On the hustle and bustle of the city, Su Bai sat in front of the table. There were tea sets and stoves on the table. At this time, the water in the stove was boiling and squeaking.

Su Bai takes out a jade jar from the mustard ring. The jade jar contains green tea-like jade-like tea. These teas are out of the ordinary, grotesque and full of vitality.

These teas were found by Su Bai from Xia Houxuan’s mustard ring. Although I don’t know the variety, Su Bai knows that it can be collected by Xia Houxuan. This tea must be out of the ordinary.

Fingers pinched some tea, Su Bai put it in the cup, and then poured the water into the stove, but when the water entered the cup, it suddenly filled with musk.

Su Bai took the teacup and sipped it gently. A fragrance spread across the lips and teeth. He seemed to hear the sound of the spring flowing through the mountains, and the whole mood was peaceful and peaceful.

There is also a thriving vitality that opens up in his internal organs and infiltrates into his bones.

“Good tea…” Even if Su Bai didn’t understand tea, he didn’t praise it.

“Jingshen Changsheng Tea is naturally a good tea. In the Changsheng Hall, there are many people who regard it as a treasure. I didn’t expect Xia Houxuan to have this Jingshen longevity tea.” Standing in front of the table, Hongling looked at the leisurely Su. Bai, a touch of helplessness on her face, she has repeatedly persuaded Su Bai to withdraw from the bloody city, and said that she broke her mouth, but the latter did not listen at all.

Su Bai holds a teacup and takes a light drink. He looks at the distant sky with deep gaze. The scorpio there is still a touch of blood. Even after the rain, it is difficult to wash the blood completely. The world is still filled. There is a sense of chill.

“Jun Shang, the subordinates have sent out a signal of help through the yin and yang environment, presumably those people should act.” Leng Yan came forward and presented the yin and yang mirror, the original bleak bronze mirror was flowing scarlet The blood of the blood.

“On the king, the garrison of the four armed forces is already in place.” Jiang Wei also came forward and saluted Su Bai.

“Well, waiting for my order, if you don’t have my order, you should not get involved.” Su Bai nodded slightly, and the strength of the Guards of the Fourth Army was good. If you used the trenches, the Strength that broke out was no less than Sovereign Dao is the cultivator of the 5th Layer, so he is equivalent to four more Sovereign Dao 5th Layer helpers.

However, Su Bai also knows that the Guards of the Fourth Army can only drag the killers of the four worlds, and it is difficult to kill them unless the killers join us. Otherwise, Su Bai will not use the Guards. After all, after the last battle, the Guards of the Fourth Army suffered heavy losses. This time, once again, it will inevitably lose a lot.

When he got up, Su Bai glanced over the crowd in front of him and whispered: “The next step is to follow the plan, and you will retreat first.”

“Yes!” Leng Yan and others whispered and turned away. When they left, neither Leng Yan nor Qin’s unbeaten look was very dignified. According to Su Bai’s plan, he and Qin undefeated. Don’t show up for the time being, ambush at the side, let Su Bai deal with those killers in the world, and when he can’t cope, they will shoot again and kill them by surprise.

It’s just that this plan seems to be good, but in the heart of the cold, there is no end to it. After all, those who kill the hands have the existence of the list, and Li Changsheng alone can swept them. In his opinion, Su Bai’s Strength is of course Very strong, but there is still a big gap compared to Li Changsheng.

“If those people come together, even if I wait to drag others, can Li Changsheng kill him with his Strength?” Cold Yan’s heart is a bit bitter, and his current life is in the hands of Su Bai, if Su If Bai died, he could not escape.

“Hey…” Going down the tower, Leng Yan sighed and he felt that he could prepare for death. He turned his head and looked at the red diamonds and other people in the same line: “Do you want to persuade the monarch again? It’s too risky to take it.”

“The decision made by the fellow, even if we say that the mouth is broken, is not useful.” Hong Ling has no choice but to a smile, after her contact with Su Bai for only a few months, but for the latter’s temper, she is relatively familiar.

“Ximen brother has never done anything unsure. He has his own considerations about what he does. Since he decided, he should be sure. I will follow his plan.” Qin is undefeated, although he is There is still some worry in my heart, but through his understanding of Su Bai, he knows that the latter is not a reckless person.

“Maybe!” Cold Yan shrugged unwillingly. He only hopes that Li Changsheng will not pay attention to this signal of help. In that case, his life can be saved, but he also knows that this is almost impossible.

“Yeah.” Qin Frost daggers slightly, looks calm,

The silhouette of Qin undefeated and other people soon concealed, they converge on their own aura, each look alert, ready to help.

On the upper floor of the city, Su Bai slightly closed his eyes slowly, and in his induction, he could not detect the aura of Qin unbeaten.

“It took so much effort, I hope it will not be white.” Su Bai sat down and took the teacup. He was very leisurely drinking tea and waiting quietly. He did not hide his aura, the other party came. If you can, he will soon find his position.

At the same time, in a ruin from the bloody city of the city, two silhouettes volleyed, this is the cultivation of two people, one of them is the old old man, seemingly thin, a gust of wind can blow it Down, but there is a terrifying aura on his body. The old man’s sharp eyes are staring at a bronze mirror in his hand. “Someone sent a request for help…”

“Weird, people who participated in this hunter, Strength has no Sovereign Dao 5th Layer, and they are two people, even if you encounter some Sovereign Dao level monsters, you can easily solve it. Luck, in the case of some high-level demon, can also retreat.” Another silhouette is a man in a black robe, his entire face is covered by a loose black robe, only a face 狰狞Scars.

Similarly, the aura revealed by this man is extremely powerful, no less than the old man.

“Unless you find the target… but it’s not very likely, if you find the target, no matter which group can easily complete the task.” Old man is also very puzzled, in the information he knows, the goal is only a King Dao The cultivator of the 9th Layer, this time the person who made the task, can kill the target.

The man thought of a possibility and said in a voice: “Intelligence said that the cultivator who invited the three longevity halls this time will be the existence of the three people, leading to a group of assassinations that found the target. Is it necessary to send a signal?”

“There is a possibility that the place to send the help signal is not far from here, or we have to go to see what happened.” Old man nodded slightly, he also thought of this possibility.

“Good.” The black robe man nodded, the figure took the lead and rushed toward the bloody city, and the old man followed closely from behind.

Whether it is an old man or a black robe, the speed of the man is very fast. After about half an hour, a majestic city appears in their sight, looking up from afar, like an ancient beast on the earth. It is very magnificent.

Both of them had a strange color on their faces. Since they entered the Shenzang District, they have rarely seen Great Desolate, and at this moment in their sense, there are many Great Desolate creatures in the city ahead. Millions of people.

“I didn’t expect so many survivors in this sinking area.” The black robe man was surprisedly said.

“The ability to build such a large survivor base in the Shenzhao District, there should be some Sovereign Dao cultivation.” old man brows slightly wrinkle, I don’t know why he saw the inexplicable uneasiness in his heart. In the dark, I couldn’t help but be alert. The aura that had flowed through him was dissipated at this moment.

The black robe man is also the color of the eye, and also converges on his own aura. The two carefully approached the bloody city, and when they appeared in the bloody city, the two bodies were suddenly shocked and exposed. Exciting color, just like Hunter sees prey, looking straight into the towering city, where there is a white clothed silhouette…

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