Just as Su Bai was meditating, four of the lords stepped into the palace and strode toward Su Bai. Looking at Su Bai sitting on the futon, the four men bowed to the ceremony to show respect, “Jun Shang!”

“I didn’t expect Senior to be the owner of a city. The palace is so simple. There is no place to sit here. It will only let you stand for a while.”

Su Bai slowly got up, his eyes looked at the front four people, and finally his eyes fell on the man with a knife on his face. He whispered: “I must understand the situation of four people. I am from the Taoist sect. The leader of the road to participate in the Hundred Sects battle… I don’t know what the four are called?”

“Yu Jun, the subordinate is called Jiang Wei, currently the leader of Azure Dragon Wei, originally a family cultivation, then my family was destroyed by the demon, junior will follow my emperor.” Knife man started talking, Until now, he still called the blood emperor to be my emperor, showing how high the blood emperor is in his heart.

Su Bai looks at this man named Jiang Wei. His cultivation base is the most fluctuating among the four leaders. About Sovereign Dao is about three times. This person is obviously experiencing countless life and fierce battles. The knives are witnesses, far from the look, like a beast that is chosen by people.

“Xu Fan, who is currently in the position of Vermillion Bird Wei…” Xu Fan respected.

“Under Lin Tian, ​​is the leader of Black Turtle. In the past, the inspections in the bloody city were mainly carried out by the subordinates.” Another man started talking, his age seems to be the largest of the four, but cultivation base Fluctuation is the weakest of the four.

“His squat, now is the commander of White Tiger.” The last commander started talking, his body is weak, looks a little weak, but his body is like a real bloody suffocating air, Although he always suppressed it, he still gave the feeling of climbing out of the dead.

“That is to say, there are only four troops in the bloody city, Azure Dragon Wei, Vermillion Bird Wei, White Tiger Wei and Black Turtle Wei?” Su Bai asked softly.

“Well, at the moment, but when the bloody city was created, the number of troops was still a lot, but in order to cultivate a true elite teacher, the emperor reorganized the army and passed down the cultivation army.” Jiang Wei nodded slightly, and his eyes showed a little heavy color. When the bloody city was created, there were nearly 200,000 troops, but now only one quarter is left, which is only a few months.

“cultivation army?” Su Bai was the first to hear that, as the name suggests, he is not difficult to guess that this should be a cultivation method.

“I don’t know the cultivation army? I remember that there is also a cultivation army in the Taoist sect.” Xu Fan looks a little bit strange. He vaguely remembers that the Taoist sect also has an elite teacher, which is completely cultivating. Composition, although not many people, but Strength still can’t be underestimated.

“I don’t know, I was originally a mess, and the time of adding Entering Dao was not very long. It was not very clear about the situation of the Daoist.” Su Bai whispered.

“It’s no wonder, in fact, the so-called cultivation military is a cultivation method, but it is special, such as the Vermillion Bird guard I have commanded, they are the Vermillion Bird trenches…” Xu Fan lightly said with a Smile.

Succeeded this, Su Bai suddenly came to the interest, but he witnessed the strength of these four armies. “Can this cultivation army let me see it.”

“Of course, Jun, this is the Vermillion Bird trench, which was originally the cultivation army of the Four Elephants, but it was obtained by the Emperor after the Four Elephants were destroyed in the hands of the demon. Vermillion Bird Weimillion Bird The time of the trench is still short, until now I have not been able to exert its true power.” Xu Fan took out a quaint jade slip, jade slip body red blood, like agate is crystal clear, his hands holding jade slip, respectful Incomparably handed to Su Bai.

The Four Elephants Dynasty, the site of the Bloody City is the imperial capital of the emperor. It is also the number one in the wild. However, such a behemoth is still destroyed by the demon. It can be imagined how terrifying the demon’s Strength is. .

Su Bai reached out and took the jade slip and started to heat it up. It seemed to be holding a piece of warm jade. Immediately, his real element was poured into the jade slip from his fingertips. The original dull lines on the jade slip suddenly screamed. The light, at the same time, Su Bai’s mind immediately immersed in this jade slip, a path of the picture suddenly emerged in the mind of Su Bai, accompanied by the killing of the sky.

It is a blood-stained scroll, bones like autumn grass, countless broken arm wrecks, everywhere are knives and knives, running through the whole world, the most intriguing is a Vermillion Bird, the Vermillion Bird is full Long and long, the body is surrounded by bloody flames, and another ancient rune shines in its body, holding the heavens and the earth, stimulating the power of heaven and earth, it dances the heavens, and the huge wings are like two huge knives. To pass the void, it is simply to crush this square, and ruthlessly harvest the two sides.

Soon, the slain army was completely destroyed, and only the Vermillion Bird was left between the heavens and the earth, revealing its invincible power.

At this time, the Vermillion Bird silhouette became vain in vain, dissipated between the heavens and the earth, revealing a black crushed silhouette. It was an army with hundreds of thousands of people. They were covered in blood. Scarlet armor, holding a flame gun in his hand, a glimpse of the flames around them, this is an invincible division, just because they stand there, the world is shaking at their feet With.

When the paintings came to the scene, they broke and turned into a path of ancient fonts that emerged in Su Bai’s mind.

Vermillion Bird

Rao is now the strength of Su Bai and his vision. He has to marvel that this is the door of the out of the ordinary cultivation. He never thought that there is such a whimsical cultivation method in this world. Its cultivation is extremely special. When you cultivate, you need to first look at Vermillion Bird in your mind, and then tweak your own Blood Qi, tempering yourself, and cultivation in a special cultivation method. When these people gather together, they also motivate Vermillion. When Bird is watching the law, you can use your own Blood Qi to condense the Vermillion Bird that you have come up with…

In Su Bai’s opinion, this is more like a road, but this road is divided into countless small parts, and then each person only needs to take one part, when they are simultaneously motivated, they can motivate the road. The law.

However, if you want to practice the Dojo, you need a very high innate talent, and this Vermillion Bird is not needed. The only condition is that the cultivation Qi himself must be strong, otherwise, practice, A little careless fleshly body will be short of blood, and finally exhausted and died.

In addition, there is a condition for this Vermillion Bird trench, that is, the number of cultivators is 20,000, and only then can the true power of the Vermillion Bird trench be exploited.

“A very good cultivation method…but if you train such an elite teacher, the price paid is also great.” Su Bai opened his eyes and returned the Vermillion Bird to Xu Fan. He did not go to see other trenches. No accidents, the way to practice should be exactly the same.

Jiang Wei nodded. He himself was also practicing the Azure Dragon trench. He shared the same feeling: “Well, only those big forces who can cultivate such elites in the wild are only able to use their background. Sustained to live, I waited for these four army to be worse after a while, but fortunately the most important thing here is the demon, the devil’s flesh and blood contain extremely sturdy Blood Qi, I am actually hunted the demon, only in the normal It’s barely running.”

The devil’s fleshly body has undergone countless years of cultivation, and its contained blood essence is far superior to the beast in Great Desolate. Su Bai is naturally clear, but he suddenly thought of Xu Fan et al. The casualties could not help but ask: “I think the number of cultivations mentioned above is at least as good as 20,000 people in order to play the real power of the war. Now Azure Dragon Wei, Vermillion Bird Wei and White Tiger Wei are less than 20,000. The public, especially Azure Dragon, has only a few thousand left… Can we have reservists?”

“No, but the most lacking thing in our bloody city is the cultivation. As long as we have enough cultivation resources in our hands, we can recruit people in a short time and complete the four guards…” Jiang Wei shook his head slightly, they certainly sat The blood is a city, and some cultivation resources are also levied on the cultivation in the city. But these cultivation resources plus the monsters they have hunted are enough for the cultivation of the four great forces, and there are resources to prepare some reserve troops.

“Yes, most of the cultivation people in the blood-scarred city are grateful to the emperor. Many people were willing to join the Fourth Army. However, due to the limitations of the cultivation resources, only a part of it was recruited.” Xu Fan’s eyes showed some hesitation Su Bai, and finally daringly said: “Jun, the enchanted demon has tens of thousands of people, can come up with some to reward the blood Guards, and re-enter some cultivation to fill the Fourth Army Vacancy…”

“I look like a mean person?” Looking at Xu Fan’s cautious look, Su Bai couldn’t help but smile.

Hear this, Xu Fan four people are exposed to the color, for the immediate Su Bai, they are just just contact, the latter’s temper is not understood, but the only thing that can be certain is that the latter must be heavy and heavy, otherwise If you don’t, you will not be alone in the bloody city, and you will not be afraid of the ambush. This is one of the reasons why they are willing to honor Su Bai.

Looking at the look of the four people, Su Bai is no longer jokeing, but sings: “In this way, the demon fleshly body and King Dao Jindan that were hunted this time are all taken out and given to the four armies. If you want to deal with Sovereign Dao Jindan, you can choose Sovereign Dao from the four armies.

Hear this, Jiang Wei is dumbfounded, and some are unbelievable what he has heard.

Su Bai, this is the spoils of war, all of which are given…

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