Su Bai’s brow wrinkled and fell into meditation. When he was formally coming out of the Tongtianjianlou, the world where the Sword Territory map was located had such a vision. He suspected that the Last Sword Territory had such a vision of the heavens and the earth. It is caused by the Sword Territory map, even if it is not caused by the Sword Territory map, it must be related to the Sword Territory map.

Su Bai’s heart fretting, he thought of a possibility, “Is it the sword ancestor and the hundred sacred return?”

See Su Bai, silent, cold persian continued: “The yellow rain was full of two days, the most bizarre is that since then, the entire Last Sword Territory has been shrouded in a mysterious force. Anyone who exceeds the Sovereign Dao cultivation will be attacked by that power. That power is too terrifying. It is said that this time, the Emperor Dao cultivation of Last Sword Territory has never come out. , all died in the Last Sword Territory.”

“When those demons at the Emperor Dao level invade Last Sword Territory, will they be bombarded by that power?”

Qin’s undefeated face showed an incredible color. He couldn’t imagine what kind of power it was. He was able to kill the powerhouse at Emperor Dao’s level. What surprised me most was how there would be such power between heaven and earth.

Cold Yan nodded slightly, with lightly saying, “That is natural, so I said that Last Sword Territory is the least loss in this demon invasion. The existence of this mysterious force has killed a lot of Emperor Dao. At the level of the demon, until the end, the Emperor Dao level of the demon can not easily invade the Last Sword Territory.”

Hearing this, Hong Ling couldn’t help but smile. “Last Sword Territory is really lucky. Otherwise, with the power of their domain, how can they resist the invasion of the demon, and they will fall into the end of the whole world.”

“It’s Ah! You know the end of the Shenxie District. The power of the dynasty is still unable to withstand the invasion of the demon, not to mention the Last Sword Territory. Unfortunately, there is no such good luck in the wasteland. The most devastating thing is that it is too ridiculous. I don’t know how many people died.” Jiang Weizhong sighed a lot, and there were hundreds of millions of creatures in the area, but now, there are only a million.

Su Bai listened to the cold words, and his heart was inexplicably relaxed. During this time, he was very worried about the situation of Cang Yue and others. After all, although the Wu Zhou Imperial Court was strong, it was not as good as the imperial power in the wilderness. The imperial forces could not resist it. The demon invasion, not to mention the Wu Zhou Imperial Court, but now it seems that the situation of Last Sword Territory is not as sloppy as he imagined.

“This is not a place to talk. Let’s go back to the bloody city and say it again.” Su Bai raised his head in vain, moving towards the sky, where a path of silhouette came from overwhelming.

“Where is this?” Hongling’s beautiful eyes are slightly lifted, looking at the nine devils in the distant sky.

Su Bai stepped forward and walked forward. His hands quickly printed, and the nine devils that had been entrenched in the heavens and the earth violently vibrated, and the roads collapsed. Finally, the whole road turned into a Spiritual Qi storm. .

Su Bai took out the bronze altars. His current cultivation base is not enough. He can’t arrange the nine devils with his own strength. He can only use these bronze altars.

After the bronze altar, Su Bai turned and said to everyone: “Okay, let’s go!”

“Yes!” Jiang Wei and others greeted each other, and the entire group rushed toward the bloody city.

At this time, the bloody city was also undercurrent, and the scene of Su Bai’s escape was seen by the cultivators in the bloody city.

In particular, Li Changsheng’s strength, those who have stepped into the Sovereign Dao cultivation, have a deep understanding.

There are rumors that Su Bai, the new emperor, has been killed.

It is also said that Su Bai escaped Li Changsheng’s pursuit, but also paid a great price and was seriously injured.

Some people even said that Su Bai was dead, and even the Guards Fourth Army was destroyed.

For a time, the bloody city rumors spread.

The forces that originally chose to surrender were unable to shake again at this moment.

Those who have not chosen to surrender are very fortunate at this moment, such as Chu Family.

“Mu brother… Baiyue brother… The new emperor has already left, and he does not know whether he can escape the pursuit of the man. Now the bloody city is nowhere to be the land. If you and I have joined forces, the new emperor Before the reunification, he first managed the blood desert city?” Patriarch, the surname of Chu, turned his head and looked at the family of Mu surnames and Baiyue Patriarch.

“Chu brother, did you say that some time later you have to move the family to the ancient dynasty emperor, how can you change your mind now?” Mu surname old man 讥said with a smile.

“It is a change of mind, going to the ancient dynasty emperor, after all, it is under the fence, why not make a grand exhibition here, and reproduce the prosperity of my Chu Family formerly.” Chu Patriarch did not get angry because of the old man’s sneer, face Always a gentle smile, “Mu brother, at that time you chose to surrender to the new emperor, but the situation is forced, if the new emperor died, what is your Mu Family going to do?”

“If the new emperor is not dead? Looking at the previous situation, the new emperor should have known that those people will come. We are younger, but they don’t look like a reckless master. To kill him, he dared to be so blatant, obviously he had some guilt, even if he was not, he could safely evacuate.” Aside, the Baiyue Patriarch, who had been silent, suddenly started talking, he looked like a smile yet not a smile Mu surnamed Patriarch, he felt that Mu’s Patriarch couldn’t hold back, even if he wanted to get rid of the bloody city, how can he wait for a while and then look at the situation.

At this moment, the three seemed to be aware of what, and looked up, looking into the void in the distance, where a white clothed silhouette was coming step by step, starlight spilled on him, the whole silhouette bathed in starlight Among them, it is very extraordinary, although there is no cultivation base fluctuation in that silhouette, but in the eyes of the three people there is a huge majesty, people want to bow down.

“It’s a new emperor…”

“The new emperor is not dead, he is back…”

For a time, countless snorings broke out in the bloody city, and countless eyes were all looking at the white clothed silhouette.

Soon, the silhouette of Jiang Wei and others also appeared, and there were defensive forces. These people did not converge on their own cultivation base fluctuations. These auras gathered together, it was very vast, and it was overwhelming. It’s all a little tremble.

Su Bai did not pay attention to the cultivation in the bloody city. His eyes did not stop in the patriarchs of the various families and the leaders of the forces. Instead, he walked straight toward the palace, and Ning Yan and others followed closely from behind.

The next day, Leng Yan took Sun Chen and hundreds of members of the Guards Army and left the bloody city. They got Su Bai’s order to go to Last Sword Territory.

Standing on the tower of the Bloody City, Su Bai stared at the silhouette of Leng Yan and others, and sighed, “I hope those people are safe and sound… After the end of the Hundred Sects, maybe you can go back to Last Sword Territory. It’s time to collect some debt.” 89

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