Suddenly, the killing intent of the dragonfly burst out like a mountain torrent.

A bitter cold glow suddenly appear, almost at the moment when the Su Bai figure disappeared into place, it was through Su Bai’s previous position, followed by a huge knife smashed out, slash down on the cemetery It was directly left a long trace on the Houhoutai, and the whole station was shaken vigorously.

Everyone’s eyes are rapidly rushing, they are incredible looking at the top of Fenghoutai, where a touch of cold light is bursting with the biting killing intent, the knives of the smashing like a mountain torrent, rushing out, Tearing out a path of twisted ripple in the void, it is a knife, a slashing bone knife, pale as snow.

Sudden movements also made Jiang Wei and other people’s faces change, because they all looked at it. If it wasn’t for Su Bai’s response, then the blow would be slammed on Su Bai, even with Su Bai’s fleshly body. To withstand such a sudden blow, you have to pay a great price.

Who is it, so bold, dare to do it in the bloody city!

a path of powerful aura bursting out in Jiang Wei and others, sweeping out like a storm, Jiang Wei’s eyes in the killing intent, said coldy: “The formation!”

“Yes!” The Guards, which had been waiting for the squad, were all in unison at this time. A path of light like a long rainbow emerged from their within the body, running through the sky, in the void to move unhindered, Connected together in an extremely complex trajectory, it is like forming a myriad of lines, which in turn form a huge array of roads, inscribed with the ancient Will’s Azure Dragon phantom.

Xu Fan and others have also started to fight, and Vermillion Bird, Black Turtle, and White Tiger are each in the void.

Almost, in just a few moments, the Guards of the Fourth Army has already put on the most powerful posture, moving in the mountains, moving like a fire in their vividly and thoroughly.

Who is it?

Standing in the void, Su Bai’s eyes were slightly cold, staring at the knives not far away, his sensitivity was extremely sharp, but just before this knives were about to come, he only noticed that It is conceivable how terrifying this shot is. If it is not his palm holding the sword, the previous knife will definitely slash down on him.

Looking up, Su Bai swept across the heavens like a blade, and finally landed somewhere in the void, where the white clouds were like the sea, very quiet.

“Your Excellency is coming, why bother to hide the tail.” Su Bai indifferently said, his voice is very calm, as if the previous assassination was not him, can not hear the slightest anger.

Hear this this, many people are looking up, eyes look at Su Bai’s line of sight, just there, except for some floating clouds, there is nothing more, empty, there is no silhouette at all.


In the void of the sky, a ray of light cuts through the sky and falls straight down from the sky. The light is extremely dazzling, like a round of the next day, but it is actually a gun, facing Su Bai. Come through.

The sound was loud and terrifying, almost when everyone noticed it, that the gun rainbow had been issued to Su Bai in front of him, as if the dragon was coming across the ancient world, and it was a powerful blow. The power burst like a flood, and in an instant it enveloped the heavens and the earth in the weekly hundred zhang.

Obviously, after seeing Su Bai’s previous terrifying speed, the shots won’t easily give Su Bai a chance to dodge.

Perceiving the terrifying power that was raging around the world, Su Bai didn’t show up the swordsmanship, but directly punched it out, simple and direct, lightning fast, but the white fist had a sword light tear. Cracked out, in the millennium, Su Bai’s fist collided with the gun rainbow.


A deafening roar screamed in the sky, and it seems that Su Bai this fist is like a roaring day, bursting open the next day, accompanied by a path of terrifying storm, raging in the world The gaze of the presence is condensed there.

Under the gaze of hundreds of thousands of eyes, the storm quickly dissipated, and a thin and thin silhouette still stood in the void, white clothed wins the snow, fresh as ever, without a trace of wrinkles, as if the previous shot was not he.

Looking up, Su Bai looked not far away, where a long spear, which was about half a mile long, was suspended in the void. This is a bone gun, the same pale, a path of ancient lines inscribed on it. It is filled with blasphemy, it is out of the ordinary.

Obviously, someone else shot Su Bai.

Everyone in the scene changed their face, obviously they couldn’t think of killing them. Today, some people dare to impudent in the bloody city, but they are also shot in the crowd, and they are not alone.

Sovereign Dao!

Su Bai’s eyes are slightly congested, no matter the stalk gun in front of him or the power of the scalpel, it is terrifying, it is the knife and the gun.

Without any words, Su Bai shot directly, his figure disappeared like a ghost, and when he appeared again, he suddenly appeared in the top of a void. He had an iron sword in his right hand and his sword was empty. A sword light smashed into the void below as the sun.

The white sword’s sword qi is like the silver river falling Nine Heavens, directly falling below, covering the void in the square hundred zhang.

The white clouds cracked and could not withstand such a terrifying one sword.

There, in the empty void, a rippled swaying, and then a silhouette appeared like a ghost. In the face of Su Bai’s offensive, the man did not retreat and rushed toward Su Bai, holding in his hand. A knives, a blazing knives spread out from the blade, full of 100 feet, he raised the bone knife, as if a knife mountain rises into the sky, magnificent, breaking the word qi from the catharsis, Intertwined with the iron sword.


The sound seems to wear a golden cracked stone, and the void is shocked.

The violent knives swept the world and cut countless ripples in the void. The terrifying sword glow was the fall of the stars and the voids. The two were intertwined and set off countless storms in the void.

Su Bai felt a terrifying power bursting out of the other’s bone knife, venting it on his body, just with his fleshly body of the eight-pole King Dao, it was easy to bear, his arm was lightly shocked, Turning this force into force, in contrast to the other side, the figure is a sudden and spontaneous launch, and each step falls, and then countless ripples in the void, the air blasts.

At this time, Su Bai only saw the face of this person. This is a very ordinary man. It is too ordinary. His ability to hide aura is very terrifying. Even if he had previously shot, he did not have any body. The cultivation base fluctuates.

But Su Bai has one thing, he can be sure, that is, he has not had seen the man before, and this man is not a cultivation in the Hundred Sects team.

“Who are you…” Su Bai said coldy.

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