin dared to do it in the Western Region, but when my Zoroastrianism took the initiative, Great Jin would not come to provoke Zoroastrianism. ”

Although Brahma Rāga is convinced that he is soft, he does not want to recognize Su Xin, so he can only show his own cards and tell Su Xin that he can promise you any request, but you can’t do too much. Otherwise, I would rather go with you, you don’t think too much about Su Xin!

Su Xin smiled, but there was a hint of a smile in Brahma Rāga.

In the face of Brahma Rāga, who is already close to the state of the dog’s jump, Su Xin does not have to execute the other party. He just said to Brahma Rāga: “If this is the case, then I will not do too much, and the Martial Artist of Black Water has provoked it. I, but you cover them, now you kill the people of Black Water, this thing is a knot.”

Brahma Rāga heard that the complexion suddenly changed, and he almost understood how vicious Su Xin was!

In the past, Brahma Rāga’s reputation on Jianghu was poor, but at least some people came to him to cooperate. After all, as long as the Benefit is enough, Brahma Rāga doesn’t mind taking action once.

Just like the last time Golden Horde took action on Great Zhou, they also took out enough price to ask Brahma Rāga take action.

But today, if Brahma Rāga really kills anyone with Black Water, then his Brahma Rāga’s name on Jianghu will be completely stinky, and no one will be willing to cooperate with him.

Before Brahma Rāga ignored or ignored, everyone would only despise his actions, but he would not say anything more, because the word of mouth before Brahma Rāga was not good.

But now he has promised to shelter the Black Water. As a result, under the threat of Su Xin, he killed the object he wanted to shelter. This behavior is most disgusting to Jianghu people.

Although everyone can accept the face-to-face killing in front of Benefit, they can’t accept it. After they have entrusted their lives to the other party, they are succumbed to death.

Although Brahma Rāga is now forced, but the others on Jianghu are no matter what, anyway, they will only see the Martial Artist who Brahma Rāga first took Black Water, but they killed them by hand.

As long as Brahma Rāga dares to do it, Second’s reputation on the scene is completely stinky on Jianghu, and even later into White Emperor City, it will be unknown if someone joins him.

Seeing that Brahma Rāga was hesitant, Su Xin said coldly: “You Zoroastrianism doesn’t do it, do you have to wait for me?”

Lu Yuanfeng, standing behind Su Xin, couldn’t help but sigh, and secretly said that his previous choice was not wrong.

This Jianghu is all about relying on strength to speak. With True Martial Realm, Su Xin can force Brahma Rāga to be the same as the existence of True Martial Realm, but the other side is even face-changing. There is no courage.

Of course, this is also a bit too much of Brahma Rāga’s scruples. In exchange for Gongyang Qi, this kind of loner has no feelings for his own disciples. Instead, he dares to take action against Su Xin and fight with him.

At this time, Brahma Rāga faced Su Xin’s intimidation. He could only bite his teeth and screamed at the Zoroastrianism’s discipline: “Kill! Give me the power to kill the Black Water!”

Under his command, the Martial Artist of the Black Water was suddenly on the head.

Brahma Rāga closed his eyes, his reputation on Jianghu was stinky, but it was as strong as sacrificing the entire Zoroastrianism with Su Xin.

Moreover, looking at Su Xin’s terrifying strength, he will definitely die, but Su Xin will not die.

Brahma Rāga is not afraid of death. In fact, when it comes to True Martial Realm, there is almost no Martial Artist who will beg for mercy. If they are forced to desperate, they will take action and go with you.

But the problem is that behind him, the Martial Artist with Zoroastrianism and Sect background is hard-hearted, but few of them are willing to see their own Sect finally ruined in their own hands.

After a long while, Brahma Rāga opened her eyes and looked at Su Xin with a hoarse voice: “Sir Su, are you satisfied now?”

Su Xin smiled and smiled: “tsk tsk, it really is lord of a religion, this decision is still there, this time, this is the case, White Emperor City can have a good show, where Brahma Rāga Founder, you have to understand, don’t stand the wrong team again this time.”

After that, Su Xin left with someone.

The last sentence he had was actually a threat.

This time, you can forget it, but in White Emperor City, if you Brahma Rāga dare to provoke yourself, there are not so many Zoroastrianism disciple in White Emperor City to give you sacrificing.

Everything Su Xin did in the Western Region was not widely circulated in Jianghu, only on some top Jianghu forces.

The reason is very simple, because this time involves a lot of True Martial Realm Powerhouse, Zoroastrianism face and lining have been lost, and ‘Star Godson ‘Chen Xuanzong, ‘Splitting Heavens Divine General ‘Wei Jiuling, ‘Quiet Sanren ‘Mo Wuwei, the three of them, the people they sent to say and were summed up by Su Xin without hesitation, obviously their face is not worth a penny in Su Xin, this face is not too small .

The other people’s Lesser Dao news they dare to spread, but these few people are really afraid, so the major Martial World forces are also blocked messages, not to pass the message to Jianghu.

Moreover, I heard that even the grandsons of ‘Quiet Sanren ‘Mo Wuwei were killed by Su Xin. This hateful knot is not too small, they are even more afraid to mention this matter, saving them from being implicated by Mo Wuwei. .

At this time, at the Dragon-Tiger Mountain of Dragon-Tiger Dao Sect, under the thick and quaint pine trees, two Dao-clothed Martial Artists are playing chess.

One of them wearing the Dragon-Tiger daoist robe looks like a weak middle-aged man, but only those who are familiar with him know how terrifying his power is.

This person is now Headmaster of Dragon-Tiger Dao Sect, ‘Dragon-Tiger Great Heavenly Venerate ‘Lu Xuanfeng.

Among the four Daoism Headmasters, Lu Xuanfeng’s generation is actually the smallest one, but he is also the most understated one. Although it is not conspicuous on weekdays, it is definitely not a simple generation.

The person who played against Lu Xuanfeng was wearing a Taiji daoist robe, with a face of about four, 50, and a pair of fairy-skinned bones. The sale was extremely good.

This person is the ‘Quiet Sanren ‘Mo Wuwei, he has a good relationship with the four Daoism, so now just after the exit, after visiting Fortune Dao Sect, he temporarily stayed in the Dragon-Tiger Dao Sect.

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