
A silhouette like a Thunder across the sky, swooping down to the bottom, the bang slammed on the platform, the entire platform was gently shaken, and then a terrifying aura burst out in vain, like a storm raging between the heavens and the earth.

“The ancient emperor is cold, please enlighten me!” This is a very pale man, his body is very weak, as if a breeze can blow it down, but it is such a thin silhouette, within the body diffuse Aura is earth-shattering, so many cultivations present feel scared witless.

“Fang Han? Actually it is him, no wonder he looks a little bit like he looks…”

“When did he turn to the ancient dynasty, not that when the Shura Temple was destroyed, he was already dead.”

When the man said his name, many of the cultivation people were slightly changed in appearance. Obviously, the identity of the man is no stranger. They are very surprised.

“Yu Wenshishu, do you know this person?” Su Bai asked casually.

Yu Wenfan nodded and said slowly: “Well, I know a little bit, Fang Han, it is called the most outstanding discipline of Shura Temple for thousands of years, but with the destruction of Shura Temple two hundred years ago, this person disappeared. Some people say that he died in the battle of the door.”

“The Temple of Shura…”

Su Bai had seen the information of this sect in the Taoist sect. The Shura Temple was one of the top sects in the wilderness, but it was later destroyed by other domains.

The man named Su Yuan looked at Fang Han with a faint look, and said with a smile: “I have a sick scorpion, are you no one in the ancient dynasty?”

“Do not talk nonsense, just go against it!” The young man, calmly calmly said, this time his gray hair became extremely scarlet, like blood-staining, the suffocating suffocating madness in his body He is like a Shura returned from hell.

This sudden change naturally attracted the attention of everyone present. Before they reacted, Fang Han had already shot, and the whole person turned into a bloody light. His hands were hot like a sun, and the moment had already reached the front of Su Yuan. The fists are banging out, the world is unparalleled, and the whole world is shaking with violentness.

“It’s just right…”

Su Yuan’s mouth smiled. He originally walked the way of refining the body. The fleshly body was powerful and powerful. In the face of the former’s offensive, he did not fear it. He also slammed the battle with a sniper of thousands of miles. Hehe, shake this world.




The earth-shattering roar madly picked up, the two played too fast, and looked far away like two rays of light continually colliding on the battle table, each time there are more than a hundred cross-talks, terrifying The energy storm continued to rise, and everyone watching was dazzled and his heart was shaking.

There was hardly any temptation. The two men played with their full strength. The man named Fang Han pinched the terrifying fist. He had used the Bloodline Divine Ability, just like Shura’s coming, every time he waved. There is a shadow of Shura, as if his place has turned into a Senlu hell.

The people present can feel it, and the power of Fang Han with the body is skyrocketing at a terrifying speed, especially when he throws a punch, with the body power, he gains a point, until the end, he within the The power fluctuation of the body is enough to rival the existence of the Sovereign Dao 9th Layer.

“Give me death!”

The cold sound shouted, his body disappeared like a ghost on the battle platform, and the next moment appeared on the top of the battle platform. He looked down at the Su Yuan below, and once again squeezed a fist with one hand and swooped away. The divine glow that drags out like a comet across the sky is very terrifying.

When the fists were not there, Su Yuan felt a force that could make the sky break, and the void around him made a sound of huā lā lā, as if it was to be broken, his eyes narrowed and stared at the silhouette of the dive. He knows that the latter has used the strongest means, and the strength contained in that punch makes him feel guilty.

However, he did not panic, and one-handedly produced a printing method. The body that was originally filled with light was suddenly like a burning furnace. The incomparable Blood Qi rose from the sky, and instantly, around his body. The nine ancient phantoms quickly condensed out, and the snake’s first tortoise, like the ancient Black Turtle, was reborn in the world. The huge body is like the pillar of the sky, standing between the heavens and the earth.


The square of the cold is coming, the terrifying fists are like a sun, and they are slamming on one of the Black Turtle phantoms, bursting with endless light, all directions are drowned, a path of visible cracks in the two The void is spreading, and the entire platform is shaking.

Most of the cultivations in the field were holding their breath, staring at this scene. Finally, they saw that the original aura was in a strong period of the cold, but the figure was flying out, and the pale face was getting more and more at this moment. Without blood, he left the zhang or so to stop the figure.

At this moment, the battle between the two has been divided.

“Is it still? Your Excellency’s Divine Ability is out of the ordinary. It can soar in so much time in such a short period of time. It is a pity that I met you. Your strongest punch can’t break my Divine. Ability, if you hit it again, it doesn’t make much sense.” Su Yuan’s face is cold and the incomparable Blood Qi runs through him from the body. He stands in the center of the nine Black Turtle phantom, aura It has been powerful many times before.

Hear this, Fang Han’s face showed helplessness. He looked at Ye Zhiqiu at the top and saw the latter nod. He was only started. “I admit defeat.”

The barely fell, Fang Han figure, once again, rose from the sky, left the battle platform, looked at the emperor and other people, said: “I am sorry, I am careless.”

“Nothing, just one game, you can win it.” Luo Qingshuang lightly smiled, but its beauty is gazing at the square below, whispered: “If you want to defeat this person, you have to break his layer. Turtle shell.”

At the same time, when Fang Han admit defeat, the smile on Xu Weiming’s face became more and more brilliant on the blue platform. He was very pleased to see Su Yuan above the ring, and immediately directed at the ancient emperor with a smile: “Elder brother, confess.”

The ancient emperor looked at Su Yuan and fainted with a smile: “It’s just getting started, but your Divine Ability is really good. It’s no wonder that the ability is invincible.”

“haha…this is the Divine Ability of the formerly Black Turtle, the Black Turtle door passed down from Black Turtle, and it has only been awake for tens of thousands of years to be such a good seed, brother, to be honest, if you simply discuss the cultivation base, you are ancient There should be a lot better among the descendants of the imperial group, but if they want to fight, those people may not be able to break the Divine Ability of Su Yuan, who is brat.” Xu Weiming indifferently said.

“Black Turtle’s Divine Ability natural formidable … just watching brat can master a few points.” The ancient emperor was not in a hurry, he looked at Ye Zhiqiu, the latter hearted, immediately arranged the next player, the battle It is a Taoist cultivation, called Luo Jin, cultivation base about Sovereign Dao is about eight weights, which is considered to be an excellent existence among the people of the Emperor Yan.

Luo Jinyi shot, it is the road of the sky, with the power of the road, his explosive power is no less than the existence of Peak in Sovereign Dao, but let Ye Zhiqiu disappoint, even so, Luo Jin still can not break the Soviet Union Divine Ability of Yuan.

Nine Black Turtle phantoms are connected together end-to-end, just like the pillars of the sky. They can’t be shaken, and they can’t be moved by the road. They finally seize the opportunity to take a strong shot and defeat Luo Jin.

In the second game, the ancient emperor was defeated again!

“A good terrifying road, even if it is more than the Emperor Dao cultivation of the Daomen and Taoist sects, I didn’t expect the ancient dynasty to have such a genius.”

“Unfortunately, he met Su Yuan, the strongest defense under Emperor Dao, and it is worthy of the name. It is no wonder that he can become the first in the Qianlong list. If no one can break his Divine Ability, then he is in today. invincible position.”

In the presence of the sect cultivation, the sighs were sighed, and the Strength displayed by Su Yuan was shocked.

“The situation of the ancient dynasty emperor is somewhat uncomfortable Ah!” Yu Wenfan whispered.

“Yeah.” Su Bai nodded slightly, his eyes with a little dignity on the Su Yuan above the platform. Since the cultivation has come, he has also seen a lot of Divine Ability, but those Divine Ability terrifying is completely inferior to this person. of.

Su Bai turned his eyes and looked at the other party’s Emperor Yan and others, whispering: “I don’t know how the ancient dynasty will cope, then the people they send should be cautious. Otherwise, they can’t break that Divine Ability. The defeat is still the ancient imperial dynasty.”

“En!” Yu Wenfan is also very curious, how the ancient imperial emperor will deal with this situation.

At this moment, Su Bai seemed to be aware of it, and suddenly looked at the battlefield in the blue, where Ye Zhiqiu was watching him, revealing the color of contemplation, a bad hunch in his heart. Out, “This fellow will not be a person who wants me to play!”

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