For Su Bai, whether it is too wild or Last Sword Territory, it is a foreign land.

But when I set foot on the land again, Su Bai had the feeling of returning to the hometown. The sky here was not as clear as the wilderness, and it looked a bit gray, but it made Su Bai feel clear.

“The resurgence of the spirits… I didn’t expect the Last Sword Territory to change so much in such a short period of time.”

In this world, Su Bai’s cells all over the body are leaping and comfortable, Su Bai looks at the world before him, and soon he is surprised to find that this world is not only the sharp edge of the world. It means that even this piece of grass and wood is like this.

Especially when the mountain winds blow, the trees in the mountains are shaking, and thousands of words of cry cry are heard, which rang through the sky.

“Is this all caused by the Sword Dao baptism? Do those people really want to return?”

Su Bai whispered softly, his eyes slightly lightly closed, listening to the sound of the word cry between the world, the extra peace of mind.

At the same time, the space vortex behind Su Bai is rapidly expanding, and a path of silhouette is like a river squid.

When stepping into this world, with many cultivation people including Jiang Wei, the brows are all wrinkled, I don’t know why, standing in this world, they have the feeling of being on the back, as if there are countless The invisible sword is pointing finger toward them, especially when they look up and look at the sky above.

Very depressed, this is the first feeling of Jiang Wei and others.

“The rules between the heavens and the earth have changed. The difference is too wild. We are not Sword Dao cultivation. Here, Strength is more or less suppressed.” Cold Yan looked at the rolling hills in the distance. In his eyes, the towering peaks are more like a sword standing between the heavens and the earth, revealing the sharp edge of the bones. Every time he comes to the Last Sword Territory, he is touched by the inexplicable repression. Of course, this repression is not from the mountains in front, but from this world.

“The Spiritual Qi here is so rich, almost no less than a wasteland.”

“The resurgence of the pulse, I did not expect it to be true. Once the change of Last Sword Territory reaches Dong Xuan, it will definitely become the existence of Shannon.”

Many people are amazed and unbelievably looking at the world. In their impression, Last Sword Territory is a land of barbarism, where Spiritual Qi is weak and almost exhausted.


The sharp wind broke, and it was almost half an hour until the last Guardian cultivator appeared in this world.

Jiang Wei came forward and respected Su Bai: “On the king, the guards have come.”

“Good.” Su Bai’s eyes slowly opened and looked at Sun Dust: “Is the route to the Wu Zhou Imperial Court already worked out?”

“Just rest assured that the line was developed yesterday. We are now located in the giant state of Last Sword Territory. This place is far from the Wu Zhou Imperial Court, but at the speed of the warship, it is not a problem to arrive within ten days.” Going forward, with his formerly dispersed identity, there was no chance to get in touch with the warship. Now that he has the opportunity, he has not cultivated this cultivation during this time. He is basically studying this warship, which is inscribed on it. The road that came out was a great harvest. Of course, the control of this warship is far more than Jiang Wei and others. After all, he is a famous Taoist.

“Juju State?” Su Bai is not familiar with the Last Sword Territory. The only thing that can be remembered is the Langya state. “Well, then set off.”

A huge and incomparable warship blazed a blazing light. Under the control of Sun Chen, the speed of this warship was almost at its best, as if the comet had passed through the sky and plunged toward the end of the sky.

The magnificent mountain river and the sacred city phantom flashed in Su Bai’s sight. He didn’t know that the arrival of these people had already caused a big wave in the giant state, especially the city where the warship passed, and countless cultivations were stunned. Looking at the warship that disappeared at the end, there are some King Dao cultivation.

“What is that, terrifying aura, just feel that the whole Soul is going to fly away…”

A Dao Foundation cultivation person was pale, and he and his old friend were drinking alcohol, but just now, a terrifying incomparable aura rushed out in this void, and he was almost breathless. He rushed out and saw it, and saw a blazing ray of light smashing through the void.

“I had seen a Sovereign Dao cultivation who had seen the Wu Zhou Imperial Court. The aura of the cultivator was not terrifying. What exactly is that aura?” Compared to ordinary cultivators, some King Dao cultivators The heart is even more shocked, their Strength is stronger, but when they face that aura, they have a feeling of being as small as an ant.

You know, in the Last Sword Territory, King Dao is already a level of a state powerhouse.

Such a scene, which has been staged in the giant state, has alarmed countless forces in the giant state.

Among these forces, many King Dao cultivations want to find out, when the warships passed, they rushed out and chased the ship, but as a result, their discoveries were only The blink of an eye, they can not sense the existence of the warship, the speed, so shocked these people.

“Sword Intent …” stood on the battleship, Su Bai whispered softly, and this way, he also felt aura of many cultivators, although those aura were weak for him, but he was in those people I feel the aura of Sword Intent.

In the past, Sword Intent was extremely difficult to comprehend. Anyone who can understand Sword Intent is not Sword Dao genius.

But now, Sword Intent seems to be a bad street in the Last Sword Territory.

“Is this all the changes because of Sword Dao’s baptism?” Su Bai looked up at the sky, and he couldn’t help but see the yellow rain in the sky.

“Jun, we have left Juzhou, and the front is the border of Ziweizhou.” Sun Chen came forward, his face was pale, and the manipulation of the warship for several days was a huge test for him.

“Ziweizhou?” Su Bai couldn’t help but reveal a color of remembrance. He used to come to Ziweizhou. At the beginning, he originally wanted to use the roads in Ziweijian League City to go to other domains. His identity was exposed in the middle, and he fled to the restricted area. “This should be the site of the Jianmeng.”

Sun dust nodded. He knew about the power of Last Sword Territory. After all, he had collected the intelligence of these forces. The site of these forces was naturally clear. “Well, it is the site of Jianmeng, the sword league as the Last Sword Territory. One of the five major forces, there should be a road to other states, do we want to go to the road?”

“Let’s go? This is really a good idea…” Hearing this, Su Bai nodded. If you use the Dominion of the Jianmeng, you can save a lot of time. “Go to Jianmeng, Ziwei Jianmeng City…”

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