This familiar voice fell in Jiang Wei’s ear as much as the blue sky. Jiang Wei’s look was first startled, then the eyelids jerked, and the incredible color surged. He turned his head and looked at the silhouette next to him. Although the latter hit the black robe, the face is covered by a mask, but he still recognizes it at a glance, on the king!

This sudden sound also caught the attention of Xu Fan and others. Their looks were a little surprised and looked at the silhouette next to Jiang Wei. Both the sound and the back gave them a familiar feeling.

When everyone was horrified, the old man was also looking at the scene in amazement. He had blocked the temple with a horde of war, and the latter could break through the road, even he could not even detect it. But when he stared at the silhouette, he had a smile on his face and said, “hehe, even Sovereign Dao is not afraid to break in…”

Slowly looking up, Su Bai first looked at the old man, who did not hide his cultivation base fluctuations, and the majestic aura swept like a storm, giving a very strong sense of opression.

“Sovereign Dao 9th Layer …”

Su Bai’s eyes are slightly congested, and he looks at the surrounding roads. The roads are blazing and blazing, and the lines of the mysterious lines are outlined. Each line contains extremely terrifying energy. His accomplishments on the road are not low. Only a few eyes, he can see that the level of this road is the Ninth Grade.

“He is the cultivator of the Daomen?” Su Bai looked at the Vermillion Bird phantom and the fire feathers hovering around in the void, and asked him sideways.

“Well… He used to say that he was sect to come to the blood to wash the bloody city.” Jiang Wei nodded, he did not call Su Bai’s identity, he saw it, Su Bai so pretending that presumably does not want to expose his identity.

Hear this, Su Bai’s eyes are slightly cold, and his life as the owner of the blood shortage is not a secret, but knowing that the bloody city is his power, the door also sent people to come, apparently directed at him.

See Su Bai and Jiang Wei, if there is no one talking, old man coldly smiled, he is not interested in listening to these people nonsense, his hands are printed again, Vermillion Bird phantom wings, fires and sprinkles, roads are densely covered, glittering dazzling The brilliance and the incomparable pressure suddenly came to the fore. The Vermillion Bird phantom carried the sky and the fire feathers swooped down to Su Bai.

The flame Vermillion Bird zoomed in quickly on Su Bai’s eyes, and he could detect the terrifying energy of the Vermillion Bird phantom and the fire feather, but in the face of such a terrifying offensive, there was no panic on his face. His move towards Vermillion Bird phantom walked in the direction of the dive, then his right hand raised, and in a flash, a cold sword light broke through.


In an instant, the whole temple seems to be transformed into a sea of ​​swords. Sword Intent able to move unhindered everywhere. The white sword’s sword qi is like a heavy rain, colliding with those fire feathers, and bursting into a roar.

Old man slammed his eyes, and he watched the sudden light of the sword light falling on the Vermillion Bird phantom. The blazing flame quickly swallowed the sword light, and his heart burst into a strong uneasiness. At this time, a fierce pain ruptured from his heart, and his face changed dramatically. He suddenly found that there was an endless Sword Intent in his heart, like a flood. Haotian, the hole penetrated his heart, and in an instant, his heart was already wearing a hundred holes.

“It’s that sword technique…” old man clasped his chest with his hands, and the true element of the body gathered toward his heart. It was so majestic that it immediately suppressed the Sword Intent that was opened. But the heart is still broken, and the vitality of the body is rapidly losing. His line of sight is gradually blurred. The eyes are straight and look at the silhouette not far away. “It is you… How dare you… come…”


The cold word cry echoes in every corner of the temple, a path of Sword Intent from the old man within the body, the old man’s body is torn apart, flesh and blood are flying, Senbai’s bones are faint, can be lost Full of land.


At the same time, Su Bai re-swords, the blazing sword light swept away in all directions, slash down in the surrounding road, this track system has stopped running after losing the control of the old man, power ten There is no one, and it can withstand the offensive of Su Bai. Soon, the cohesive and dynasty roads collapsed, the roads became nothing, and the road collapsed and turned into a Spiritual Qi storm.

Jiang Wei and others are all stunned. It is obvious that they haven’t returned to God until the rich bloody smell is coming. Jiang Wei and others have reacted. Everyone is shocked and looks at the land. Minced meat and white bones.

“Dead?” Jiang Wei whispered in his mouth. He looked at Su Bai with great enthusiasm and hurriedly bowed his way: “has seen Jun.”

Xu Fan and others also bowed and said: “has seen Jun.”

“Get up! The movement here has already alarmed the Guards. You should go out and deal with it. Remember, the news that I appeared in the bloody city can’t be leaked out.” Su Bai looked up to the temple, where it was sharp. At the same time, a path of silhouette is sweeping over the palace.

“Yes!” Jiang Wei and others answered, and got up and walked quickly outside the hall.


A moment later, in a quiet partial hall, Su Bai sat in the first seat, sitting on the left and right sides of him, Sun Dust, Leng Yan, Jiang Wei, Xu Fan and others.

Jiang Wei, Xu Fan and others are all face-to-face. After all, this time it is directly in front of people to see them. Only if Su Bai appears in time, they may have died in the old man’s hand. Therefore, just sitting down, Jiang Wei and others have pleaded guilty to Su Bai.

“This is no stranger to you. After all, the cultivation base of the other party is much higher than you. It is very easy to avoid your perception.” Su Bai said with a word of comfort, then he asked about the situation of the guards now. Knowing that the Guards now have 19 Sovereign Dao cultivations, their minds are slightly shocked. He remembers clearly that when he left the Blood Desert City, there were only four commanders in the Sovereign Dao.

“This is a lot of cultivation resources that have been rewarded by the king. If there is no royal demon, they will not enter the Sovereign Dao environment so quickly…” Xu Fan lightly said with a smile, this time, many people It is all about the cultivation in the dead, in order to reach King Dao’s Peak as soon as possible, thus the reward of the royal king, so far, five people have already broken through to King Dao.

Knowing the overall situation of the Guards and the Army, Su Bai is looking forward to the next trip to Last Sword Territory.

“Give you two days to prepare, follow me to the Last Sword Territory…” Su Bai indulged for a moment and finally said the purpose of the trip.

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