Chapter 1902

Pupil light Like Li Jian, Sheng Shenghui, Su Bai Like a Shura demon returning from the blood, terrifying incomparable Sword Intent tears around him, the surrounding world becomes blood red, a piece of bloody frost swaying Falling, the whole world is filled with an incomparable killing intent.


A screaming and screaming word cry sounded, and when Su Bai’s inner killing intent climbed to the most Peak, the Sword Intent, which was originally filled in this world, gathered toward his iron sword, Su Bai. The iron sword in his hand spurred out at a speed that was moving human heart, as if holding a certain trajectory.

Looking far away, the wings of the golden giant bird swept like two mountains. The sun and the moon were empty, terrifying was incomparably powerful, and it was overwhelming. In contrast, Su Bai’s silhouette was so small that it was set off. It’s like a moth.

A touch of cold light flashes out from the blood-red world, 铮铮sword cry, and the densely packed frost leaves become a path of bloody sword shadow. Each word shadow contains a terrifying Sword Intent. It seems to be smashed by the Scorpio.

“The firefly’s light can compete with the sun and the moon…”

The golden giant bird is very excited. Apparently, he did not expect that Su Bai would dare to face it. He seems to have seen the picture of Su Bai’s body being cut off by his wings. He is extremely confident in his own sun and moon wings. Two distinct aura Crazy on his wings, aura is different, but quite terrifying.


An earth-shattering roar sounded, and a touch of sword light seemed to be unstoppable. It broke all barriers and landed on the right wing of the golden giant bird. The blood splattered and saw a rusty iron sword breaking the phantom on its right wing. Passing through his right arm, a terrifying incomparable aura is cutting his flesh and blood.

The golden giant sneer, Su Bai’s one sword hurt him, but he will let the price of the dead, his left wing has swept, and in an instant, Su Bai’s head can be broken into pieces.

Su Bai’s eyes were slightly coagulated, staring at the huge wings that were nearly lingering in the blood. He had one sword pierced the wings of the golden giant bird, but the remaining power of the other side’s blow was also bombarded on him, if not Su. Bai fleshly body is extremely powerful, this force is enough to smash his fleshly body, but even now, he feels with the body over the sea, the whole body seems to suffer from heavy mountain bombardment, a path of bones Cracked open.

Call… call…

The sharp wind broke out in the ear of Su Bai, and a phantom that was covered in the sky was quickly enlarged in Su Bai’s eyes. It was the left wing of the golden giant bird. On it, a round of phantom was indefinite, containing one. Share ice cold power.

In the face of such a terrifying blow, Su Bai looks calm and composed, his draws the sword turns around and walks away, the seemingly terrifying blow is about to be shot down on him, his figure is like a ghost. Disappeared, this is the sword of the sword…

At the same time, a dull voice rang in the void: “Dead bird!”

The sound fell in the ears of the golden giant bird, and it was like a thunderous explosion. His body’s hair was standing upright. He suddenly found out that a Sword Intent had suddenly appeared from his heart, even if it was silent. It was as strong as he was, and he did not notice the fundamental reaction until he saw the Sword Intent falling on his heart.

a path of blood marks vainly spread from the heart position of the golden giant bird. In a flash, the huge heart of the golden giant bird is broken. According to the truth, the heart of their demon family is extremely powerful, even if it is hit hard. It won’t break easily, but the Sword Intent contained within a sword light is too terrifying.

At the same time, Tang Wushuang and others are looking at the scene in front of them. In their view, when the golden giant bird’s terrifying blow is about to fall on Su Bai, Su Bai’s figure disappears out of thin air, then the golden giant The body of the bird is crumbling, and the terrifying aura that had permeated it was also dissipated like a tide at this moment.

Finally, in the eyes of everyone, the golden giant’s body, like a broken kite, crashed straight down and hit a mountain. The mountain collapsed, the giant stone rolled, the smoke and dust, and the golden giant bird The body is covered up.

The demon in the distance, looking at this sudden scene, has a strong stunned color in the eyes, because they perceive the bottom, the golden giant bird’s life aura becomes very weak, and finally, annihilated between heaven and earth.

This means that this adult is dead.

This result undoubtedly shocked the demon who was present. They could hardly believe that this scene was in front of them. A terrifying existence died on the reptiles. They were all sweating and the body shivered involuntarily. Terrifying because of the unknown. Until now, they still don’t know how this golden giant bird died.

In addition to the demon, there are also many Great Desolate creatures who are also confused and they don’t understand.

But many people have guessed how the golden giants died, but the guess made them shudder.

“It’s that sword technique…” Tang Wushuang’s look is uncertain. He has a cold sweat on his hand holding a hundred robbery bow. He has personally experienced Su Bai’s fifteenth sword, so he knows who is better than anyone. The terrifying of the sword.

However, Tang Wushuang also knows that this golden giant bird has not been wary of it beforehand, otherwise it will not die so easily under the Su Bai sword.

In the void, Su Bai white clothed flutters, and the scorpion is as deep as Starry Sky. It has a superb style and has a supreme style. The original thin silhouette at this time gives a feeling of being unattainable as a majestic mountain. The iron sword in his hand is light. Singing, long sword sound, like a natural sound, let the demon in the field shudder.

Looking from above, Su Bai looks down on the ruins below, the heart is slightly relaxed, the golden giant bird is very strong, if it is not the fifteenth sword, it is difficult to kill him with his current cultivation base.

But even if the golden giant is slaughtered, Su Bai pays a great price. Most of his body’s bones have already cracked, especially his right hand, the bones are as fast as possible, he is relying on his own Will. Holding the sword.

“Fortunately, I have already entered the six-pole King Dao, otherwise it is the end of the same.” Su Bai is fortunate, and some fear, the previous one sword actually occupied a large part, if the golden giant bird is wary, then the tenth Can the five swords break its heart?

Once the golden giant bird resists his one sword, he is dead.

This feeling, Su Bai does not like it.

“It’s him… I know how adults died? I heard some reptiles say that the reptiles who got the heart of the demon have mastered a singular sword technique, and the power of the sword technique will directly attack the heart…”

Just then, an exclamation sounded suddenly. It was a Tianmu demon. Obviously, this demon had heard Su Bai’s rumors. After witnessing this scene, he immediately concluded Su Bai’s identity.

This statement is undoubtedly a wave of waves.

The original fearful demon, both eyes are exposed to fierce light, greedy staring at Su Bai, the previous fears are gone, just want to move, some Strong’s more powerful demon is directly shot, against Su Bai And go.

Even the demons who are fighting with Mo Fanchen and others are turning to Su Bai.

The heart of the demon, for the Great Desolate, it is an irresistible temptation, especially for the demon…

In this scene, countless faces have changed greatly, especially Cao Feng and others. Each face is in vain, and from afar, the demons who are killing have given up and killed at almost the same time, and rushed to Su Bai. Densely packed, not more than a hundred demons, not more than a thousand, but more than a million demons…

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