“this is…”

The scholar’s face was full of moving colors, and he looked at the distant world with a stunned look.

There, a mottled ancient warship was quietly suspended above the Qingming, and the whole body was flowing with the fascinating light. From afar, it seemed to be a mountain of gods standing between the heavens and the earth, running through the clouds, bringing powerful people. Opression feeling.

What surprised the scholars most was that when such a huge ancient ship appeared here, no one noticed it.

In addition, the scholar also noticed that there were some silhouettes standing on the warship, although he could not perceive the aura fluctuations in those people, and he still felt a strong opression when his eyes touched those silhouettes.

Needless to say, these people’s Strength is definitely terrifying.

“Leader he knows these people… Otherwise, he will not take the initiative to approach this warship. These people should be foreign cultivations.”

The scholars quickly guessed the identity of these people. He had just heard of Su Bai. In the past few years, he has been in other domain cultivation, and he recently returned to Last Sword Territory. If these people are with Su Bai, then Identity is naturally the cultivator of other domains.

A mottled light burst out on the ancient ship, like a beam hanging from the sky, until the foot of Su Bai.

Su Bai walked on this mottled light and went to the ancient ship. His speed was not fast, but every time he fell, he had already appeared outside the Baizhang.

The closer to this magnificent warship, the more the scholars can feel the terrifying of the fluctuations that permeate them. His eyes are staring at the colorful light that flows through, and can see a path of The lines that are rippling and open, these lines are outlined together, as if to smother the entire sky.

“Is this a Daoist?” The scholar murmurs in his heart, his eyes revealing a strange color.

Looking far away, Su Bai and the scholars seemed to be in the blue sky and eventually entered the ship.

Ascending the warship, the scholars felt that a path of majestic pressure from all directions had not yet touched the ground. The pressure was almost breathless. He had to run the true element with the body to defend against these. The pressure, at the same time, his eyes could not wait to look at the silhouettes of the past, but this look, the shock on his face is even worse.

As the true biography of Sword Territory, the scholar is naturally the king of the Wu Zhou Imperial Court. The most powerful elite teacher in the Last Sword Territory, formerly, Wu Meng commanded this elite division to rival the Xi Tuolu Ke Dian and Qiu Dao Wu Zong. The style of more than one million cultivation people has made the scholars unforgettable.

It was also the battle that made the world truly aware of the terrifying of the ride.

However, at this moment, when the scholar saw a figure of black pressure in front of him, it felt as if he had come to the battlefield of Shura. The terrifying killing intent was like a tidal wave, making the air almost solidified. He could feel that every silhouette here is It has experienced countless killings and baptisms, because the suffocating suffocation of these people is too terrifying, and there are some signs of materialization.

And when so many people come together, what kind of terrifying the aura is.

Scholars can feel it, these people’s cultivation base fluctuates, and there are tens of thousands of King Dao environments.

If you use the elite teacher to evaluate Jun riding, the scholars feel that this army is invincible.

In addition, the most shocking thing for the scholars is the dozens of silhouettes standing in the forefront. Even though those silhouettes have converged their own aura, standing there, there is an inexplicable pressure to open. For this kind of pressure, the scholar is no stranger, he has experienced in some Sovereign Dao cultivation.

In other words, these people are Sovereign Dao cultivations.

Under the watchful eyes of the scholars, these Sovereign Dao cultivators were actually saluting Su Bai, and each respect was respectful. The kind of respect was not deliberately pretending, but from the heart.

Seeing the shocked look of the scholar, Su Bai lightly said with a smile, “These people are my followers, this time I came to collect debts.”

Su Bai can imagine how shocking the heart of the book is, whether it is the Guards of the Fourth Army or the cold-blooded people in front of them, this lineup together is enough to compete with the top forces in the Last Sword Territory.

“Follow-up?” The scholar was very difficult to swallow, showing the color of shock, the followers said that it is a good statement, in fact, is the meaning of the subordinate.

It is hard to imagine what the scholars have experienced in these years. In fact, there are more than a dozen Sovereign Dao cultivation subordinates, and there is a hundreds of thousands of people to follow.

If the news is passed out, it is conceivable how much shock will be felt in the Last Sword Territory.

In other words, if Su Bai established his own power in the Last Sword Territory, he would become the sixth largest force of Last Sword Territory with his subordinates alone.

“Sun Chen, start the warship, northwest orientation.”

Su Bai had previously seen Fang Luojing, so the position of the request signal is fairly clear.

“No.” Sun Chen’s hands were printed, and the blazing road was blooming at his fingertips. He quickly merged into the giant sail in front of him. The giant sails made a dazzling light, as if there was a round of sunburst on it. rising.


In the void, the mottled ancient ship turned into a streamer and swept away from the sky.

It was also at this time that within the ruins, Sword Territory and the sword cultivation people noticed the movement of the void. They had not had time to react, and they felt a vast pressure from the vastness of the blue sky. Under the pressure, they are heartbroken.

In the presence of the scene, only Xiao Zheng reluctantly saw the magnificent ancient ship that went away.

“Last Sword Territory is going to change…” Xiao Yu muttered, his aura gradually dissipated, and finally the body could no longer support, and fell back to the ground.

Surrounded by excitement, those Jianmeng cultivation people rushed up, only to find out that Xiao Zheng aura had nothing. In the end, he was exhausted and finally reached the limit.


Here is an endless mountain range, 茫茫 wood, lush, one after another, as if to cover half a scorpio, the ancient wild aura diffuse open.

Here, there should be countless beasts running wild and humming.

But now, here is terrifying dead.

As if here, there is no existence of any living beings.

At this time, just below the vast forest, dozens of silhouettes are quietly groaning, their figure is motionless, as if it is a body, and there is no breathing.

Only the uneasiness on their faces indicates that these people are living people, not dead.

“Xituo these people are really insidious, actually deliberately set up … damn it, he wants to catch a turtle in a jar, Senior Brother, in my opinion, we sit and wait for it, it is better to attack directly, I do not believe, His tortoise shell is so hard that he can trap me.”

Among the lush forests, a young man slightly lifted his head and looked at the distant sky, where a mask was looming, covering the entire mountain range…

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