Suddenly there was a sharp wind breaking between the heavens and the earth. The faces of all the people standing in the square were almost a slight change. They noticed that several terrifying incomparable auras were tearing away, and they were so vast that most people were Looking up at the sky, I saw it at the end of the line of sight. The three rainbows were coming across an indescribable degree. 『

In the twinkling of an eye, these three silhouettes appear in the sky above the square.

The sect cultivation people standing in the distant attic recognized the identity of the three at a glance.

“It’s actually they, the foreign aid of the Taoist sect…”

“What do they want to do? Even if they are the Sovereign Dao cultivation of the Episcopal Hall, they would like to save these people in the door of the gate. I remember that there is also a Sovereign Dao in the Hall of Dignity.”

“What about Ximen Chuixue? Will he come with the three?”

On the edge of the square, above the attic, a path of silhouette squirted out, looking at the three silhouettes in the distance.

At the same time, Qin’s undefeated face was very incomparable. When they fled the Liu clan, they suffered a magical wave. After he and Qin Shuang and Hong Ling stayed behind, there were dozens of Sovereign Dao demon demons. The people tried their best to escape the birth of the magic wave, and at that time, they were separated from the Taoist sect. During this time, they were constantly looking for traces of Cao Feng and others until the time ago. On the day, they heard that the Taoist sect had been slain by the door.

Inside the chain, Cao Feng looked up in a difficult way. The chain wrapped around him not only bound his body, but also swallowed his true element with the body. His eyes passed through the thick The iron cage looked up. When he saw the three familiar silhouettes, there was no excitement or excitement on his face. “Go away… Leave us alone…”

Although Cao Feng’s voice is very weak, but the unbeaten Qin is the Sovereign Dao cultivation, it is still heard.

“Qin Shuang Junior Sister, I and Hong Ling Senior Sister will stay after you leave, you take them first.”

Qin’s undefeated gaze became violently sharp, sweeping through the hall of the temple around the square, and finally falling in the direction of the door, his palm slammed, a long scorpion appeared in his hand, and at the same time, violent The majestic aura fluctuates from his within the body.

The stalk is about two meters long and is covered with a layer of golden scales that sparkle the human heart’s undulations, as if it contained some terrifying presence.

Holding the long squat, the unbeaten body of Qin has swooped down to the bottom.

At the same time, the cultivations who stopped around the cage were crazy to escape.

The distance between the hundred zhang or so, the moment comes, Qin undefeated in the hands of the long squatting, only to see the incomparable golden edge of the self-grown scorpion on the crazy condensed, golden scales trembled, bursts of dragons humming, It seems that Qin is unsuccessful in the hands of a long scorpion, but an ancient Tianlong, carrying an incomparable Sen Han, the head is to the iron cage.

“haha, Brother Qin wants to save these people, don’t ask me if Zhao agrees not…”

At this moment, a hearty laughter suddenly sounded from the square, only to see the void around the iron cage, suddenly there are countless roads flashing out, the magnificent world of Spiritual Qi is like a mountain torrent around the cage Converging, there is a huge road between the vagueness. There are countless light and rainbows in the road, which are like intertwined with the sky and the net cage.


The long scorpion broke through the air, and the terrifying force was heavily bombarded on the road. It was directly the turbulence of the road, and the original spread of the light and rainbow broke out. The road was only It lasted for a moment and it broke.

But at the moment when the road was collapsed, another block of roads emerged from the hollow space around the iron cage, surrounded by layers, and formed a huge road array composed of more than a hundred roads. The radiance of countless rumblings came together, and a huge mountain phantom emerged, and then the head was move towards Qin.

Qin’s unbeaten face was calm, and the long anger in his hand provoked it. The majestic surging of the majestic, the dazzling golden edge swept out like a beam, and then fell heavily on the mountain phantom.

The sound of the phantom of the mountain, which seems to have thousands of words and condensed, collapsed. The unusually sharp golden edge vented in the void, like a path of golden arrows. The land was on the road, but on that array, a path of Spiritual Qi storm suddenly picked up, overwhelmingly facing the golden edge and slamming it.

The human heart in this scene is horrified, whether it is the undefeated power of Qin, or the power of the Taoist array in front of them, they let them sweat coldly, and all the crazy escapes.

At the same time, these escaping people also looked at the sky above the square, where dozens of silhouettes broke through, for Zhao Zuo.

At this time, Zhao Kuozhen looked at Qin unbeaten with a smile, lightly said with a smile: “Brother Qin really promised, knowing that my door is set here, etc. everyone is walking right into a trap, or come… in contrast, The leader of the Taoist sect is dwarfed, and his same side Senior Brother is caught by us. He is indifferent.”

“You don’t use the radical method anymore. He didn’t follow me. I don’t know anything about it here. Otherwise, you think that his temper will watch you humiliate the side of his sect. “Qin undefeated said coldy, the corner of his eyes swept over Xia Houxuan, Xiao Huang, Lulu and others after Zhao Zuo. When these people appeared, he realized that the air of these three people had locked themselves. .

“Why not, after all, the brat has a demon emperor’s heart. Do you think he will call the same side friendship? In fact, as far as I know, the time when brat becomes a sect disciple is not It’s very long, not to mention the so-called same side friendship.” Zhao’s face showed a sardonic smile. He has made up his mind today to smear the reputation of Su Bai and shape it into a desire for one’s own sake. Regardless of the sad side of the same side of friendship, the fear of death.

“I want to take them away today, you can’t let go.” Qin undefeated in his hands, pointing to Cao Feng and others in the iron cage, facing Zhao Kui said coldy.

“Let people? Just three of you, do you think that we are qualified to let us go?hehe, Brother Qin, you should be very clear, my goal is not you, but Ximen Chuixue that brat, look at Xiahou brother On the face, as long as you are shackled, my door will not be too difficult for you.”

Zhao Kuo seems to have heard the big joke, laughing out loud, and then turned to the side of Xia Houxuan, said: “Xia Hou brother, you do not persuade you these few side, after all, the side side.”

“Hongling Senior Sister, if I were you, I would never be a strongman at this time. In addition, the Junior Brother did not say anything. As Zhao Xiong said, on the side of the same side, I advise. Three, plus Entering Dao.” Xiahou Xuan’s handsome face is covered with a kind smile, including said with a smile.

“Giggle, do you think we know the situation here, but dare to come here, just to give you a pleading for mercy?” Hong Ling, who has been silently silent, smiled, and the twins’ peaches were so cold. Condensed, I only saw her holding a crystal flute in her hand. This flute seems to have endless years, and there is a path of small cracks spreading out.

“Insect flute!” Xia Houxuan’s eyes slammed fiercely, and looked slightly at the flute in the hands of Hong Ling.

“Yes, it’s a worm!” Hongling giggle smiled, holding the flute in both hands, blowing directly, and a melodious and low-pitched sound suddenly sounded in the sky…

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