Chapter 1906

The thick and mountain-like Blood Qi rushes into the sky, and it is so crowded that it can’t breathe.

Most of the cultivations in the field were discolored, and the eyes looked at the sky. It was not a tall silhouette, but it gave an extremely terrifying opression. It must be said that the cultivation who stepped into the King Dao is indeed terrifying. Zhao Qi, the body of Blood Qi, is enough to be present for most people. They have no doubt that if ordinary Sovereign Dao cultivation encounters Zhao Kuo, the latter can easily kill it without using the cultivation base.


The roar of the roaring sounds constantly, like the raging sea of ​​Blood Qi gathered behind Zhao Bu, forming a path of magnificent Tianlong Shenfeng phantom, the situation changes, terrifying pressure from the phantom slowly spread out, there are two Tianlong phantom and two god phoenix phantom.

Zhao Kuo stood in the void, as if the demon god stood above the scorpio, and the scorpion like a blade had an endless chill. He never thought that in such a situation, he needed to use all his strength to kill Su Bai. Undoubtedly let his mind killing intent more prosperous.

“This brat is absolutely dead today, otherwise there will be no chance if you grow up in the future.” Zhao Kuo’s feet slammed in the void, shaking the sky, and the whole body ran rampant toward Su Bai as if it were an ancient beast. The Tianlong and Shenfeng phantom, which had been hovering behind him, all burst apart. The vast and incomparable Blood Qi was behind him.

Looking at the calm Su Bai, Zhao Kuo slammed again, but at the moment of his fist, a huge fierce tiger phantom condensed out in the Blood Qi behind him, fierce and icy. The scorpion slowly opened, making people fear, and it looked like a real old tiger, across the ages.

This fierce tiger phantom just appeared, as if it was integrated with Zhao Zuorong, Zhao Kuo’s fist blasted out, and the fierce tiger phantom hovering behind Zhao Su’s body also swooped out, and Wei’s imagination was beyond the imagination. General terrifying fluctuations.

The terrifying pressure shrouded, and Su Bai calmly looked at Zhao Kuo, who was rushing to the air. He still punched out without any fancy, and there was no vast sea of ​​Blood Qi behind him.


It was such a simple punch, under the gaze of countless eyes, Su Bai this fist and Zhao Kuo’s fist once again collided, and the earth-shattering roar once again madly set off, an unparalleled power broke out between the two. And whether it is Su Bai or Zhao Kuo is the first to bear the brunt.



This power is like a flood, and it is lingering on Su Bai and Zhao Kuo.

Zhao Kui figure violently shocked, the body involuntarily backwards withdraw, where his figure passed, the void was distorted until the number of 100 feet was withdrawn, Zhao Kuo’s body stopped, looked up, Zhao Zuo looked horrified In the distant sky, the figure is not moving Su Bai.

Zhao Kui looked ugly, he did not expect that he had used all the fleshly body power, but he couldn’t help but Su Bai, and even the other side easily knocked him back.

When Zhao’s face gradually became gloomy, everyone in the room was silent, and Rao was as strong as Mo Fanchen, Xia Houxuan and others. They were also stunned. They were very clear and felt that the strength of Zhao’s boxing was How terrifying, that punch is enough to kill the existence of Sovereign Dao’s four 5th Layer, and Su Bai is hard to bear, even Zhao Bao, blasted nearly a hundred meters.

At this moment, no matter whether it is Mo Fanchen or Xiao Huang, the eyes of Su Bai are all in the eyes of the solemn color. They understand what the seemingly thin youngster has the terrifying fleshly body power.

“King Dao is extremely polar… He has definitely stepped into King Dao’s tenth place.” Mo Fanchen asserted.

“Well…” Xia Yan and Xia Hong were nodding slightly, and they had to admit that they had looked away before.

Hearing these words, Mo Zhen and white limpid autumn water are both shocked and shocked. The mouth is big enough to stuff an egg. They are clearly remembered. Su Bai was just King Dao a few months ago. The seven cultivation bases really shocked them at the time, but now, Su Bai has stepped into King Dao’s tenth place, King Dao.

In the void, Su Bai looked indifferently at Zhao Kuo, not far away, indifferently said: “It is my turn now.”


At the moment when the voice did not fall, Su Bai stepped out. At the same time, Blood Qi, who had been within the body for a long time, broke out at this moment. He was like a god-like furnace, shining like a sea of ​​oceans. The all-in-one Blood Qi sweeps away, is imposing, and has an unparalleled sense of opression.

“King Dao Extreme?” Zhao Kuo felt the pressure of Blood Qi from Su Bai within the body, and there was a lot of incredible colors in his eyes. You know, before January, Su Bai was just King Dao. The seven cultivation people, although the fleshly body has touched the threshold of King Dao’s extreme environment, but the gap can not be compensated for in just a few months of cultivation, how to now enter the King Dao polar environment.

“This is too terrifying… he actually stepped into the King Dao Extreme…”

“Terifying, his Strength has changed so much in just over a month.”

Many people were shocked and amazed, and it was shocking to see Su Bai’s eyes.

“The chance, he felt that he had a huge chance to enter the King Dao from the King Dao in such a short time.”

“Yes, this brat is definitely a huge creation… Is it the heart of the demon?”

“The rumor is that people who can refine the hearts of the Emperor, the cultivation speed can be described as a thousand miles, and even have the opportunity to become a holy man…”

After a brief shock, most people have a strong sense of shock, especially those who sect cultivation, can not wait to directly kill Su Bai, to seize the opportunity of Su Bai.

The incomparably powerful force swayed in Su Bai’s fleshly body, and it had the power to destroy the earth. Su Bai walked step by step, and the majestic Blood Qi gradually condensed the Tianlong Shenfeng phantom behind him. , two, three… four…

For a time, the whispers of the presence disappeared in disappointment, and they all stared intently at the magnificent Tianlong Shenfeng phantom behind Su Bai.

“Four Dragons and Four Phoenixs… Four Poles…” Some cultivators exclaimed, but this is enough to rival the existence of Sovereign Dao’s four 5th Layers.

“This is impossible, even if he gets the chance, how can he defying, there is not enough background, how can he reach the level of the four-pole King Dao.” Mo Fan dusty face is incredible, he promoted Sovereign Dao with the three-pole King Dao In the hardships, he knows better than anyone else. If it is not the cultivation resources provided by the sect, it is difficult for him to reach the three-level King Dao.

In the distance, Qin undefeated, Hong Ling and other people are also a moving face, looking at Su Bai’s eyes is full of shocking color.

A white clothed came out of the air, Su Bai is like a soul-like, with the body vented aura more and more vigorous, issued a hundred glory.

“Now do you understand what it is like to dig a grave?” Su Bai grinned with a smile, punched out, and had the power of a landslide…

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