Scorpio is picturesque, blood is falling!

The fierce sword whistling echoed between the heavens and the earth, and a series of blood fell from the Jianfeng Peak, like the ink stained with Zhu Hong. In this world, a picture of the murder of Ling Xiao was sketched.

Everyone was shocked. Their expressions were stunned and looked at the scene. They were short of breath, and their expressions on the face were almost congested. If they didn’t see it, they couldn’t believe it. Su Bai was actually in Huangli and Kim 9th. Under the layer’s attack, the gold 9th Layer is killed, and his cloud is light and light, even if it is grassy.

This scene is beyond the expectations of people at the venue. After all, whether it is Huang Li or gold 9th Layer fleshly body is extremely out of the ordinary, although they have not entered the five-pole King Dao, but they are bloodline out of the ordinary, comparable to their However, who can think of the gold 9th Layer from one of the four ancient tribes, just one face is Su Bai smashed and sword.

Huang Li’s eyes slammed and the impact on him was too great. He came from the fierce beast and walked the way of refining. In the past, he was extremely confident about his fleshly body strength. It is his scorpion, and it is incomparably overbearing. With his fleshly body power, he dares to swear with the 5th Layer of Sovereign Dao.

But at the moment, Huang Li’s heart and confidence are shattered, and the latter’s fleshly body strength is too terrifying. He and the gold 9th Layer have a hand, and if they are fleshly body, they are not Xiang Bozhong.

“He is definitely more than just a five-pole King Dao…” Huang Li’s body was in vain, and the fierce air permeated him from his flesh and blood. His body turned into a streamer and retired toward the rear.

“Yellow is afraid of him.” Many sect cultivation people are all eyes, they did not expect that Tianjiao from the fierce beasts did not dare to fight with Su Bai at this moment, but asked themselves, they are Huang Li, they Don’t dare.


Sword cry Like a golden stone cracking the sky, Su Bai is like a demon god, fluttering and flying, figure move towards Huang Li chasing away, his speed is too fast, and soon catch up with Huang Li, the iron sword in his hand swept again Out, break the sky, force it, and bloom thousands of brilliance, killing intent to seal the ten parties.

It is like a mountain that smashes the sky and the terrifying pressure is overwhelming.

Huang Li’s face changed dramatically, and a sound like a beast was heard in the throat, and then Blood Qi 澎湃, his Blood Qi is not pure red, but a purple bewitching, far away, like a purple lingering The most dazzling thing is that Huang Li’s hands are turned into animal claws. His fingers are half a foot long, like a silver hook. The cold light is shining, grabbing forward, and falling iron. The sword suddenly collided.

Resounding !

This moment, as if the world was turbulent, it made a roar like a thunder, and set off a terrifying storm. Huang Li’s body flew out.

Huang Li’s face is full of unbelievable looks. Although she knows that Su Bai is very strong, she did not expect that she had already used the sacred body and was also hit by Su Bai one sword. “Damn, if it’s not this, my scorpion Can just be a two-handed…”

After another confrontation, Huang Li’s heart was left with only one thought, that is, to escape from the road, and when he made a road, he was afraid of Su Bai.

Looking at the yellow ritual that came out of the air, Su Bai’s eyes showed some strange colors. He obviously felt that the strength of Huang Li’s fleshly body has increased a lot. Unfortunately, this kind of enhancement is insignificant to him, he once again Huang Li attacked and killed.


At this time, a black light pierced through the void, penetrated the clouds, and carried the mighty, earth-shattering, appearing in front of Su Bai.

This is Tang Wushuang’s shot, he wants to stop Su Bai from killing Huang Li.

That black light is an arrow, but the arrow is dark and black, and it has a lingering pattern, with an unpredictable power.

This arrow appears silent and too fast. If Su Bai still wants to continue to chase Huang Li, this arrow will definitely penetrate Su Bai’s body.

Su Bai looked indifferent, as if ignoring the existence of this arrow in front of him, letting the arrow hole penetrated and shot him down. He was originally wearing Tian Xuan’s clothes, and Tian Xuan’s clothes contained tens of thousands of lines. If the real element is used to create a powerful defense, but at this time, the real yuan is banned, and Tian Xuan clothing can not resist the power of this arrow, directly penetrated, and then, this black light Passing through Su Bai’s chest, blood splattered, stained red white clothed.

From the beginning to the end, Su Bai did not change in the slightest sense. His body was only slightly shocked, but the speed of his pursuit was not only unaffected, but also soared. He immediately caught up with Huang Li and the iron sword waved. A landslide and tsunami sounds.


A bloody head flew up, blood violently rushed forth, and Huang Liheng was on the spot.

Until the death, Huang Li did not respond, because when he saw the black light appearing, his heart was quietly relieved, and it was not difficult for him to leave Su Bai by Tang Wushuang. However, he did not expect that Su Bai would kill him if he had to hold on to Tang Wushuang. This is how much hatred.

The amazing scene reappeared again. Under the eyes of the public, Su Bai directly killed Huang Li in an invincible manner, and the latter had no spare capacity at all.

“This fellow is really a madman… In order to kill Huang Li, regardless of Tang Wushuang’s arrow…”

Many sect cultivation people are swallowing their throats. They are scared by Su Bai’s previous crazy actions. They look more and more awed in the eyes of Su Bai, whether it is the invincible appearance of the latter or his In the end, this crazy move made them feel chilly. Even many people began to retire and refused to smash this water.

“It’s too fierce, this is the real invincible, who can be his opponent.” Some of the cultivation people in the field watched the blood, they have been convinced by Su Bai’s grace.

“His fleshly body is too terrifying, never thought about who can force the fleshly body to such a degree…” There are many people in King Dao’s Peak cultivation who are amazed that they are very yearning for King Dao. To this day, they really feel the demeanour of King Dao, and the king of the world is no different.

“That power has surpassed the five-pole King Dao. He may have stepped into the six-pole King Dao.” Some Secteign Dao cultivators in Sect have set off a big wave in their hearts. They all think of a possibility, just They can hardly believe that the youngster, who is not a weak champion, will step into the six-pole King Dao.

Standing on the golden-winged Dapeng, Tang Wushuang’s hand holding the white robber’s bow has already swelled, and the original delicate and pretty face is on the green, no previous style, for the yellow and gold 9th Layer’s Strength, he It is extremely clear that in his view, both Huang Li and Kim 9th Layer will be able to kill Su Bai at the same time. This is a foolproof thing, but the result is the opposite, whether it is gold 9th Layer or Huang Li. Died in the hands of Su Bai.

Huang Li and Kim 9th Layer, but they have a huge price for their demon palace, and it is one of the reasons why he was so strong.

The white clothed blood-stained, Su Bai looked down at his chest, faintly seeing his white bones in Nathan, the pain of tearing his heart drowned his nerves, but his expression was not wavering, he did not Going to the distant Tang Wushuang and others, but the discretion of the spoils of war, the first two Sovereign Dao Jin Dan, Na Ring, and even weapons were collected by him.

After doing all this, Su Bai only looked at the people in the distance, indifferently said: “Will you come?”

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