Inside the imposing palace, the shepherd looked at Su Bai with amazement and said: “You want to go to Last Sword Territory?”

“Yeah.” Su Bai didn’t turn around and directly informed him. At the same time, he didn’t hide his true identity. He knew that if he wanted to leave the capital safely, he would have to rely on the power of the sect.

After all, now there are countless eyes, but there are countless pairs of eyes staring at it. Anyone who is tempted by the wind will not be able to see the people. Once he leaves the imperial capital, there is no scruples about those forces who want to put him to death.

“I was still confused at the beginning. Sword Dao cultivation has been eliminated in the wilderness. You have cultivated Sword Dao. You are from Last Sword Territory…” The face of the priest showed a faint color. For the identity of Su Bai, they said Zong has also investigated, even if Su Bai claims to be a loose repair, but it should be traceable, but the result is that they did not find any information about Su Bai, the only thing that can be related to him is Xu.

“At first it was just a nonsense, and I was too lazy to explain it.”

Su Bai embarrassingly smiled, when he said that he had glanced at the emperor. After all, he deliberately concealed his true identity for so long. Anyone in his heart would feel a little uncomfortable. Especially after he joined the Entering Dao sect, the Taoist sect waited for him. Not thin.

“Little fellow, this time it is not this anecdote, you are not telling me your true identity in this life.” For Su Bai deliberately concealing identity, she is not angry, for him, as long as Su Bai It’s enough that the discriminator’s disciples are enough. Just thinking about Su Bai’s intentions this time, he has some headaches and sighs and said: “What is the situation now, you should be clear, can’t you go?”

“I must not go.” Su Bai nodded, and his firm eyes showed his determination.

“It seems that the little girl is very important to you.” The priest welcomed Su Bai’s gaze. His time of contact with Su Bai was not short. He also had some understanding of the latter’s temper. Once Su Bai made the decision, It’s useless to persuade yourself.

“It’s very important, so I can’t let her suffer a little bit of grievance.”

Su Bai’s mind could not help but reveal a moving shadow. He knows how much Cang Yue hates the Wumeng who abandoned her. She also knows that she has always been a subject who has not been wronged, but she has gone. The Wu Zhou Imperial Court, which she regarded as filthy, was as arrogant as a puppet, in exchange for a shot by Shangguan Yuer, and he was relieved.

Su Bai looked at Su Bai with a firm face, and the only remaining hesitation in his heart disappeared at this moment. He sighed softly: “But… For your brat, I can only pull this old face and ask for it. White Emperor once, in the current situation, it is absolutely impossible for you to leave the emperor quietly and without interest… The only chance is to rely on the power of the ancient dynasty.”

“Many thanks Shizu!” Su Bai naturally knows the current situation. Once he leaves the city, those who regard him as prey are no longer afraid.

“Small fellow, what do you have to do at that time? Killing a single lover in a single shot?”

Shepherd is not very familiar with the situation of Last Sword Territory. In his impression, Last Sword Territory Spiritual Qi is extremely scarce. It has not appeared Emperor Dao cultivation for thousands of years, even Sovereign Dao is one of the few .

Su Bai shook his head, said solemnly: “Shizu still remembered that the discipline had conquered a force during the Hundred Sects war, called the Blood Desert City. I went here and I intend to bring those cultivations.”

After all, the Xi Tuolu Ke Dian and the Wu Zhou Huang Ting have a long history. As the overlord of the Last Sword Territory, the Sovereign Dao is bound to be more than the Wumeng and the Vatican Lord. At the same time, the Last Sword Territory is changing, the cultivation of these two forces Those who have experienced the Sword Dao baptism, coupled with the resurgence of the spirit, have produced a lot of Sovereign Dao in the past two years.

Su Bai thought about it, although his current Strength is not afraid of the West Tuo Ke Temple and the Wu Zhou Royal Court, and even to some extent can compete with these two forces, but for unnecessary variables, he decided to bring The garrison of the bloody city.

Today, there are also a few followers of his Sovereign Dao, and there are also defensive forces. If it is placed in a wasteland, the Guards of the Fourth Army is not really an elite army, but it must be with the King of the Wu Zhou Emperor. When riding, it is simply crushing.

“Little fellow, don’t forget your identity now…” Mudi said.

Hear this, Su Bai is startled, and immediately responds, “Shizu said that I can use the power of sect?”

“Well, don’t forget your current identity, but the Palace Lord, one of the four halls of the Daoist Temple, plus your contribution to the sect, except for those who are too elder, you can Feel free to move.” Pastor nodded, the Taoist sect has regarded Su Bai as the future of sect, and the matter of Su Bai is naturally exceptional.

Hear this, Su Bai is very excited. I still know about the strength of the Taoist sect. If you don’t talk about the Emperor Dao powerhouse, there are no fewer than hundreds of Sovereign Dao cultivations, let alone King Dao. The most important thing about the growers is that these people are all Taoist.

Moreover, this is only the Strength of the Taoist sect.

“There is a road in the Emperor’s City, which can lead to various states in the wilderness. However, if you want to open that, you will need a lot of authority. After a while, I will take you to the Emperor City and ask the White Emperor to open the road. Array, you leave the city of Heavenly Emperor through the road, and I will disclose the next time, you will stay in the cultivation of the Emperor’s City until the opening of the East Xuan War.” The Emperor has a dim sum, he and Bai Di It’s old knowledge, but if you want Baidi to help you, you have to pay some price. Think about your long-lived liquid, and the animal husbandry has the feeling of blood.

Su Bai is grateful that he had heard from the pastor that the ancient dynasty imperialism in the nine emperors was usually not open to other forces, even the Emperor Dao cultivation did not have this qualification. Now, if the Emperor wants to let Baidi help this, he must pay a great price.

However, Su Bai is not ruthless, and everything that the Emperor has done for him, he keeps in mind, he has always been the fountain of the dripping water.

Next, Su Bai informed the pastor of Last Sword Territory’s recent changes in the past two years.

When it was learned that the Last Sword Territory had changed in the heavens and the earth, and the spirits recovered, the eyes of the priests showed a sense of moving, and his cultivation had not encountered such a situation for so many years.

What shocked the pastor most was that the rules of heaven and earth in the Last Sword Territory would suppress the cultivators above the Emperor Dao.

“The resurgence of the spirits, where the form of the formerly cultivation will be revived, and there will be places where the various forces will compete…”

The priest can think of it, and once such news spreads among Dong Xuan, it will cause much vibration.

“Let’s go! Call your two followers and go to the Emperor’s City.” Gradually calming the inner vibration, the Emperor looked at Su Bai, who could not wait, and took the lead out of the palace…

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