“has seen the new emperor…”

a path of resounding powerful coldly shouted sounds in the void, as if thundering, mighty, shaking the whole sky is shaking, tens of thousands of cultivation people in the void, all over the body, facing Su Bai The position was half-squatted, and the black-pressed figure was in sight. They looked in awe and looked at Su Bai not far away.

The mighty voice echoed in the ear, making Su Bai look awkward. After a long time, he slowly reacted, and then his eyes looked at him with a stunned look at the black and white figure in front of him. Obviously he did not think of this army. Will respect him as the emperor.

In contrast, Mo Fanchen and Tang Wushuang’s expressions are even more bizarre, and they are incredulously looking at this scene. Although this army has suffered more than half of the deaths and injuries, the strength is still there. The explosion of Strength is still not to be underestimated. Such a large army has actually surrendered to Su Bai.

“Everyone, are you doing something wrong, am I not a new emperor?”

Su Bai’s gaze finally fell on a man kneeling in front of him. The man’s cultivation base was the most powerful among the four leaders.

“My emperor had previously said that if he died in battle, he would let me be the Lord of Blood.” The man looked up and his face was covered with a path of scars, which looked extraordinarily The shock was shocking, but at this time he looked at Su Bai, his face was revered.

“When the Emperor fell, he also entrusted the bloody city to the king. Therefore, I would like to honor the king as the new emperor.” Another commander, Xu Fan, is the youngest of the four leaders. About thirty in his early age, asking Sovereign Dao at this age is enough to show that his out of the ordinary is too wild, and it is also the existence of a god.

Su Bai had a helpless smile on his face. Before the death of the old man, he did say that he would look after the bloody city in the future, but he did not think of the old man. This is to give the bloody city directly to him, and listen to the previous name. The man’s words, Su Bai is not difficult to guess, before the war, the old man had ridiculed some of these people’s words, otherwise, these people will not be just because of the old man before the death, respect him as the emperor .

It’s natural to be able to get such an army of out of the ordinary without any reason, but Su Bai knows very well that once he promises, then he will have to shoulder the corresponding responsibility, such as Become the master of the city, sheltering it from being destroyed by the demon.

However, in the current Strength of Su Bai, it is not difficult to shelter this bloody city. In addition, most of the demons in the hunting demon area are killed in this battle. As for the other demons, they are not afraid enough. Su Bai is also sure to annihilate it.

Su Bai looked up and looked at the dilapidated but majestic city in the distance. He made a decision and then directed the four commanders and the army like the bloody sea. Started talking, “In the future, you still need to worry about everyone. Keep this city with me!”


a path of the incomparable sound of the sky, the vastness of the sound in the sky.

Su Bai stepped forward and raised the four commanders who were half-baked in the void. He did not be proud of being a monarch of these people, but an approachable person.

Su Bai looked at the black army that was pressing forward, and said: “Everyone please please!”

“Yes!” In the void, the tens of thousands of cultivation people stood up and looked at Su Bai with awe, the fear was not deliberate, but from the heart.

Obviously, the powerful Strength that Su Bai has shown has already conquered these people.

At this moment, Su Bai looked up and looked up, looking up, there was a blush, as if it had been washed by blood, there was no tragic and unspeakable, and at the top, a trace of mysterious The power gathered from heaven and earth and came to him.

For this power, Su Bai is no stranger. When the Liu family first surrendered to him, it happened.

“Destiny’s power!” Su Bai slightly closed his eyes and felt the mysterious power. These forces seemed to contain some kind of heaven and earth, and they were so vast that they gathered toward his purple house, a magnificent Sovereign Dao phantom. In his purple house, the beautiful golden light circulates and the lines appear.

“Sure enough…” Su Bai muttered in his heart, and he instantly cleared comprehension.

At this moment, everyone standing in the void is breathing fast, and they perceive a terrifying incomparable pressure from Su Bai within the body, as if the sky collapsed and fell on them.

“What’s the matter?” Mo Fan’s eyes were moving, he looked at Su Bai. The original Su Bai’s thin silhouette gave him a mountain-like opression, especially the latter’s scorpion like Starry Sky. Amazing opression, Mo Fan’s eyes reveal a fascinating color. In his perception, Su Bai’s body seems to blend into the world.

“The mess here is handed over to you.” Su Bai opened his eyes and looked down at the dead body of the demon underneath, started talking: “I need a quiet place, not to be disturbed by others…”

“Yes!” The four commanders answered in unison.

“Please come with me on the king.” The man named Xu Fan bowed to Su Bai and then took Su Bai to the bloody city.

In the void, many sect cultivation people are looking at Su Bai’s back with a little nervousness, especially the sects that have been used by Su Bai, such as the cultivator of the Pavilion and the Emperor’s Temple. Very incomparable, always beware, although Su Bai said that the grievances between them have already been, but they still do not dare to care, always beware.

The battle flags hunted, and thousands of cultivation people opened the way for them. The sound was soaring. Under the gaze of countless eyes, Su Bai stepped out of the air and appeared in the sky above the bloody city.

“You should find a place to stay first, and I will come back to you later.” Su Bai started talking to Cao Feng and others not far away.

“No.” Cao Feng entire group Qi Qi Ying, their eyes are both excited and excited to see Su Bai like myriad of stars surrounding the moon.

“Has seen the new emperor…” The bloody city, suddenly burst into a shocking sound, almost everyone is saluting Su Bai to show respect.

Su Bai nodded slightly, but it didn’t say anything.

Under the lead of Xu Fan, soon, a magnificent palace building appeared in Su Bai’s sight. However, it was apparent that it was baptized by the war. It is still visible that the palaces are covered with a path of shocking cracks, crumbling. At the same time, all over the land are gullies.

Finally, Xu Fan stopped the figure in front of a huge palace. His eyes looked at the palace with a bit of bitterness. He whispered: “This is the place where my emperor is formally cultivated. If you want to cultivate, you can feel cultivation. I will wait outside the hall to guard.”

Su Bai nodded slightly, striding into the palace.

The palace of Nuo Da has no gorgeous decoration, but a solitary futon is spread on the ground.

Su Bai looked up and down the palace, and he saw that there was no ban on this all around.

“It’s really cold…” Su Bai whispered softly. It’s hard to imagine this is the cultivation of the Lord of the Bloody City. He stepped forward and sat directly on the futon, eyes closed slightly, and his mind was immersed in the Dantian of Zifu. “The next step is to verify that the Buddha of Sovereign Throne’s way of cultivation is correct…”

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