1221. Chapter 1206 appears

For Lu Yuanfeng’s killing, Lei Lingyun naturally felt it, but he showed a sense of disdain.

Although he hasn’t been with Jianghu for a long time, his Master is Heaven List Powerhouse. In the wilderness of the Eastern Foreigner, they are not lacking in actual combat. The Martial Artist of their Black Water has been in conflict with the Eastern Foreigner Barbarian Race over the years. There are also quite a few, and Lei Lingyun has personally executed several large Clan Heads of the Eastern Foreigner Barbarian Race. The other party has the editing of Lighting Divine Realm.

Lu Yuanfeng’s hand-pitch-black-colored longspear emerges, and the red-speared spear image floats on the longspear for a moment, bringing a burning aura to the Lei Lingyun.

In fact, Lu Yuanfeng did not use all his strength. Now he does not want to sin Lee Lingyun too much, and he is the enemy of Undying and Unresting with their Black Water.

But unfortunately he didn’t want to offend Lei Lingyun, but Lei Lingyun didn’t even put his Lu (Lu) Family in his eyes.

When Lu Yuanfeng’s shot fell, Lei Lingyun suddenly took a shot, Black Water waved the world, the unseen palms directly shattered the ground, the most strange is the black spread in the palm of the hand. Water is full of the corrosiveness of irregular and strange, and the fierce true qi above Lu Yuanfeng longspear is instantly extinguished, and the powerful palm even strikes Lu Yuanfeng itself along his longspear.

Just a fight, Lu Yuanfeng’s complexion suddenly changed, he quickly pulled back and pulled, the longspear in his hand was changed to a sweep, want to temporarily resist.

But this is the case of Lei Lingyun, but Black Water true qi turned into an enormous palm and held the longspear in it. For a moment, Lu Yuanfeng’s longspear on Heaven Grade suddenly made a scream, the whole longspear It was directly destroyed by the spirituality, and the Heaven Weapon was defeated as Earth Weapon!

Lei Lingyun sneered with disdain, his Black Water true qi is the secret spread merit law of their Black Water, not toxin merit, but his master was observing the strange Black Water of Eastern Foreigner. Created the merit law.

The Eastern Waterer’s Black Water River is called the Black Water River because every time at the junction of summer and autumn, there are countless poisonous insects and beasts who don’t know why they are swarming into the Black Water River, making the original clear water polluted into a poison. The beach has no vitality and the human and animal are dead.

Gongyang Qi does not use Black Water to practice, but from this Black Water River, he comprehends a Black Water true qi that is not a toxin merit but is better than toxin merit, an unusual irregular and strange.

Lu Yuanfeng slammed his teeth and threw away the longspear in his hand. He directly used his fist as a gun, and his fist fell. The sharp guns seemed to turn into a Fire Dragon roar, pointing to Lei Lingyun.

However, Lei Lingyun did not retreat, Black Water Great Hand Seal fell, Black Water true qi suppressed Heaven and Earth, directly melted the power of that shot, and by the way, Lu Yuanfeng flew out of the blood, crashed wall.

Lei Lingyun sneered with a sneer: “A Lu (Lu) family who is already thin and glamorous is also dare to put it in front of my Black Water. It is simply not known!”

Said, Lei Lingyun’s hand moves, the token and the treasured object that Wang Yu took out will be in his hands.

Only then, Lei Lingyun was a bit strange, because the Martial Artist of Fuse Divine Realm was really weird.

From the beginning to the present, he was like a spectator at all, and there was no panic at all.

Even Lei Lingyun can read a meaning from the other’s eyes, that is, ridicule, as if watching a clown.

This look made Lei Lingyun annoyed. He prepared to kill the Martial Artist of Fuse Divine Realm when he left, letting him know that he should maintain the awe of the existence of Lighting Divine Realm.

But at this time, a sound is a coldly coming.

“Some things you have life to take, but do you have a life to use? I don’t know who is the so-called?”

The voice was cold and dark, and every word spit out. Lei Lingyun felt that his heartbeat seemed to be a quick point.

By the time the last word fell, the heart of Lei Lingyun seemed to jump out of the chest, causing him to spurt a burst of blood, and the complexion was pale.

True Martial Realm !

It turned out to be True Martial Realm’s Powerhouse!

At this moment, Lei Lingyun finally knew why the Fate Divine Realm’s Martial Artist was so farless due to strong backing. It turned out that a Powerhouse of True Martial Realm had been hiding in the dark, which made Lei Lingyun stunned. .

When he wants to come, if the other party has True Martial Realm’s Powerhouse, then the other person will appear directly. Lu (Lu) Family people will not even dare to put a fart, they will take things out directly, still use What do you spend on such a big deal?

Su Xin wore Hell’s black robe standing in front of Wang Yu, but without the mask of Hell, he waved his hand directly, and Divine Martial Decree or those Heaven Weapon were included in the Mustard Seed Bag.

In fact, Su Xin didn’t want to stand up so quickly, he was still waiting for Heaven’s people to take action.

As a result, Heaven’s people have not waited, but here is a complete mess that an idiot has stirred things up, and Su Xin has to show up.

At this time, the person who saw it in front of his eyes turned out to be Su Xin, and Lu Yuanfeng could not help but reveal a bitter smiling expression. His first time was not shocked, but he thought of a relationship between his daughter and this Su Xin. .

Lu Yuanfeng’s first reaction was absolutely impossible when she learned that her daughter’s love was in the notorious Su Xin on Jianghu.

At that time, Su Xin’s strength was not weak, but he was notorious on Jianghu, and his relationship with Six Great Aristocratic Families was not good.

In Lu Yuanfeng’s opinion, the generation of shocking ability and stunning talent on Jianghu has never been lacking. It has always been a lot of amazing people like Su Xin, but they have been jealous because of the sharpness of the front.

But whoever thought that Su Xin was going against the current, all the way to God as Killing God, the Buddha blocked the Buddha, no one can rival, now, even if Jianghu captains his Xin Xin, there are several people Genuine threat to Su Xin?

Now Su Xin is already a Jianghu Authority and has become one of the Hegemon-level characters that can dominate Jianghu. Its strength surpasses Orthodox and Evil and can only be seen.

So now Lu Yuanfeng regrets that if his daughter really married Su Xin, their Lu (Lu) Family became a marriage with Su Xin, then he also managed the idea of ​​a fart Six Great Aristocratic Families, even if they were Lu (Lu) Family Separated from Six Great Aristocratic Families He also recognized.

But unfortunately there is no regret in this world. Su Xin is now unattainable, and Lu (Lu) Family has no chance.

And looking at this time, obviously the mysterious character behind Wang Yu is Su Xin, and once again, the identity of Su Xin and the terrifying power behind him, Lu Yuanfeng is somewhat afraid to go on.

Su Xin looked at Lei Lingyun and didn’t want to go on nonsense with him. Although this person is a Martial Artist on the Black Water background, his Master is also the old name True Martial Realm Powerhouse in Heaven List, but Su Xin is Did not put it in my heart.

Backed by Hell, Su Xin alone can despise most Jianghu forces.

Another point is that this so-called hidden cultivation is Close Life and Death Pass. Like Gongyang Qi, it is hidden cultivation, but it is still paying attention to the movement on Jianghu. However, it is timid. For various reasons, I dare not continue to compete with people on Jianghu. This is the so-called hidden cultivation.

For this Martial Artist, even if they cultivate to True Martial Realm, it is also a loss of enthusiasm.

So Su Xin directly waved with one hand, and the Heavenly Principle Fire Dao evolved into a gray-white fire sword stabbed to Lei Lingyun, the face of the horror, let him use the means, but they were all in the Heavenly Principle Fire Dao. A powerful power can be turned into nothingness!

But at this time, a figure wearing a black robe appeared in front of Lei Lingyun. He grabbed it with one hand, and a strong black true qi pervaded. The Heavenly Principle Fire Dao condensed into a flame. Water true qi dissolves, it is conceivable how powerful this true qi is.

Suddenly the take action of this person is a gloomy old man, with a wrinkled eagle hook nose, the most strange thing is that his eyes are not even the slightest white eyes, all are a piece of pitch-black color, which gives A very strange feeling.

The most important thing is that Su Xin saw that when the person took the action, he had a silver-white hand on his hand. He didn’t know what kind of gloves he used. The glove had six fingers on it!

Needless to say, Su Xin can also guess that this person is the ‘Black Water Evil Venerate ‘Gongyang Qi.

Full of black eyes looking at Su Xin, Gongyang Qi’s eyes with a hint of cold color, he whispered with a hoarse voice: “A hundred years have not stepped into Jianghu, is Jianghu junior now so unrelenting?” The take action turned out to be absolute kill.”

Su Xin opened his mouth and yelled at Gongyang Qi. He smiled and said: “You just said what I am? Jianghu junior?”

Gongyang Qi said faintly: “When the old man was famous in the world, even the Great Zhou Dynasty Court is only a small barbarian. You are not Jianghu junior, who is Jianghu junior?”

Su Xin shook his head, his voice was dull, but his tone was mixed with a touch of human heart.

“The same is True Martial, what is your qualification for this old fart? I am not a one or two in the hands of this Seat. True Martial Realm Martial Artist is not one or two. Now it is not bad for you. Is it you? Is Mount Foreign’s Mount Sen’s Old Forest closed and confused? I dare to run here to fill up the senior!”

Originally, Su Xin thought that Lei Lingyun was arrogant. As a result, Gong Yang Qi came out and Su Xin knew how the other person’s character was formed. It turned out that his Master is this virtue, and he can’t be so good.

So now Su Xin is too lazy to talk nonsense with Gongyang Qi. He has to look at it. This Gongyang Qi hidden cultivation has been cultivated for a hundred years.

So the voice just fell, and Su Xin’s Only My Dao’ Sword broke out with a sly divine glow, Chop the Heavens, Sever the Earth, and the swording Shocking Divine. One Sword Arrives In The West, Heavenly Flying Immortal !

PS: Tomorrow and Houtian are both two, because today, in July, I took a day off, and I spent three days on the weekend going out with my parents. I took a few moments in the past few days and didn’t break it, but there is no way to add it. I will say sorry to everyone.

It’s also awkward to say that in the last two years, even if you go out to play, you can still go with friends or colleagues and go with your parents.

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