The golden platform of the hustle and bustle is on the top of the list, and at this time, countless Sanskrit sounds suddenly rise on it, as if the ancient Buddha sat on the golden platform, the endless Raytheon light Appearing out, in an instant, it covered the whole platform, and together with the remaining nine golden platforms, there was only one golden platform left between the whole world.

Between the heavens and the earth, countless eyes cast on this golden platform, and the snoring of the sky was dead at this moment. Countless people couldn’t help but open their eyes, their faces were incredible, and even some people directly Exclaimed:

“Day Ah! How is this possible… How can the first sect team be them.”

“Black horse… This is the biggest black horse of this Hundred Sects battle…”

“Impossible, how can the strength of their team’s lineup cover Hundred Sects and win the top spot.”

Many people can hardly believe this scene, and some even wonder if they are dreaming.

When Yu Wenfan and others were struck by lightning, their bodies were suddenly shocked. Their breathing was a little short, and they looked like a ghostly look at the scene. Some of the cultivators of the squadron squinted their eyes and deep. I am afraid that I have an illusion.

When countless eyes converge from the heavens and the earth, the golden light gradually dissipates, and those silhouettes are thoroughly cleaned.

Standing at the forefront is a white clothed youngster with a crown like a jade, a handsome look, a dark scorpion like a night sky, a white clothed hunting like snow, like a fairy, it is difficult to speak. The charm.

“Zhuzu, I am not mistaken. Is that the team of our Taoist sect?” Yu Wenfan snorted, his eyes were very difficult to move away from the golden platform above, looking to the side of the pastoral Emperor, and at this time, Yu Wenfan only discovered that the former emperor, who had always been in the majesty, lost his former calmness.

“Unless there are so many people in the field there are hallucinations… Otherwise, this scene should be true, how do they do it…” The face of the priest has long been horrified and filled with surprises, in the silhouette of Su Bai et al. When he appeared on the first golden platform, he blinked his eyes. He knew that with the rigor of the ancient imperial dynasty, the Hundred Sects war will not go wrong, which means that they are obsolete. This is the first place in the Hundred Sects battle.

Hundred Sects first place in the war, this is never in the history of the Taoist sect. They usually don’t even think about it. Even if the emperor invited three foreign aids from the Changsheng Temple, no one I think they have the possibility of hitting the list this time.

According to the original prediction of the pastor, Su Bai and others were able to squeeze into the top four. It was already very good, and before the opening of the list, the emperor and others did not hold the ranking of the Taoist sect. Any hope, for them, the best result is that Su Bai and others can return safely.

The cheers on the door were still there, but soon the cheers gradually dissipated, because more and more cultivators found that the team that appeared on the first golden platform was not their door, but their death. , Dao Zong.

“Impossible…” Williely Dao also noticed the strangeness around him. He looked up and looked up. It was just this look. His face changed dramatically and changed. First, the horror was followed by panic. The smile on his face was already Solidified, some modest words in the mouth can no longer spit out, and the body stands stiffly there.

For this scene, it is impossible to kill him, Heavenly Dao.

In the view of Liu Heavenly Dao, their lineup was one of the strongest in the Hundred Sects battle. For this Hundred Sects battle, they not only invited the cultivation of Dong Xuan Xue Gong, but also invited them. The cultivation of the Changsheng Temple.

Dong Xuan Xue Palace, Changsheng Temple, this is the cultivation holy land in Dong Xuan, where the Sovereign Dao cultivation is all invincible with realm, and Strength is very powerful.

Therefore, at the beginning, Liu Heavenly Dao decided that the ranking of Daomen must be in the top three.

However, who can think of the door is actually not in the top three positions, even the top ten positions can not be ranked, which means that the door in the Hundred Sects battle, fell out.

This has never happened in the history of Daomen. The Taoist door has always been the existence of the top ten.

But this is not the worst result. For Liu Heavenly Dao, the worst result is that Su Bai and others who are already dead in his eyes reappear in front of him in such a posture, which means The gambling contract between him and the priest is that he lost, and he has to pay two price for the god.

Thinking of this, Liu Heavenly Dao was like a cold water dripping from head to toe. He inexplicably shuddered and his face was terrifying, muttering: “Impossible… impossible… impossible…”

Three impossible, but it means three different meanings.

The first one is unlikely to be how the door may fall, but the five Sovereign Dao will be squeezed into the top ten even if they are not good enough.

The second one is not how the people of Daomen did not die. He saw the picture stone that Zhao Zuo came from. The entire Taoist sect, except Su Bai, everyone else was stunned by Zhao Kui and other life. How can those people live? Up to now, even if it is Su Bai, he also asked the killer of the world to go hunting, how to make Su Bai live to the present with the skill of the world.

The third is unlikely to be how the Taoist sects can win the championship. How can they control the demon palace, the gods, and the gates by their group of people?

The mood of the animal husbandry is like the weather after the rain. The previous grievances have disappeared at this moment. Looking at Liu Heavenly Dao not far away, he could not help but said: “Is it impossible, is it only? Allowing you to gate the first place, can I not do it? Haha, Brother Liu, if I remember correctly, this is the first time you have not entered the top ten. I am congratulated here.”

Hear this, Liu Heavenly Dao was originally more gloomy on the face of Tieqing. He looked up and ignored the words of the pastor. Instead, he asked Ye Zhiqiu, who was up empty, to ask: “Is it a mistake, would this be a mistake?” How can the Taoist sect be the first place, even if they invited three Sovereign Dao, but their own strength is too weak, how to press Hundred Sects to win the first.”

The other big names are also turning their doubts on Ye Zhiqiu. Obviously for them, this result is also unbelievable.

In the void, Ye Zhiqiu is also a strange color. Obviously, he is unexpected in the eyes. For Su Bai, he really appreciates it, but appreciates it. He knows that it is difficult for the team to win the top spot. However, one thing, Ye Zhiqiu can be sure that the list will not go wrong.

After Ye Zhiqiu’s contemplation, he said: “There will be no mistakes in unveiling the list. After the return of each sect team, the demon points of each team will be announced… Here I declare that the champion of this Hundred Sects battle is the Taoist sect. ”

“First, we are the first.”

“Multi-youngster… We have finally made the first place in the road, and this moment is destined to go down in history.”

“haha… I shouldn’t be dreaming. We are the first.”

Daoist and other people are hearing this, and suddenly burst into the sky and cheers, which is the best result of the Taoist sect participating in the Hundred Sects battle. The most important thing is the first place in the Hundred Sects battle. Different from the past, the first prize is a state.

After today, they are destined to rise.

At the same time, the list of all around, many cultivation people have reacted, and the Taoist sect took the first place. For them, it was a disaster.

This means that their bets on the glory days are all overwhelmed…

Standing on the golden platform, Su Bai looked down at the unveiled platform. His eyes fell on the area where the gate was located. The sun shone on his handsome face, and his corner of the mouth slowly sneered. As far as Daomen is concerned, falling out of the list is not the worst result.


A path of huge beams of light from the end of the sky, down on the unveiling of the table, unveiled the lines on the stage, and successively become a huge road, followed by a sect team The stage slowly appeared…

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