Unveiling the platform, located in the core area of ​​Tiandi City, is unusually magnificent and majestic. The whole body presents a golden color, occupying a region within a few thousand feet. It is not only engraved with the silhouette of various beasts and poultry, but also inscribed. Countless lines, the Spiritual Qi between the heavens and the earth linger on it, for a long time, there is a vast expanse of pressure.

It is rumored that this unveiled platform was refining from the demon bones of Emperor Dao. The engravings are engraved with thousands of roads and bans. Once mobilized, the power of the explosion is no less than Emperor Dao. The powerhouse’s full blow.

Dawn has just dawned, and it has been covered by the sea of ​​people who have been crushed by the black. The eyes are full of people everywhere. They can hardly see the end, the voices are loud and noisy. Most of these people are cultivations in the city of Tiandi. Quite a few sect cultivators.

“The Hundred Sects battle is finally over. I don’t know which sect will stand out and occupy the top spot. If I remember correctly, the top spot of the last Hundred Sects battle should be the Pavilion.”

“It’s hard to say this time. After all, each sect is under the blood. No matter whether it is the demon palace or the door line, the lineup is no less than the gods, and the rules are different. Maybe there will be black horses to kill…”

“The position of the top spot must be Shen Ge, Grandma’s, and this time, Father will put all his belongings on the Pavilion, and the Pavilion will not give Father a chain.”

“Brother, you really dare to go down the blood. The team of the gods is very strong, but it is not strong enough to sweep the other sect teams. Once some sect teams are united, even the gods are not necessarily able to parry. ”

Many people gathered here have placed bets on the Glory Gold List, which is why so many people are gathered here. After all, this time the Hundred Sects battle is unusual. The odds set by the glory wine cellar are different. In the middle of it, you can make a profit.

Today is destined to be a grand event in the city of Heaven, and countless cultivations are concerned.

Even the princes of the ancient dynasty were concerned, because they all knew that the result of this Hundred Sects war would change the pattern of too wild.

As the rising sun rises, the glory of the morning sun scatters on the unveiling platform, and the bathing in the morning is more and more magnificent. At the same time, there are more and more people gathered around the unveiling of the table, and the overwhelming voice is endless. Fortunately, The cultivation person, otherwise, these buzzing sounds alone is enough to stun people.

And when the buzzing sounds permeated the heavens and the earth, some sects also came in, a path of the incomparable pressure of the open, almost the majority of Sovereign Dao cultivation, these people are ancient The emperor rushed to fight the demon. After the demon was over, they did not go back, but stayed in the Emperor City, waiting for the result of the Hundred Sects battle.

The cultivation people who had been entrenched in the unveiling of the list had been drawn to the sides to make way for these people, and some of them had recognized the identity of these sect growers.

“The funeral day is coming…”

“I heard that the burial days of the sacred sects shined in this battle of the demon, especially the emperor, one person hunted three Emperor Dao level demons.”

The northwest wind, a group of people slowly coming, these people are carrying huge crystal cymbals behind them, very eye-catching, headed by a white-haired old man, his figure is very old, thin body is like The dead trees swaying in the wind will collapse at any time, but it is such a silhouette, when it appears in the eyes of everyone, the snoring gradually dissipates a lot, and countless people cast awesome eyes on the old man.

“Is this the burial of Emperor?? It is rumored that in this battle of the demon, he used one enemy two to annihilate the two demons of the Emperor Dao level…”

The people in front of the old man are involuntarily pushed into the sides. Although there is no aura in the old man, they all feel a dull depression, almost suffocating.

The burial day of the sect of the entire group, the mighty direct boarded the list.

In a short while, the cultivator of the ridiculous sea also came. The leader is also the Emperor Dao powerhouse. It is an old woman. She is holding her body and her head is sparsely white. She holds a crutches. Step by step, the old woman just appeared, it has attracted a lot of attention, this is also an Emperor Dao powerhouse.

“I didn’t expect you to live in the world…” On the stage, the Emperor of Heaven buried his eyes slowly, watching the old woman picking up the stairs, and the eyes passed a little dignified color.

“The old man has not witnessed the rise of the ridiculous sea, and restored the glory of the past, how can he be willing to let Huangquan.” Old woman started talking, her voice is very hoarse, it sounds like a creepy feeling.

The burial Tiandi Emperor reluctantly sighed and said: “You and I have invited a lot of younger generations, but there is still a big gap compared to the Pavilion and the Emperor Hall.”

“But at least there is a chance of winning.” Old woman interrupted the words of the emperor.

Hear this, the funeral heavenly lightly smiled, then no longer speak.

After the burial of the Heavenly Emperor and the Beggar Sea, more and more sect growers came, including the Pavilion and the Emperor’s Temple. The two sects have the largest number of cultivators, and there are thousands of people. The team is also the two Emperor Dao cultivation.

“The people of Daomen are coming…”

After the people of the Emperor and the Pavilion were unveiled, Liu Heavenly Dao took the door to the entire group, and when they first appeared, they caught the attention of most people present.

“I don’t know the gambling contract between the gate and the road, and who will win.”

When Liuly Heavenly Dao appeared, it immediately caused a lot of arguments. After all, during this time, the gambling agreement between Liu Heavenly Dao and the priests has been rumored in the city of Heavenly Emperor. It is well known, so a look at Liu Heavenly Dao, most people think of the bet, and today is the end of the Hundred Sects war.

“Two bones… it’s a big deal.”

“I want to win is necessarily the door, the lineup of the door is enough to sweep the Taoist sect…”

“But as long as the Taoist people are hiding, even if the door wants to find them is not a simple matter, let alone the team of the door is completely annihilated.”

For the gambling between Willyly Dao and the priest, most people think that the winner must be Liu Heavenly Dao, but there are also many people who think that the priest will win. After all, there are too many variables.

Listening to the argument of all around, Liu Heavenly Dao corner of the mouth made a smile, this time, his mood has been very good, after all, he will soon get back the gods lost in the book, and will Winning a piece of bone, although he wants to come up with a piece of god bones to the world, but this does not affect his mood.

“In the world of acting style, the little baby should be no bones left, shepherd old man, today I want to let you lose the coffin has to be pulled out.” Liu Heavenly Dao thought, he boarded the summit, looking around all Around, did not see the silhouette of the pastor and other people, could not help but proud with a smile: “hehe … the pastor does not know that he must lose, unwilling to come to the table.”

“Hey…” A coldly snorted sound suddenly sounded. In the distance, the Emperor took the Yuwenfan entire group slowly and boarded the unveiled platform. He ignored the Heavenly Dao, but the Emperor Dao facing the Pavilion. The cultivation person nodded slightly and said hello.

“The pastor can bring two bones?” Liu Heavenly Dao lightly said with a smile.

Shepherd Emperor looked at Liu Heavenly Dao, indifferently said: “Bring it, just look at the bastards of your door, can you compete, let you take two bones from my hand.”

“I don’t think those younger generations will disappoint me…” Liu Heavenly Dao’s face showed a meaningful smile. He couldn’t wait to see the face of the priest when he heard the squad of the Taoist sect. It must look good.

Hear this, she is too lazy to continue to pay attention to Liu Heavenly Dao, but directly close her eyes.

“Mother, I got a message that was extremely bad for your Daoist.” At this moment, the Emperor Dao cultivation of the Pavilion was started talking.

“What news?” Shepherd opened her eyes and looked at each other.

“There are a number of unidentified Sovereign Dao cultivation people entering the Demon War Zone…”

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