Su Bai felt the power of the aged silhouette, and his heart jerked. He didn’t stop. Under the sky, the sword was like a forest and behind him. Every sword shadow was glaring, terrifying. The Sword Intent lingers, the sword qi rushes.

With the moment of the iron sword in Su Bai’s hand, a path of sword shadow suddenly launch, wearing a golden cracked stone, resounding powerful word cry sound gathered in the void into the killing song, far from the starry falling The sky shook.

Standing in the void, both Mo Fan and Tang Wusou have noticed that there is a path of invisible sharpness in the void, as if they want to pierce their body, it is the aura of Sword Intent.

“This fellow’s innate talent is too terrifying, and I have learned so many masters Sword Intent.”

Mo Fan Chen felt the rushing Sword Intent aura, his face with a dignified color emerged, his body was involuntarily tight, but he did not shoot, but looked into the distant silhouette of the old.

“One two three four… four master-level Sword Intent, small fellow, if you want to be born in the era of Sword Dao prosperity, it is destined to become the crown of an era.”

Old man stood in the void, and the face covered with gully seemed to be a little surprised at this moment. He quickly raised his hand and pressed it in the void.


A golden giant hand condenses out, a path of ancient runes condensed on it, blazing, violent aura is like a stormy wave of shaking the sky, it is amazing, this golden giant just appeared to the front Advance in the void.


Looking from afar, there was a golden mountain suddenly between the heavens and the earth, blocking the offensive of Su Bai. The screaming sword shadows all slammed on the golden giants, and the two were handed over, each time moving. The mountain shakes, destroys the earth and destroys the earth, and makes a great sound in the void, and it rang through the whole bloody city.

At this moment, the whole body of the blood-scarred city is looking up at the scene, and the cultivating person who is closer to the scene, their hands are holding their ears, and only this is the only one that can withstand it. Bobby has a more loud impact.

Thousands of sword shadows are all on the golden giant hand, a path of clear visible cracks spread out from the golden giant hands, but after all, this golden giant will tens of thousands of sword shadows to resist, thousands of sword The shadows are annihilated and dissipated, and the golden giants are still filled with terrifying fluctuations.

Old man The big hand is gently raised, the golden giant who stood in the heavens and the earth burst into pieces, turned into a path of golden hood, shrouded the heavens and the earth within a few thousand feet, and resisted the energy storm that swayed in the void. Live, after doing all this, the old man was started talking: “Little fellow, you can rest assured, I am not malicious, and even more unintentional to seize the heart of the demon.”

Hear this, most people face dramatic changes, especially sect cultivation, their most scrupulous people are undoubtedly the blood emperor, which is one of the reasons why they did not dare to make a head bird before, after all, vying for the heart of the demon Not only these Hundred Sects growers, but also the City Lord people who have never seen the blood.

Su Bai didn’t continue to shoot, but looked at the old man with a little scrutiny. In the latter, he did not notice the slightest hostility, but he did not put down his guard against the old man, his body. Still tight, indifferently said: “What does the Senior come out?”

Old man sighed, his eyes deep, and swept away from the crowd, and said: “If I don’t come out again, the bloody city will be demolished by you. This is the last refuge in Shenshui District…you Do you know what it means?”

No one answered the question of the old man, everyone was silent.

“After the establishment of Bloody City, it has suffered thousands of demons, and hundreds of them have been large-scale attacks. And once one day, the bloody city is broken, and millions of souls in the city are destined to become the demon’s belly. Food.”

Old man sighed again, he turned and looked at Mo Fanchen and Tang Wushuang entire group, said solemnly: “This is the end of the matter today, whoever dares to continue to shoot in the bloody city, my right is I am provoking me, I will not have to say more.”

The plain words are accompanied by a majesty that cannot be disobeyed, and the voice of the old man is spread throughout the area within a few tens of thousands of miles.

Many sect cultivation people have changed their faces. They did not say anything, but looked at the temple and the Imperial group, waiting for the latter’s choice.

Mo Fan’s eyes are uncertain. He can see it. The old man came out to stop the war. He also understands that there is no way to do it again today. Once they continue to shoot, the old man will not stand by, the original Su. Bai made them headaches and had to join hands. Now, if you add a Sovereign Dao cultivator, can they resist?

“These sect teams seem to be united, but in fact they all want to fish in troubled waters, it’s a sand.”

Mo Fan’s heart immediately made a decision. The Thunder that had been pervading the whole body dissipated. Lightly said with a smile: “Senior, you said this to the point, unless I waited for the bear heart leopard to dare to disobey Senior, today’s Things, my temple will not participate anymore…”

Most of the sect cultivation people are helpless and show their wry smiles. The gods don’t dare to provoke the old man easily, and they set their positions. These people dare to provoke them, and they have expressed their stance and will not shoot in the bloody city.

Tang Wushuang’s face gradually became blue, and there were so many sect teams in the field that there was only a choice for them. He was slightly unwilling to look at Su Bai in the distance and looked at the old man. Within the body that filled the terrifying opression, he finally sighed and said: “Senior assured, my demon palace people will never make trouble in the bloody city.”

This scene is far from being unbeaten in Qin. Other people are still worried that the old man will shoot Su Bai. Now it seems that the old man is not coming to snatch the heart of the demon, but to prevent the two sides from continuing to fight. Go on.

Seeing these people so interesting, old man’s face showed a gentle smile and turned to look at Su Bai.

“This is the rule of the bloody city. I must follow the order.” Su Bai grinned with a smile, but his heart did not reduce the alert for the old man. The old man appeared to warn both sides, but in reality Give him a squad, and he and the old man are not relatives, why this old man will help them.

“It’s a vigilant little fellow.”

Old man seems to see the vigilance of Su Bai, lightly said with a smile: “Little fellow, I really have no malice, if I really remember the heart of the demon, I will not stand here to talk to you, but directly I have shot it.”

Su Bai embarrassingly smiled, did not say anything.

“Actually, I still have one thing today, I need everyone to help!” The old man looks solemnly solemn, said solemnmnly.

“Senior has something to tell,” Su Bai said, but at the moment when his words had just fallen, a path of deafening roars screamed from the distance between the heavens and the earth, accompanied by the suffocating sigh of the sky.

Everyone in the field changed his face and looked at the void outside the bloody city. There, a path of huge incomparable shadows screamed and covered the sky.


For a time, countless exclamations sounded in the bloody city…

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