The sword destroys the ten parties, and the heavy ones make people suffocate.

Looking far away, like a star falling, covering the entire sky.

Everyone in the room was horrified and looked at the scene. The earth-shattering collisions continued to occur. Xiahou Xuan’s chaos flew and the momentum soared. He first held the trenches with one hand, and at the end was directly holding the trenches and constantly smashing. Out, like a path of broken days of long rainbow, aura is violently scary.

This is a method of defamation. It is very famous in the East Xuanxue Palace. It is called Fulong, which was created by the extraordinary powerhouse of Dongxuan Academy. It is rumored to contain a Divine Ability method. The cultivation is extreme and can be seen in Divine Ability. .

Every strike has the potential of Fulong, and the sky is shaking, and the aura of the tragic day is filled in the void.

In the vagueness, Xia Houxuan was actually defending against Su Bai’s offensive, and even began to counterattack. He continued to kill, and the whole person rushed to Su Bai like lightning, and the speed of the battle was getting faster and faster. It is a shadow, there is an unstoppable momentum.

White clothed swaying, Su Bai action is like electricity, and it is as strong as a dragon. The iron sword is very heavy in his hands at this moment, just like holding a sword mountain. In the twinkling of an eye, Su Bai now has dozens of swords and sharp breaks. The sound is loud and resounding, and the eye-catching sword light cuts through the sky, such as the Nine Heavens.




a path of deafening gold and iron intersecting sounds constantly screaming in the void, in just a few moments, the two shots almost a hundred times, resounding sounds, each confrontation has a terrifying ripple spread, seemingly not It is fierce, but it contains terrifying power. The earth within a few square feet begins to sink, and the palace towers are turned into ruins.

In the distance, everyone is stunned. Whether it is Su Bai or Xia Houxuan’s offensive, there are destroying the mountains and breaking the mountains, destroying the power of the heavens, even if they stand in the distance, they still feel the impact of a path of terrifying. Within the body Blood Qi constantly tumbling.

Some of the cultivators who were originally volleyed were swept away by Yu Bo, and all the bones were cracked, and the seven bleeds died.

“Too tererifying, these two people alone with the power of the fleshly body, I am afraid it is enough to sweep the existence of the Sovereign Dao.”

“King Dao is extremely forformable. It’s no wonder that the ancestors once said that King Dao is the ultimate, and can be crowned Sovereign Dao.”

“The strength of Xia Houxuan’s fleshly body is also terrifying, and it is quite comparable to that of the fellow.”

In the void, the two silhouettes are constantly intertwined, and the earth-shattering confrontation is unfolding. Their speed is so fast that they can’t keep up with their silhouette, and the strong fluctuations are like undulating waves.

Qin undefeated, Hong Ling and Qin Shuang are all backwards withdraw, look at the two silent silhouettes of the fierce battle in the air, they come from the East Xuan Xue Palace, naturally very clear Xia Houxuan’s Strength, but at the moment, Xiahou Xuan’s display still makes them move.

“I didn’t expect Xia Houxuan, this brat had such a terrifying fleshly body strength. It seems that he used to be Tibetan mastiff in the past.” Red Ling slimbrows slightly knitted, but there was not much worry in the eyebrows, because she saw it, Under the terrifying offensive of Xia Houxuan, Su Bai did not retreat, but was similar to Xiahou’s battle.

“Xia Houxuan has such a fleshly body strength, it is not surprising. After all, he was promoted to the Sovereign Dao environment with King Dao. Fortunately, there is a banned existence, otherwise his Fulong is more terrifying.” Qin undefeated lightly Said with a smile, he cultivated into a dragon like a holy place, but with the force of fleshly body and Xia Houxuan, he was still suppressed, showing Xia Houxuan fleshly body out of the ordinary, the only thing that made him relieved is Xiahou Xuankong There is a cultivation base, and all of them are sealed. Otherwise, they will leave Xia Houxuan today, but they have to pay a fierce price.

“Well, Fu Longzhen really out of the ordinary…” Hong Ling’s decapitation, she has been in the Dong Xuan Xue Gong cultivation for so many years, naturally knows the terrifying of Fulong.

“Do we not take the shot together?” Qin Shuang asked.

“No.” Hong Ling stared at the white clothed silhouette in the distance, whispered: “With the fellow of the fellow, if you want to help, you have already spoken.”


The glaring brilliance broke out, Su Bai’s scorpion was cold, he galloped through the void, the whole piece of emptiness was shaking, and the iron sword in his hand swayed hundreds of times in a row, making the whole bloody city seem to be shaking. Up, the sword shadow is full of bounds, and it can destroy the heavens and the earth and destroy everything.

Xia Houxuan’s bloody trenches also swept out like a group of dragons dancing and welcoming Su Bai’s offensive. Every time the swordsman intersected, there was a terrifying power that broke out.

Xia Houxuan bears the impact of these forces, with the body Blood Qi rolling, his eyes are blazing, staring straight at Su Bai, who is close to the feet, he knows that the latter is also suffering from these forces.

“No, if you continue this way, when you are exhausted, when Qin is undefeated and others, I will lose, and I will not continue to be deadlocked. I must kill this child as soon as possible.”

Xia Houxuan killing intent is strong. After this fierce battle, he also has a clearer understanding of the former’s Strength. He knows that if he continues to fight this way, the two sides will fight for the most. If it is before, the result is him. The music came to the attention, because Su Bai and Qin undefeated and other people joined forces, the defeat must be him, but he is now reluctant to accept such a result.

“You can only use the Holy Blood… although it’s a pity, but killing this child will give you the heart of the Emperor, but you can also get it.”

Xia Houxuan’s eyes were filled with crazy killing intent, and he stood up against Su Bai’s offensive. His figure suddenly retreated and his fingers fell to the center of his eyebrows. His flesh and blood, a huge golden light suddenly burst out in his eyebrows.


This golden light just appeared, and it volleyed out, hovering over Xiahouxuan.


Suddenly, a terrifying incomparable pressure erupted from the golden light, letting the human heart and fleshly body present in the audience tremble involuntarily, as if there was an immortal existence, coming to this world.

“This is…” Everyone was shocked and looked at that golden light.

In it, it is a drop of golden blood, flowing through the dazzling brilliance, like the next day, shining on the ten sides.

“That is the Holy Blood!” Qin’s undefeated face changed dramatically, and his face showed some panic.

“It is really holy blood. The identity of this Xia Houxuan is really not simple. He is actually holy blood…”

In the distance, Mo Fancheng’s entire group was also full of surprises, especially Xia Yan and Xia Hong. They recognized the face of the golden blood at a glance. It was because of this that they were shocked.

“Senior Brother, what is the holy blood?” Mo whispered softly.

“Holy Blood, as the name suggests, is the blood of the saints, and it is also a drop of blood essence in the holy powerhouse.” Mo Fanchen has not yet opened, Xia Hong on the side is the first to start talking.

“A drop of holy blood can destroy the mountains and rivers.

Xia Yan couldn’t help but lightly sighed then said that they came from the great Xia Dynasty, the out of the ordinary, knowing the terrifying of the holy blood, he asserted: “Xia Houxuan sacrificed the holy blood at this time, that brat, died.”

In the void, Su Bai looked indifferent, coldly watching the number of 100 feet outside Xia Houxuan, his eyes finally fell on the golden blood, and the pressure inside him swelled and made him breathe.

Xia Houxuan also looked at Su Bai coldly, and said with a smile: “The four-pole King Dao is just like this, then, hey!”

“hehe …” Su Bai faintly smiled, the surprise in his sorrow gradually returned to calm, did not give Xia Houxuan a chance to continue nonsense, and slayed again…

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