The whole hall, the Yaque is silent, most of them are scared by what Su Bai said, whether it is the door elder or the animal husbandry, looking at Su Bai’s eyes are shocking colors.

Especially the Emperor, he is more aware of what the world’s land list represents than the people present.

“But it is the power of the nine devils. If you really fight with him, it must be me.” Su Bai said in an understatement that he is very clear about the gap between him and Li Changsheng. After all, he is still only King Dao. No promotion to Sovereign Dao.

“Unfortunately, if there is not so much, if he dies in your hands, you stand here safely and prove that you are stronger than him. Moreover, with your aptitude, it is only a matter of time before and after you want to surpass him.” Looking at the calm The face of the priest, the more appreciation of the eyes of the priest, is not arrogant, it is very difficult to get, but when I think of so many killers in the world, the priest has some headaches, he is very clear about the rules of the world, the next time I come to hunt Su Bai’s killer, Strength will definitely be stronger.

“It seems that this trouble should be solved in advance, or it will be more troublesome.” The brow’s brow could not help but wrinkle. He had made up his mind. Once the ancient emperor had gone to this side, he went to the world.

“Zizu, what is the difference between the fruit of the fruit and the Divine Ability?” Su Bai returned to the topic and asked questions in his heart.

Hear this, the pastor lightly smiled, does not sell off, directly said: “You know the heavenly spiritual root?”

“I don’t know.” Su Bai shook his head and looked at the people on the side. Those people were also exposed to the faint color, and apparently had never heard of it.

“The so-called heavenly spiritual roots are born from heaven and earth. They don’t need to be contaminated with any holy blood to turn into holy trees. They are generally called Innate holy trees. The holy tree in your hand is called The tree of the day after tomorrow.”

“The day after tomorrow, the sacred tree devours the sage’s blood essence, condenses the fruit of Divine Ability… Innate sacred tree is the soul that devours the sage, and the fruit that condenses out contains certain rules of the heavens and the earth… know, to break your own ambiguity, to promote extraordinary sacredness, To understand the rules of the world, therefore, the fruit of the fruit is of great benefit to some Emperor Dao cultivation people, especially for some People in the Emperor Dao Island, it is a chance to become a sacred, as long as it is grasped, perhaps Can understand the rules of the heavens and the earth, take the last step, break the shackles.” The priest whispered, when he spoke of the holy fruit, he could not reveal a mouth-watering color in his eyes, he knew that he was hard in his life. Break your own embarrassment, unless you can get a holy fruit, so perhaps you can take that step.

Su Bai’s eyes are condensed, it’s no wonder that it is called a sanctification opportunity. Emperor Dao and supernatural sanctification seem to be only one step apart, but I don’t know how many Emperor Dao cultivation people can’t take that step for a lifetime, knowing that they can achieve Emperor Dao’s, all of them are genius outstanding talent, but in the end they broke the shackles, and there are very few promotiones to the extraordinary sanctification. It is conceivable how difficult it is.

Today, this Dong Xuan Xiaotiandi actually has such a chance.

At this moment, without the animal husbandry, Su Bai can imagine how fierce the competition of the East Xuan domain war will be. I am afraid that many forces are sure to win this holy fruit.

“But Senior, why do those forces know that there will be a fruit in the battle of the East Xuan domain?” Su Bai’s face has a confusing color, which is too much in the wild, the gods, the gates, and the demon palace. It must be known about this news. Otherwise, the dreams, the demon, etc. will not be in this world.

“This is not difficult to guess, because the calculation of time, Jiuyi Tiangong should be in this time when Dong Xuan Xiaotiandi is opened again.” The emperor said with a smile, he had heard about this matter, but the former Taoist youth In the first generation, the strongest of Strength is also the magical style. Perhaps in the Great Yanzhou, the Strength of the Devil’s Wind is outstanding in the young generation, but it is nothing in the wilderness, let alone In the middle of the East Xuan, therefore, the Emperor did not pay much attention to this East Xuan domain war, even after the rise of Su Bai, they pay more attention to the Hundred Sects war, after all, this is directly related to the interests of their Taoist sect. .

Hear this, Su Bai is confused, whispered: “Nine from Tiangong?”

“Well, nine away from the Heavenly Palace, that is the powerhouse of Dongxuan Tiangong, which has been exhausted for a long time, and a countless resource refining a cultivation treasure. Even the Emperor Dao cultivation is eager for it. It is rumored that it is Spiritual Qi. It is also a very rich vital energy. If it can be cultivated within it, it will be a hundred times better.” The emperor’s nephew is slightly stunned, slowly said, he also participated in the East Xuan domain war, but unfortunately, it is impossible to leave Tiangong, but after so many years, he has heard too many rumors about the nine-day palace, and naturally knows the out of the ordinary of the nine-day palace.

“Spiritual Qi Ruquan…” Su Bai startled.

“Well, Jiuyi Tiangong has gathered more than a hundred spiritual veins. The level of the spiritual vein is no less than the spiritual vein of the place where our Taoist ancestor is located. So many spiritual veins come together, and you can imagine the Spiritual there. The degree of Qi will be terrifying.” The priest nodded slightly, and his face showed some envy.

“It’s really rich and rich…” Su Bai click the tongue.

“In addition, these nine departures from the Temple of Heaven are the place where the Dong Xuantian Palace is stored. It is important to know that the Dongxuan Tiangong has a tens of thousands of cultivating techniques, and there are countless cultivation techniques Martial Skills, even some Divine Ability repairs. In other words, the nine methods are more like a place of inheritance. The formerly many people who entered the nine-day palace have a lot of inheritance…” The emperor sighed softly, Dong Xuan The Temple of Heaven is not only as simple as the rich and the rich, but the people actually have the background, inheriting tens of thousands of loads, which is not what they can compare.

At the beginning, Su Bai was still calm, and when he heard the law of Divine Ability in the nine-day palace, his face was finally moved.

In the temple, many people listened to their hearts and minds. They had never heard of these secrets before.

“In addition to the collection, there is still a place within the nine-day palace to make the various forces of Dong Xuan crazy, called the holy tomb…” The emperor slowly said.

“Sacred tomb?” Su Bai brows slightly wrinkle, knowing this name, it should be related to the grave.

Shepherd seems to know what Su Bai thinks, whispering: “The holy tomb, as the name suggests, is the place to bury the saints, but the burial is the demon, not the human…formerly Dong Xuan Tiangong campaign Starry Sky, the extraordinary sacred death in their hands There are quite a few levels of demons, and the bodies of those demons are buried in the holy tomb. At the same time, they also put some Innate holy trees in the holy tomb, and cultivate them with the spirit of the demon, the blood essence… ”

“This…” The people present were stunned and once again shocked by the means of Dong Xuan Tiangong.

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