In the Sword Territory biography, Li Mingfan is not the strongest.

But his sword is the most killing.

Some people have described Li Mingfan’s Sword Dao, his Sword Dao is made up of countless white bones.

In fact, Li Mingfan is going to kill Sword Dao.

Some even assert that, in the next few decades, as long as Li Mingfan does not die, he will become the sharpest sword in the hands of Sword Territory.

The bright swordsman towed the spurred cold light and cut through the sky, so that many of the surrounding cultivators were slightly squinting because the rays of light were too glaring and bright.

In addition, there is a terrifying incomparable aura like a flood breakout, which blasts in that light, and it sweeps across the sky in an instant.

For a time, many of the Situ cultivations have the feeling of being in the hell of Shura. It seems that it is not the word cry that echoes in their ears, but the screams of screams that are so confusing.

Yangchang’s eyes are also cold at this moment, and the violent real yuan fluctuations are like surges. As the Xituo cultivation, he hates the two words of vulture. He has already moved the real killing intent. The meaning of cherishing the talent is gone at this moment.

Looking at the cold light that was close at hand, Yangchang corner of the mouth sneered a sneer, he shot angrily, a huge sword with a huge sword appeared on his hand, and the golden light vented like a volcanic eruption, accompanied by terrifying The momentum of Sovereign Dao has been smashed down.

This is not a sword art, just a simple sword.

But there is one sword that collapses the momentum of the sky.

Very terrifying, let the Sword Territory growers feel scared witless.


At this moment, the heavy sword slash down on that cold light, the sound of the sound is deafening and deafening.

Li Mingfan was shocked and his arm was very numb. The latter was a simple sword, but he completely sealed off his offensive.

The most important thing is that the sword momentum of all around is locking his figure.

“There is an insurmountable gap between Sovereign Dao and King Dao, not to mention you who just entered King Dao…”

Yangchang said with a sneer. In his opinion, Li Mingfan is a final struggle, even if the latter comprehends the out of the ordinary Sword Intent, but how about it, the gap between King Dao and Sovereign Dao is not Sword. Intent can make up for it.

Li Mingfan did not say a word, his eyes became scarlet in an instant, and even a drop of hot blood dripped down his eyes.

“Give me open…” The low snoring sounded from Li Mingfan’s throat, his eyes squatting like a black hole at this moment, and a black light bursted out from his eyes.

This is a sword light, black and black, and when it appears, it makes the whole day tremble, accompanied by a high-sounding word cry, the world is bursting, as if it is penetrated by the sound of the word cry.

This sudden scene made the face of the cultivator in the face change, and the scorpion, a sword light flying out of a man’s voice, is simply unbelievable.

What makes them most worried is that this black sword light carries a terrifying aura.

It seems that this sword light seems to break away from the abyss of hell.

Yang Chang’s reaction was very fast. When the black sword light condensed out, he also shot, and the heavy sword stood up again. From afar, Yangchang seemed to grab a sword and the whole sky. Cut into two halves, the terrifying sword momentum has spread hundreds of meters, such as Wang Yang, to engulf the void.

Huā lā lā …

The sword momentum is like a curtain, and it is torn apart by the black sword light.

The black sword light is not affected at all, but its speed has skyrocketed again. When the Yangchang heavy sword has not fallen, the black sword light has already come to Yangchang.

Yang Chang’s face changed dramatically, and his original golden light quickly turned into a path of ancient lines. These lines flowed like water and completely wrapped his body. At the same time, the black sword light teared. And it fell on him.


A day sound, running through the sky, many people with scalp numb.

Looking at the sword light that is close at hand, Yang Chang’s eyes are full of incredible colors. The lines that flow in his body resist this sword light, but the terrifying power contained in this sword light is directly vented. On his body, his body continued to fall backwards in the void. He spurted his blood, and the body had a giggle sound, just like a fried bean, but in fact it was his bones cracking.


In the distance, the Sita cultivator sucked in a breath of cold air and was scared by the scene.

Yang Chang was actually injured in the confrontation by Li Mingfan.

The most important thing is that the latter is still King Dao.

“This is definitely not his strength. That aura on the sword light is completely different from him…”

After Yang Chang retired from the tens of meters, the figure stopped suddenly. His face was flushed. On the one hand, Blood Qi rushed, and on the other hand, he was angry. His outstanding Sovereign Dao cultivation was actually in full view. Under the circumstances of being defeated by a King Dao, even injured, if it is transmitted to the Xi Tuo, it must become a joke. At this moment, the only thought in his mind is to kill Li Mingfan. The quick way.


Yangchang figure just stopped, it has been turned into a streamer suddenly launched, just in this moment, the people present there seem to hear countless word cry sounds in Yangchang within the body, the majestic sword momentum on him Rising up, he shot again, the blazing sword qi swept in all directions, heavy sword from top to bottom, killing Li Mingfan.

The void is sinking, but this is a Sovereign Dao cultivation.

Li Mingfan only felt that he was in a lonely boat in the sea of ​​anger, and he was swallowed at any time. He sighed helplessly. He still underestimated the terrifying of Sovereign Dao. He did not expect Yangchang in such a short period of time. Actually, I can react and resist the sword light. This is his biggest card. Similarly, the price is also very large. The true element of his with the body is almost exhausted.

However, looking at the silhouette of the killing, Li Mingfan still laughed, although it was difficult to escape, but at least let Yang Chang pay the price, especially in the eyes of the public, he saw it, the latter must be very angry, after all, change It is him, he will also be angry.

“Senior Brother …”

In the void, Lorraine’s face changed greatly. Others may not know why there is a sword light in Li Ming’s eyes, but he is very clear that it belongs to Li Mingfan’s Divine Ability, and he also knows that the price of that Divine Ability is used.

Looking at Yangchang, who was angry with his shot, Luo Ling’s body was like a lightning bolt, rushing toward Li Mingfan.

At the same time, those Sword Territory growers have also shot at this moment, while the Situ cultivation is still worrying, the sword qi is like a rainbow, can to move unhindered interlaced, covering the entire sky.

A lot of Xi Tuo cultivation people have not responded, and the body directly hangs color.

“Kill…” Soon, the Situ cultivation responded and launched a coercion against the Sword Territory cultivation.

Yes, it is a cofferdam. The number of the two is too great, let alone the strength of these Sittu cultivators is stronger than the Sword Territory cultivation.

For a time, the war broke out in the void without warning.

In the sky above the battle, the old man was shooting. He saw Luo Ling who was killed in Yangchang. He read a sentence in his mouth, compassionate and compassionate. The hand that had been placed in front of him was lifted up and one finger fell…

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