“Who is that?”

“Is it a cultivator of Sword Territory?”

Many people were shaking and losing their voices. Their eyes were looking straight into the white clothed silhouette in the void. Obviously, just a scene brought them too much vibration. But Li Ming’s sword, he actually caught it by hand?

What makes these people most unbelievable is that the swords in their hands tremble inexplicably, giving a faint sound of sound, and they can feel the excitement of these swords.

“Leader… is that you?”

The scholar’s heart is extremely excited, and the pale face is a little bloody. When I saw the iron sword, there was some speculation in his heart, but he was not sure. After all, when the nightmare came, almost all People have asserted that Su Bai has died in the penalty area.

When I saw this seemingly familiar back, the scholar knew that it was the man who came back.

In the Dojo, many Jianmeng and Sword Territory growers are talking in a low voice, and their eyes are full of inexplicable shocks.

“Good terrifying means… is he the cultivator of your Sword Territory?”

“I don’t know… I thought it was your powerhouse’s powerhouse to support it?”

“Whether he is the cultivation of the party, he saved the Shepherd Senior Brother, which means standing on our side… Maybe there is this powerhouse, we can escape this robbery today.”

Many people are guessing the identity of this white clothed Swordsman, able to resist Li Ming’s sword by hand. Such a Strength is too terrifying. Is this a hidden powerhouse in their power?

Xiao Zheng is also full of doubts. His position in Jianmeng is not low. He has mastered the secrets of many swordsmen, especially the powerhouse of Jianmeng. He knows everything well. He knows very well that this white clothed Swordsman is definitely not Is the cultivation of the sword league the cultivator of Sword Territory?

“As far as I know, there is no such person in Sword Territory… Could it be that the hidden powerhouse of Sword Territory is not?” Xiao Zheng looked at the white clothed silhouette, he saw the white clothed Swordsman and Sword Territory. There should be some relationship. If it is not good, it will have some relationship with the pastoral cliff. Otherwise, it will not be repeated twice to save the pasture.

Suddenly, Xiao Zhen’s eyes jerked, and he noticed a blazing light in the rear of the white clothed silhouette. He shouted out loudly: “Be careful.”

It is a sword, a sword that looks very strange, and the blade is not only narrow and narrow, but also almost transparent.

The most terrifying is that such a sword does not know when it has appeared in the back of Su Bai. The terrifying sword glow suddenly spurts out from it, and if it is slammed by a red wave, it is extremely magnificent. . It instantly appears on the back of Su Bai.

However, just as it was about to fall on Su Bai, a path of the incomparable Sword Intent smashed out of Su Bai’s body, turned into a sword qi storm between the heavens and the earth, and it will be swallowed up at once. The void, directly engulfing those sword glows and swords, in an instant, the sleek sword glows into nothingness, and the sword is broken and broken.

This scene happened too fast, and many people in the room did not respond. When they reacted, the path between the heavens and the earth again set off a path of sound.

Especially those who are cultivators, they are more sensitive than others, who knows who was the previous one, but it was so easily resolved.

Behind Li Ming, a silhouette slowly emerged. This is a figure burly man. It looks very handsome. It is just a special haze. His name is Song Festival. It is Li Ming’s Junior Brother. Among the team, the strength of the top ten can be ranked.

At this time, the face of the Song Festival was a little pale, and the aura was incomprehensible. The previous one sword was his, and the one sword was called the sword.

Among the Xi Tuo, the sword sword technique is classified as a taboo sword technique. Its cultivation condition is extremely demanding. It is not only necessary for the cultivation person to devote the sword to the day and night, but also to integrate his own Soul. danger.

Similarly, the power of this sword is also very terrifying, even if it is the cultivation of King Dao’s 9th Layer, facing such a strange sword technique, it will be degraded slightly, and it will be reduced to Song. Since then, he has killed two King Dao cultivators with this technique.

At this moment, the technique of terrifying the sword is so easily broken by the other party. There are unspeakable vibrations in the Song Festival, and even some fears. Where is this person sacred?

Li Ming’s face is extraordinarily dignified. His eyes stare straight at Su Bai’s sweeping sword qi storm. He can feel the terrifying of the contained Sword Intent. “This is the sword of the sword… As far as I know, among the Sword Territory, only the Langya line is qualified to practice the sword. Who are you?”

“Is the sword of the sword so famous in the Last Sword Territory?”

Su Bai slowly raised his head and looked at Li Ming in front with a little indifference. In the past, if he was a second later, the scholar today would probably die in this person’s hand.

When Su Bai looked up and the overly young face appeared in Li Ming’s line of sight, Li Ming’s eyes jerked hard. Obviously, he did not expect that this mysterious powerhouse with one sword would be so young and most What puzzles him is that he used to look at this face before, but he couldn’t remember where he was seen.

“Sword Territory Langya three big sword techniques, who doesn’t know… No matter who you are, today is coming, you will leave your life.” Li Ming’s eyes changed, and the strength that Su Bai showed before made him jealous.

The most important thing is that with Li Ming’s current Strength, you can’t feel the fluctuation base of Su Bai within the body. There are two possibilities. One is that the latter’s cultivation base is much higher than itself, and the other is that the latter is mastered. There is a very out of the ordinary convergence method. If this time he would bring ten King Dao to come, he would choose to withdraw with his cautious temper.


Just as Li Ming’s voice just fell, he shot again. His within the body, Divine Ability, suddenly made a slap in the face. If he used 90% force before, this time is all the time.

The snowy sword light breaks through nothingness, a path of seemingly slick glow able to move unhindered interlaced, intertwined into a piece of sword net in the void, dazzling, the most terrifying is that there are lines on these sword glows. These sword glows are as heavy as Yue, but when these sword glows are hidden from Su Bai, the void is somewhat distorted, and can not withstand the impact of those forces.

At the same time, the Xi Tuo cultivation behind Li Ming also shot.

Especially those who are King Dao cultivation, as if they are extremely tacit, instant shots.

In addition to Li Ming, there are ten King Dao cultivations.

Ten thick mountain-like sword lights skyrocketed, like running through the clouds, heading for Su Bai slash down.

This scene happened too fast, so that the swordsmen and Sword Territory growers were like a hail, and they all chilled all over the body. They didn’t expect that the King Dao cultivation of Situ would be shot at the same time…

“Leader…” The scholar climbed up from the ground in a difficult way, and his look was very tense. However, the next scene made him feel cold and sweaty…

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