1219. Chapter 1204 chapter changes

Inside the living room, Wang Yu felt that the outside people had already retired. He revealed a mysterious smiling expression and began to take things out from the outside of the Mustard Seed Bag.

A blade handle, such as blade, spear, sword, halberd, etc., was taken out by Wang Yu. There are as many as ten handles. The flashing cold edge on the top allows Lu Yuanfeng to take a breath, because the ten-bladed shield is awesome. Ten Hand Heaven Weapon!

To know the extent of the Heaven Weapon, their entire Lu (Lu) Family only had three Heaven Weapons. As a result, Wang Yu immediately took out ten handles.

And Wang Yu hasn’t stopped yet. A bottle of pill medicine was taken out by him, and the cork was pulled out. The medicine was filled into the living room, which was very intoxicating. It was also ten bottles and ten bottles of Top Quality divine pill!

Then Wang Yu took out ten jade plates, which were filled with the Formations Dao rune. They are the ten formation methods that have been inscribed, as long as the internal force can be used.

The formation method has no clear hierarchy, and because of its role, power can’t be compared.

But look at the formation method above the ten-faced platoon, obviously this thing is not a mundane thing.

Lu Yuanfeng has been shocked and can’t speak, because these things are too precious at the moment.

Ten Weaver, ten bottles of Top Quality pill medicine, and ten powerful faces, these things add up to the sum of their Lu (Lu) Family, and what Wang Yu wants to trade. thing? Have you bought their entire Lu (Lu) Family?

And Lu Yuanfeng, who has just recovered from the shock, suddenly thought of a problem, that is, these things are definitely not something that Wang Yu can get!

Wang Yu’s Under Heaven Escort is just a grassroots force, and how much can he have?

At the moment, the ten-hearted Heaven Weapon, ten bottles of Top Quality pill medicine, and the ten-faced array can only take the take action from the top forces on Jianghu. His Wang Yu is definitely not qualified to own, even with his strength, in his hands. It is good to have a Heaven Weapon, and the ten handles are impossible.

Wang Yu looked at Lu Yuanfeng with a smile and smiled. “Family Lord Lu must have guessed it. It is not me who wants to deal with Family Lord Lu this time. It is just an errand.”

Lu Yuanfeng let out a long breath, arched his hand, and changed a slightly respectful tone: “I don’t know what the big man behind Chief Escort Boss Wang wants to do with my Lu (Lu) Family? As long as I am Lu (Lu) Family can do it, my Lu (Lu) Family will never deny.”

It turns out that Su Xin guessed it right. Lu Yuanfeng is not an idiot. He can see the energy of the person behind Wang Yu from these things.

Wang Yu is not a mundane generation. Although he only has Fuse Divine Realm, it is Jiang’s rare standing talent, which can make him an errand person. How many Jianghu are there?

At least Lu (Lu) Family is one of the Six Great Aristocratic Families, Lu Yuanfeng is also the Martial Artist of Lighting Divine Realm, but if he really turned his face with Wang Yu, Wang Yu will definitely not give him face.

There is also the ability to come up with those who are equal to all of their Lu (Fu) Family savings, and how terrifying the power behind them, Lu Yuanfeng simply can’t guess.

Don’t look at their Lu (Lu) Family as one of the Six Great Aristocratic Families, saying that they are going to be powerful, but there are so many big forces on Jianghu, so many Powerhouses can destroy the power of their Lu (Lu) Family, but there are many Some are definitely the existence that Lu Yuanfeng can’t think of.

So now Wang Yu took out these things to make a deal with him. Lu Yuanfeng had no choice but to agree. Even he didn’t even dare to ask anyone who was behind Wang Yu.

Since the other party has driven Wang Yu to come, it is definitely not wanting to let him know his identity. If he asks more, if he knows the identity of the other person, then I am afraid it is not a good thing. On the contrary, it will be for their Lu (Lu) Family. It’s a big disaster.

Wang Yu said faintly: “In fact, you don’t have to pay anything for Family Lord Lu, as long as you hand over the token that you took from the Chen family two days ago.”

When I heard Wang Yu say this, Lu Yuanfeng’s eyes suddenly showed a shocking color.

Chen (Chen) Family’s affairs Lu Yuanfeng knows, but that’s just the contradiction between their Lu (Lu) Family junior and the Chen family. The following people take action.

That Chen (Chen) Family is also very fast, so Lu Yuanfeng only told me that there is not much attention to let them do things.

Lu Yuanfeng, the ancestral token that Lu (Lu) Family brought from Chen (Chen) Family, is actually not too concerned.

Although he also heard that the inheritance of Chen (Chen) Family seems to be quite long-lasting, but the token he also saw, in addition to the delicate shape, and no special role, so Lu Yuanfeng does not Too much care.

After all, even if it is passed down from antiquity, it is also a matter of treasured object and waste. In Lu Yuanfeng’s view, it is obvious that this token is useless waste.

But now look at Wang Yu’s meaning, this token is not a waste, but a treasured object, but the existence of the treasure level!

At this moment, Lu Yuanfeng really gave birth to a thought that he wanted to take this token as his own, but this thought was annihilated by Lu Yuanfeng as soon as he came out.

This token is nothing but a waste in his hands. It is only a treasure in the hands of those who know it.

And the strength of the other party is unfathomable. Since the other party can take out so many treasured objects in exchange for the token, it can also take the same level of strength to buy his Lu (Lu) Family!

Sometimes people don’t want to be too greedy, so Lu Yuanfeng just paused for a moment and he said: “No problem, Chief Escort Boss Wang, please wait, I immediately told people to take the token.”

Wang Yu was relieved to see that Lu Yuanfeng promised so crisply and neatly.

Similarly, Heaven has not taken action until now, and Wang Yu is a little surprised. Is Heaven’s person still not there yet?

Or maybe Heaven’s people are doing the same thing as Hell, preparing to ambush each other for a static brake, but they didn’t expect Hell to take action, and it was still open and without fear.

Anyway, Heaven’s people don’t take action to be the best. It’s not that Hell is afraid of Heaven, and there is no need to make an indisputable dispute in this place.

Just when Wang Yu had thought that the overall situation had been fixed, there was a scream of noise outside, and even Lu Yuanfeng, who was just about to get the token, stopped.

I only heard a few of the other Lu (Family) Family’s discipline anxiously shouting: “Senior!Family Lord is negotiating business, please wait outside, can’t go in!”

At this time, a arrogant voice dismissed: “Let me wait outside, you Lu (Lu) Family also? Quark quack! Let me go!”

When the voice fell, I heard only a burst of heavy sounds, and then there was a scream of Lu (Flu) Family disciple, and Lu Yuanfeng’s complexion suddenly sank.

The door was pushed open. In front of Lu Yuanfeng and Wang Yu was a tall Martial Artist. He wore a silver tight-fitting battle armor, revealing a lighting Divine Realm’s cultivation, a look of brilliance between the eyebrows. The arrogance is incomparable, obviously not what is easy to achieve.

At this time, the Martial Artist looked at Lu Yuanfeng and said, “You are the Family Lord with Lu (Lu) Family? I am here to ask you for something, happy, don’t waste my time. ”

When the Martial Artist’s words were exported, and combined with his previous performance, Wang Yu knew that the other party was definitely not a Heaven.

Heaven’s Martial Artist is strong, although arrogant, but it is definitely not such a brainless arrogant person, this kind of goods even with Lighting Divine Realm’s repair for Heaven will not be accepted.

Lu Yuanfeng The complexion at this time is already gloomy, although his Lu (Lu) Family has recently been declining, but it has not yet reached the point where anyone can step on his head.

At the moment, the performance of the Lighting Divine Realm Martial Artist is no longer arrogant, it is simply no one, and they regard their Lu (Lux) Family as nothing!

Lu Yuanfeng cold channel: “Who is the one under the foot? I want something from Lu (Lu) Family, you have a life to come, but if there is a life to use, then it is not necessary!”

The Light Divine Realm’s Martial Artist sneered a sneer: “Threaten me? Lu Yuanfeng, you Lu (Lu) Family Six Great Aristocratic Families can scare others, but they can’t scare me Lei Lingyun!”

Lu Yuanfeng’s face showed a hint of doubt, because he really did not hear about Lei Lingyun’s name.

To know that Lightning Divine Realm’s Martial Artist is already a character that can support a top force on Jianghu. In addition to True Martial Realm’s Landed Celestial Immortal, they are the peak character standing on the entire Jianghu. It is absolutely impossible to be a nameless person. .

But Lu Yuanfeng really doesn’t know what Lei Lingyun is. Is the other side a powerhouse that comes out of the hidden forces?

Seeing the confused expression on Lu Yuanfeng’s face, Lei Lingyun’s complexion is also black.

He hasn’t appeared in Jianghu for a long time. Although this is his master’s sect deliberately hidden cultivation, but now Lu Yuanfeng has become a nameless person, and Lei Lingyun’s mood is naturally not good.

Looking at Lu Yuanfeng, Lei Lingyun snorted: “Under the background Black Water Pavilion!”

Lu Yuanfeng still had some doubts when he heard the words of Black Water Pavilion. However, Wang Yu around him suddenly remembered something. His eyes suddenly showed a horror, but he knew the origin of this person.

Although this is not a person in Heaven, his origins are not small, because his master is also a True Martial Realm Powerhouse, ‘Black Water Evil Venerate ‘Gongyang Qi!

Although this person is in the Heaven List, it has been able to show up for Jianghu for hundreds of years. Even when the war in the last years of Great Jin did not begin, Gongyang Qi began his cultivation.

This person is loose cultivator background, not Orthodox Dao, nor Demon Dao, but it is very evil qi.

It is rumored that Gongyang Qi is the abandoned child of the former great family Gongyang. Because it is born with only six fingers, when the dog was born, it was considered to be a bad omen, so it was disgusted by the people and abandoned.

Later, Gongyang Qi was raised by an old man and named himself as ‘abandon’. After a rough ride, he did not know where to repair a martial merit. He went all the way to Lighting Divine Realm and turned around and slaughtered the entire Gongyang. The bloody process is very ruthless and makes people feel chilly.

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