Su Bai also turned to look at the past, I saw the end of the white jade square, a few light and shadow quickly emerged, followed by a hearty laughter is resounding: “Elder brother, you ancient emperor The hospitality is still a little bit different. I am waiting for a long time, but you are good, just let me wait aside.”

At the same time, a terrifying incomparable pressure is also sweeping over, making the entire white jade square extremely oppressive.

In the face of this pressure, Rao is Emperor Dao cultivation people are trembled, extraordinary sanctification…

At this moment, many people in the cultivation of King Dao are directly on the ground, unable to bear the impact of this pressure, their faces are all changed, obviously did not think that some people dare to be in front of the ancient emperor Impudent.

You must know that this is the Chaotian Temple, one of the important places of the ancient dynasty.

The light and shadow dissipated, dozens of silhouettes came in, headed by a Tsing Yi man, his body is not burly, and even a little thin, but the diffuse and open Shenghui is as bright as the day, dazzling, far Looking over, it was like a round of the next day.

And that terrifying is extremely powerful, it is from this Tsing Yi man.

There are dozens of silhouettes behind the man in Tsing Yi, and the aura that emerged from the silhouette are quite terrifying, especially the two people behind the Tsing Yi man. The aura that is revealed by the two people, although there is no Tsing Yi man. Terrifying, but also terrifying more than the presence of many Emperor Dao cultivations.

Among them, on the left side of the Tsing Yi man is an old man dressed in a black robe. The loose black robe wraps his body tightly, revealing only half of his face. The face has a path of ancient The curse of the manifestation is very out of the ordinary.

On the right side of the Tsing Yi man is a middle-aged man. Compared to the Tsing Yi man and the old man, his figure is very burly, and it is as untouchable as a mountain. His scorpion has a strange mountain phantom surging, his pace. Very heavy, every time you take a step, the entire white jade square is slightly shocked.

When the prevailing powers of these people gathered together, such as the floods and dykes, they shrouded toward the crowd. Most of the people suddenly became mad, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe. The eyes looked suspiciously. these people.

On the blue battle platform, above the first seat, the ancient emperor looked calmly at this group of uninvited guests. There was no anger at his face. Instead, he was lightly smiled: “When you come here, I will try my best to entertain you.” The people are not good, and I am able to entertain the guests with the privilege of the ancients.”

With the sound of the ancient emperor’s voice landing, and he did not see the slightest move, the moment was to dispel the terrifying pressure from the Tsing Yi men.

The face of Tsing Yi’s man also has a smile. Immediately, he said with a smile: “hehe … brother, you and I have known each other for hundreds of years. Although we talked about the friendship, but it is also a friend, I come to visit old friends, how can it be Is it bad?”

“You Xu Weiming, I don’t know what kind of temper, I don’t know how to live early. You have come to Tiandi from the Tianyuan domain. I am afraid it is not just a simple visit.”

The ancient Emperor’s eyes underestimated the silhouette of the man after the Tsing Yi, and finally looked at the Tsing Yi man, faint with a smile: “These people are the ones who selected you to participate in the East Xuan domain battle?”

The man in Tsing Yi nodded slightly and asked casually: “Well, I don’t know if I can enter the eyes of the emperor.”

Tianyuan domain!

Su Bai’s eyes slammed fiercely. This is a domain in the 16th century of Dongxuan. It is far away from the wilderness. It can be said that the wasteland is located in the western part of Dongxuan, and the Tianyuan domain is located in the northern part of the wilderness. Of course, this is not the place that Su Bai pays attention to, and what caught his attention is the words of the ancient emperor.

Almost at the moment when the words of the Tsing Yi man had just been said, the cultivators of Hundred Sects, even the eyes of the ancients and the nine emperors, all looked at the men behind Tsing Yi.

Behind the Tsing Yi men, in addition to the two unfathomable Emperor Dao cultivations of Strength, there are some younger cultivation people whose cultivation base fluctuations are very strong, the most noticeable of which is A young man, he looks like he is about twenty years old. If he is a star, he is white clothed, his skin is not stained, his face is not nearly true, and he stands quietly behind the man in Tsing Yi.

It was such a man. When the eyes of the Emperor Dao cultivation were on him, the eyes were slightly shrunk and they could feel it. The latter did not break the shackles and promoted to Emperor Dao. But they brought a little pressure on them, which they had never felt before in the Sovereign Dao cultivation.

“Sovereign Dao Extreme?” The emperor brows slightly wrinkle, he wanted to explore the man’s real cultivation base, but was blocked by the power of an incomparably overbearing, the strength from the front of the Tsing Yi man.

Standing beside the priest, Su Bai heard the murder of the priest, and his heart slammed, his eyes were extraordinarily dignified and looked at the man. If the latter gave Emperor Dao cultivation a slight pressure. So, giving Su Bai is a dangerous feeling. The man stands there, and his aura is completely integrated with this world. It is like the combination of heaven and man, people can’t feel the depth, it is out. Of the ordinary.

“If this person is also a contestant in the East Xuan domain battle… then he should have just been born in the near future.” Su Bai thought of it, while looking at other cultivation people, compared to men, those reinforcements are obviously weaker, but also Very terrifying.

During this time, the Taoist sect collected a lot of information. Su Bai also saw a lot of information about some re-emerging Tianjiao in Dongxuan. However, in Su Bai’s impression, there is no such information in this information. Men’s.

“Good seedlings.” The ancient emperor was indifferently said.

“Is it only good? It seems that you have a lot of seedlings in the ancient dynasty. Well, I am not going around the corner. You know what I am thinking, I don’t know how to think about it?” Tsing Yi man smiled and he stepped forward. One step, once again, the figure has appeared on the cyan platform, and I randomly found an empty stone seat and sat down.

Ye Zhiqiu brows slightly wrinkle, but did not say anything, because he knows the identity of this Tsing Yi man, as he said, he and the emperor, is indeed a friend.

“The gambling fight is next, but I am a bit curious. With your preparations for so many years, you should be somewhat sure. Why do you want to make such a gamble?” The ancient emperor lightly said with a smile.


The spirit of everyone in the field is accompanied by a lot of emotions. It is very curious. What is the gambling of the ancient emperor, even Su Bai is no exception. After all, both the Tsing Yi man and the ancient emperor are supernaturally sacred.

“This may be the highlight of today!” Su Bai muttered in his heart, here is the Chaotian Temple, one of the important places of the ancient imperial dynasty, even if it is an extraordinary powerhouse, it is not easy to easily enter. He saw it, this group of people can come in, it must be the acquiescence of the ancient dynasty.

“It’s not just for my Tianyuan domain that I have been preparing for so many years, Dong Xuan fifteen, which domain is not like this, to say that I have to grasp it, I really haven’t, or I will not visit it in person.” Hearing this, Tsing Yi men’s faceless helplessness The color.

“That is also, know the autumn, please the battle platform!” The ancient emperor faint said with a smile.

“Yes!” Ye Zhiqiu hurriedly responded. He went forward and his hands were printed in vain. The whole world raised a lot of roars at this moment, and then the whole world began to violently turbulent.

Su Bai seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly looked up and looked up, only there, the void broke open, and a terrifying aura broke out, as if it had broken the void.

A huge platform suddenly emerged from the broken void, magnificent and full of thousands of feet, far from the past, covering the sky, and finally floating over the white jade square.


At the same time, the stone platform, which was originally standing on the white jade square, also vibrated. These stone platforms are like vainly high mountains. They go straight to the sky and carry the people on them. The speed is very fast. After the effort, these stone platforms have already crossed the ring, and finally stopped when they were dozens of meters above the platform.

Only then, the true face of the ring is reflected in the eyes of everyone.

There are many ancient runes inscribed on the ring, but they are dull and dark, and the whole body is dark red and mottled.

Su Bai looked down at the past. He looked at it. It should be blood, but how much blood is needed to dye such a huge platform.

The man in Tsing Yi glanced at his eyes and looked at the downstairs. He finally looked down at the people who followed him. One of the group of people suddenly came out.

It was a man. The man’s figure was very burly. He stepped on his feet like a mountain. He slammed into the ring. The man pouted with a smile: “Tianyuan Tian Black Turtle Yuan, please enlighten me!”

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