Looking at the sword light that disappeared at the end of the line of sight, Su Bai showed some helplessness on his face. He knew that the iron sword discovered the existence of Lei Jing. If he changed it before, he would be delighted, but now he can only watch it. Watching the iron sword eat a single food.

“The Thunder energy here is terrifying, and the Thunder is condensed… the grade must be very high…”

Su Bai said that Xu Xie said that the lowest level of Lei Jing in the 9th Layer is seven products, most of them are eight products, and Ninth Grade is rarely seen. It has appeared twice since the development of the thunder pool. .

Slowly vomiting, Su Bai took out a piece of Jiuzhen Xuedan swallowed into the abdomen, abandoning the distracting thoughts in his heart, and the cultivation of the heart, the thunder here is terrifying, but the gentle fleshly body works very well, thanks to the effect of medicine pill With Su Bai’s current fleshly body, it is still able to withstand the tempering of these thunders in a short time.


The ray of light shone again on the stone platform, the white beam smashed through the sky, and the white ones looked like a silver river falling from Nine Heavens. It was so loud that it fell on Su Bai and only saw his skin. The surface directly cracked the blood traces of countless deep visible bones, blood dripping, and in an instant, Su Bai became a blood man.

Su Bai is not slow or slow, directly igniting the energy tempering fleshly body in these thunders. At the same time, the sacred Blood Qi, which is filled in the heavens and the earth, screams wildly toward his fleshly body, transforming into a majestic blood essence energy. In his limbs, after Su Bai refining, these blood essences are quickly incorporated into Su Bai’s flesh and blood. Su Bai can clearly feel the renewed flesh and blood. More vigorous.

At the same time, Jiuzhen Xuedan’s vital energy, nourish his fleshly body.

After gradually adapting to these white thunders, Su Bai began to practice Samsara Inextinguishable Sword Body Divine Ability.

Once I was born and cooked again, I had the experience of being a Jianjian. Su Bai took a lot of detours when I practiced the second sword. But the cultivation speed is still not as good as before. After all, there is no Lei Jing, even if it is between the heavens and the earth. The demon St. Blood Qi is a lot richer, and for him it is still a drop in the bucket.

This cultivation is another few days.

Until a moment, Su Bai slammed his eyes open. At this time, the stone platform under him was shaking violently. He quickly got up and looked at the world in front of him in amazement. He saw the whole world swaying, as if It is necessary to collapse, and the Thunder, which was whizzing between the heavens and the earth, has become more violent, and countless storms have been swept across the world.

A repressed aura shrouded Su Bai’s mind, and in his perception, the world seemed to be cracking.

At the same time, on the sky above a mountain, an elderly silhouette sat quietly, the old clothes were moving in the wind, the old man was originally closed his eyes, but at this moment, his eyes jerked open. The expression suddenly dignified, “What happened? It was only a hundred years since the last thunder, how come this time so fast…”

The hands are quickly printed, and the old people are in vain with the lines of the sky. These lines are connected in one piece, like a net, and shrouded toward the sky in front of him. At the same time, the old man started talking: “The thunder is coming, the speed is the same.” Quickly exit the thunder pool…”


The voice of the old man seems to be turned into a natural sound, echoing in the 9th Layer of the Thunder Pool.

Both Su Bai, who is in the 9th Layer day, and Mu Yang, who was in the seventh day, heard this.

“Lei Bing…” Mu Yang’s face changed greatly, as if he heard something extremely terrifying, his breathing gradually became more and more urgent. “Come away… evacuate the thunder pool…”

On the stone platform, the mysterious people who were originally cultivation were also alarmed by this voice. Each of them was dignified and quickly got up. After Muyang, he withdrew from the seventh heaven.

“Is that just the voice of the guardian?” asked the tears of the tears.

“Well… I didn’t expect that we were so bad luck this time, the Thunderstorm, which was difficult to see in the millennium, actually let us bump into it. This time, the Leichi cultivation can only be today…”

Muyang’s body is full of majestic real elements. The whole body is filled with Wang’s general terrifying fluctuations. He holds a simple style of long spear, shoots Roaming Dragon, shoots a few miles of guns, and is accompanied by deafening Tianyin, tearing a road in front of the thunder sea.

“Come on…” Muyang figure became a shoot of long rainbow. He kept shooting and split the thunder sea with powerful means.

It’s like a storm coming, a repression that envelopes the hearts of everyone, no one is opening any more, and they are all rushing.

At the same time, in the 9th Layer day, the voice of the old man swept away under the sky.

“Lei Bunk…” Su Bai looked at the Leihai in front, and looked extraordinarily dignified. When he was chatting, he remembered Xuanqian. The Leichi evolved from the body of the demon saint. The space is unstable and from time to time. There will be signs of collapse. Later, the powerhouse of the ancient imperial dynasty, the number of heavy bans in the Leichi, to maintain the stability of the mine pool, but only for a period of time.

“Lee Collapse…usually starting from the 9th Layer day…”

Su Bai has gradually felt that the surrounding voids have become extremely unstable, especially as the thunder turns into storms, a path of small space cracks looming, very quickly, this 9th Layer space is It is going to collapse.

“This place can’t be treated.” Su Bai tried to sense the existence of the iron sword, but the Thunder here was too violent, completely blocking his perception. After trying to fail, he immediately made a decision to evacuate the 9th Layer. .


Stilt’s sword cry sounded loudly, and a dazzling sword light burst out from the thunder sea in front, blazing fiercely, overwhelming the thunder light of the sky, rushing toward Su Bai.

“Call…” See that sword light, Su Bai was dark relaxed, and reached out to the sword light to catch the past, and did not have time to look carefully, the figure has already rushed to the entrance of the eighth heaven.



Just after Su Bai left the 9th Layer, the entire 9th Layer sky began to collapse, turbulent, and numerous spaces turbulent, and the Thunder turned into a storm, until the end, the whole piece of thunder The sea is turned into a storm, engulfing the stone platform that was originally suspended between the heavens and the earth. The lines on the stone platforms are blooming and radiant, resisting the impact of these storms and turbulent flows, but only a few times of time, these stones The platform has been cracking.

For all of this, Su Bai naturally didn’t know. As soon as he returned to the eighth day, Su Bai noticed that the opression between the heavens and the earth was suddenly a lot smaller. He didn’t dare to stop, and quickly rushed to the seventh heaven. Sword Intent turned into a storm and swept through him, tearing the thunder in front of him. At the same time, the Swordless Instant was constantly applied to increase the speed to the limit.

Looking far away, in the vast Leihai, a sword light flashed.

Half a day later, at the entrance to the Thunder Pool, a path of space ripple spread quickly and spread. The figure of the entire group of Muyang slowly emerged. Everything was incomparable, and a thunder pool, whether it was Muyang or Xuanbitu, etc. Both are released like negative release.

“I finally came out… I almost thought that I was going to die inside…”

“Well, fortunately, there is Muyang Senior to open the way for me. Otherwise, with our Strength, if you want to come out, how can you get a day…” Many people are very fortunate, thankful that Muyang is accompanying this time, otherwise They are less fierce this time.

“Senior, people are already out.” Mu Yang was slightly relaxed, and he was rude to the old people not far away.

The old man indifferently said: “There is one more person.”

Mu Yang naturally knows who the old man said, and quickly said: “Senior is referring to the youngster who walked with me. In the past few days, he has already lost his life in the thunder.”

“He didn’t die, he came out soon.” The old man said, his voice has not fallen, he has closed his eyes…

“What…” Everyone’s face changed.

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