Above the Scorpio, Ruixia shines like a silver river, and the majestic Blood Qi condenses into the sky. The Bai Bai is immersed in the sky, Su Bai is standing in the void, the long sword in his hand trembles, chills And the cold word cry makes the world more cold.

This is a shocking picture. Most of them are petrified, and they look at the scene in front of them. The iron sword in Su Bai’s hand is worn by Xiao Huang’s head, and the fleshly body is split into two halves. The bones are flying, especially the blood contaminated with white brain, which is shocking, so many people present in the room are cold, and the inexplicable chill comes from the heart.

Compared with Zhao Kuo, Xiao Huang is not famous in the wilderness, but he is from Dong Xuan Xue Palace. It is destined to be dazzling in this Hundred Sects battle. Many people assert that Xiao Huang’s Strength is in this Hundred. In the Sects battle, it is enough to rank in the top six, which is not inferior or even stronger than Zhao Zuozhi.

“Shoo is dead like this?”

“The silver discipline of Dong Xuan Xue Gong, the existence of dozens of Sovereign Dao in the name of the enemy, is so easy to fall.”

“Unfortunately, without the existence of this ban, the Emperor of Xiaohuang can definitely be invincible. After all, he has a very terrifying Bloodline Divine Ability. The woman of the previous Eternal Hall cannot hurt the slightest. …”

“This child’s fleshly body is too terrifying, standing in the ban, he is almost invincible.”

Many people sighed softly. They all felt that Xiao Huang’s death was too awkward. He clearly had the strength to crush each other. He was banned and could only use fleshly body power.

“The four-pole King Dao has such a terrifying power…” Mofan whispered softly, looking at Su Bai’s eyes as a jealous color. If he was replaced by him, he would not have the fleshly body force alone. Grasp the victory over Su Bai.

Xia Yan brows slightly wrinkle, turned his head and said to Mo Fanchen: “Do you want to shoot? Zhao Kuo and Xiao Huang are dead, and Xia Houxuan’s Strength may still be able to do it with him, but the other party has three cultivations of the Changsheng Temple. The helper lining up, the loss of Xia Houxuan is a matter of time, and then I will wait until then, I am afraid that it will be too late.”

Xia Hong felt the terrifying aura in the empty cloth that white clothed silhouette, his eyes slightly concealed, and then sole solemnly: “I still want to withdraw from the road, after all, I waited for the cultivation base to be suppressed, shot here. If it is, it is extremely unfavorable for me.”

“Well, first withdraw from the road.” Mo Fan dusted slightly, his eyes swept over the distant attic, many of those sect cultivation people were eager to move, but no one always shot at this moment, apparently Su Bai showed The Strength, which has shocked most sect growers.

“It is unwise to play against this child in the ban. Zhao Zuo and Xiao Huang are the lessons of the past. I waited for the first to withdraw from the squad and wait outside the squad. Once he stepped out of the squad, even his fleshly body strength. Stronger, after all, it’s hard to be an enemy…”

In the attic on the edge of the square, the sharp wind broke, and a path of silhouette sneaked out and plunged away from the direction of the square. As soon as they went out, they were blocked by the cultivation base. Standing, the eyes are watching the sky above the square, many people are chilling in the eyes.

The movement here also quickly caught the attention of many cultivation people in the square, and most of them reacted and rushed toward the road.

Standing in the void, Su Bai stood by and watched. He didn’t stop the sect team from leaving. What surprised him a little was that almost the entire Hundred Sects team was present, except for the team of the demon palace, you can imagine that the demon How big is the temptation of the Emperor’s heart.

If it was a few days ago, Su Bai could only be slaughtered. Now, after entering the kingdom of King Dao, even if there are so many sect teams in glare like a tiger watching his prey, his heart is still calm. Waves.

Soon, Su Bai regained his gaze. He turned and gently raised the iron sword in his hand. A series of blood flowers swayed from the peak of the sword. His figure plunged toward the void of the green radish, and he was about to At the moment of coming, the iron sword in his hand swept out like a bloody lightning, scratching the void, and exceptionally embarrassing.

The green radish in the fierce battle is standing upright and the back is braving. The death of Zhao Kuo and Xiao Huang is too big for her. She is weaker than the fleshly body strength of Zhao and Xiao Huang. The reason why her Strength is above the bronze discipline of Dong Xuan Xue Gong is that she relies on her Bloodline Divine Ability.

The sharp wind broke in the air, and the green radish became more and more flustered. Regardless of Qin’s offensive, the whole lovable body retreated backwards. At the same time, the purple bewitching light burst out in her within the body. Make a purple snake shadow, bewitching bright, sweeping through the void, and slowly launching against Qin Shuang.

Qin Frost’s pretty face is slightly changed, because she perceives that this purple snake shadow contains extreme terrifying power. The silver long spear in her hand comes out and turns into a silver beam, and at the same time, the dazzling silver light from long spear Inside, it broke out and formed a silver Phoenix phantom, which spread its wings and smashed through the void, colliding with the purple snake shadow.


An unparalleled storm screamed in the void and swept all directions.

Whether it is the purple snake shadow or the silver phoenix shadow, it contains the extreme terrifying power, but the power, not the green radish and the Qin shuang itself, are obviously sealed in their within the body.

The green radish is slightly relaxed, that purple snake shadow, but when she formly becomes a candidate for the Nine Heavens Palace of the Virgin, the reward is given by a powerhouse of the Nine Heavens Palace, and a force is sealed in her within the body. In order to protect her life at a critical moment.

But at this moment, a sword light flew out of the storm, Su Bai came out of the air, he waved the iron sword, crushed the void, stepped calmly, step by step toward the green radish, that looks like a terrifying storm At the same time, Su Bai’s body is like a blazing burning furnace, and Blood Qi breaks out and hits the sky.

Soon, Su Bai caught up with the green radish, did not give any reaction, directly one sword swing.

At this moment, the lingering purple light of the green radish quickly changed to form a path of rune, covering the body of the green radish.


Su Bai, this one sword, slash down on those purple runes, screaming the resounding sound of gold and iron.

These purple runes contain extremely powerful power, which resists the one sword of Su Bai, but at the same time, it also bursts open.

Green Luo looked at the broken purple road sign on his body, his face pale, and then looked at Su Bai, who was close to the ruler. His face immediately showed a charming look, praying: “I beg you not to kill me, I am from Nine. Heavens Mysterious Palace, once cultivated through the room, as long as you spare me, I am willing to be a slave…”

Green radish is very charming, especially to reveal this charming look, it is very tempting.

“Being a slave, you are not qualified.” Su Bai was indifferent, and the iron sword in his hand did not stop because of the words of the green radish, slammed down, slash down on the green radish, the green radish was cut off by the shoulders. The heart is broken, half a body flies up, blood splatters, reddish the sky.

To death, the green radiant still has a charming look on the face, but the scorpion is like a peach blossom, filled with a touch of horror and incredible color, she did not expect, facing her own color, the latter actually thought If you don’t think about it, just take it.

Ruthless shot, one sword killed.

Su Bai raised the iron sword in his hand, a drop of bright blood dripping, the blood mist tumbling, Su Bai stepping on the body of the green radish, the white clothed on the snow did not touch the blood, the clothes did not get blood, he Holding a bloody iron sword, approaching Xia Houxuan step by step.

Another Sovereign Dao cultivation was degraded, also from the East Xuan Xue Palace.

This scene, in the expectation of others, is only when they really appear in front of them, they still can’t conceal the shock of their hearts.

Looking at Su Bai, like a chopped harvest of Sovereign Dao, a burst of exclamations swept through the world…

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