One sword comes from outside the sky, and the ray of light is as blazing as the sun, illuminating the whole piece of heaven.

In the city, those cultivators who were escaping from the battle stopped their steps and looked up at the sword light that came across the sky from the end of the day. The speed of the sword light was too fast, and the sky seemed to be torn apart. The beginning of the collapse, the terrifying pressure was overwhelming, and they couldn’t breathe until they saw the sword light disappearing into their sight, and they just gasped.

“Good terrifying sword… Who shot it?”

Many people are thoughtfully looking at the direction in which the sword light disappears. There is a place where the sword league and the Xituoke Temple are fighting. They guess that the master of this sword light must belong to one of them.

In the void, the scholar figure stopped in vain. He didn’t care for the Vedas cultivators who fled, but looked at the end of the line of sight, where a dazzling sword light broke through and carried terrifying. The power.

This one sword is born to the scholar.

At the moment when the sword light appeared at the end of the world, the scholar noticed that a killing intent locked him.

“quickly retreat …” inside the road, Xiao Zheng looked at the screaming sword light, his face changed suddenly, he felt a terrifying power in that sword light, that power made him all Taboo, even when he is in the state of Peak, he is not sure to resist the power of this one sword, let alone the scholar.

When the voice did not fall, Xiao Zheng’s hands quickly printed, and the magnificent road was like a burning furnace. A path of the sword shadow carrying the blazing flame skyrocketed and screamed toward the sword light.


At this moment, a majestic aura emerged from the sword light, and the original sword light, such as the sun, illuminates the entire sky. At this point, the sword shadow is cracked. It is simply unstoppable.

Even if Xiao Zheng has used the power of the road, he can’t stop this one sword. He can only watch this sword light and send it to the scholar.

When the cultivation people who fled the squadron saw the sword light going toward the scholars, each face showed ecstasy. At this time, the cultivators who belonged to them should be the ones who belong to them. Even some People have already guessed who shot it. “It’s the grown-up who came…”

Both Jianmeng and Sword Territory growers are slamming in their hearts. They naturally noticed the sword light that runs through the sky. The aura that shines on the sword light makes their hearts chill, so terrifying one Sword, they only had seen on those high-ranking kings.

Repression, this is the feeling of the scholar at the moment, especially with the advent of sword light, the void around him has been shackled by the power contained in this sword light.

The scholar is very clear, even if he flees at the moment, he can’t avoid this one sword.

This sword light has locked his body, his speed is fast, and it is faster than this one sword.

Similarly, the scholar also knows that it is difficult to resist this one sword with the cultivation base he just broke through King Dao.

“Nature and heaven…” At this moment of the millennium, the scholar faced this seemingly invincible one sword. He once again sworded out, and the sword rainbow lasing, the Canru Star River, whizzing toward the sword light.


In an instant, Mars splashed, and a deafening sound of resounding picked up in the void.

That sword light finally came to the front of the scholar, welcoming the one sword of the scholar, the power of terrifying was like a flood, and it immediately destroyed the sword rainbow condensed on the one sword of the scholar.

The scholar’s ​​tiger’s mouth was shocked, his right arm was almost numb, and he could not hold the sword in his hand. At the same time, the figure was like a heavy blow to the rear withdrawn.

This sword light has locked the scholar’s figure, follow closely from behind, straight to the scholar’s head, about to pierce his head, everyone is holding their breath, wide-eyed, watching this scene.

Those who are in the eyes of the cultivators are all bloodthirsty. They seem to have seen this sword light through the head of the scholar and the bloody splash, but they did not notice that a path of Sword Intent ripple is around the scholar. Ripple open.

The heavens and the earth seem to be still, and this terrifying sword light has a momentary stagnation in the void. This sudden stagnation is like a straw for the scholars, and his body floats back like a glimpse.


Blood splattered, this one sword, the scholar still did not avoid.

However, this one sword eventually fell on his chest, not the head, but the terrifying power still shattered the bones on his chest, and even the organs were torn, and the body went straight down, 狠The sly smashed into the ruins, and at this time, everyone noticed the true face of the sword light.

It was a sword, scarred terrifying, as if it was soaked in blood all the year round, filled with the suffocating suffocation.

It is such a sword, like a nail, nailing the book to the ground, blood smashed the floor.

The scholar’s ​​pale face was even more bloodless. He looked over the head with difficulty and looked at the end of the heaven and earth. There, a path of silhouette was slowly coming down, at the same time, a thick voice in those The silhouette is ringing from far to near.

“Yes, I can bear Lee’s one sword and not die, not the name of the true biography.”

The vast expanse of pressure is swept away like a storm in this world, and a silhouette emerges slowly in the void.

When the silhouette of this silhouette appeared, all around those who were cultivators, they were very happy, and they all respected and said: “has seen Li Daren.”

“Li Ming…” Inside the Taoist Array, Xiao Zhen looked at the sudden appearance of the emptiness in the void, his eyes sharply shrinking, his corner of the mouth slowly involved a bitter smile, he now knows that sword Who is the owner of the light, Xi Tulu Kedian twelve knights, Li Ming.

In the West Temple, there is no true disciple identity, and the corresponding is the knight.

The 12th Cavaliers of the West Temple, this is the famous existence of the Last Sword Territory, and their names are naturally built with countless lives. When the Xituo Ke Temple only dispatched the twelve knights, it destroyed one. There are hundreds of thousands of cultivators’ sects, and there are quite a few King Dao cultivations among those sects.

“I didn’t expect a city in the border area to make the Xi Tuolu Ke Temple so important…” Xiao Zheng within the body’s blood is almost exhausted, and his aura is rapidly wilting.

“Xiao Zheng Senior is sitting here in this place. I can wait and see. I just didn’t expect to bump into the cultivation of Sword Territory. This is an unexpected surprise… tsk tsk, Sword Territory The head of the true biography, worth a lot of contributions in my Situ Point, today is cheaper.”

This is a man who looks extremely handsome, Fengshen jade, dashing eyebrows star eyes, standing tall and standing in the void gives a feeling of mountain elevation, he indifferently glanced at the scholars below, The right hand slowly lifted up, and the sword originally inserted in the scholar spurred up, as if it was controlled by the man, and then fell against the scholar’s ​​neck…

Xiao Zheng was helpless, he within the body and the blood essence has burned out. Now, with only the support of Will, the last breath, there is no power to stop, can only watch this scene…

At this time, a sly sword light bloomed, illuminating the whole city…

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