The Bloody City is located in the heart of the Demon War Zone. It used to be a dynasty imperial capital, but the dynasty was completely destroyed when the demon invaded. This formerly glory is also in ruins.

Until most of the lucky survivors in the Demon War Zone gathered here, the bloody city gradually recovered some anger, although it was not as mature as the formly, but at least very popular.

All of this is due to the presence of Sovereign Dao cultivation in the bloody city, and it is because of the existence of the Sovereign Dao cultivation that the bloody city is standing in the demon battlefield of the demon. Shelter the existence of Great Desolate.

The middle-aged man looked up at the incomparable peak in the distance, lightly said with a smile: “Two Seniors, according to our current degree, we should be able to reach the bloody city in the evening…”

“How many people are there in the bloody city?” Su Bai looked at the undulating mountain range, which was not seen at the end. The breeze of the mountain brought a touch of tea, which made people feel refreshed. This is also Su Bai’s hunting scene. For so long, for the first time I felt that the fresh air was so good that I didn’t mix any of the Blood Qi.

“The exact number is not clear, but millions still have it. Now almost every day, many survivors have rushed to the bloody city, thousands of thousands, and hundreds of thousands.” The middle-aged man respectfully said.

Su Bai’s face showed some curiosity. “So many people gather in the bloody city, and those demons are not tempted?”

Hear this, the middle-aged man shook his head slightly, said solemnly: “How can you not be tempted, almost three days at both ends there are devils to commit, if not the blood emperor and the existence of the four commanders, the blood desert city has already fallen.”

“Blood Emperor?” Su Bai’s eyes are slightly condensed, and he can shelter the bloody city in the demon battlefield where the demon is rampant. That must be a relatively formidable Strength.

“He is the founder of the Bloody City. He has the cultivation base of Sovereign Dao. The strength of Strong is extremely strong. He used his own power to kill a few Sovereign Dao 9th Layer-level demons…”

The middle-aged man is exposed to the color of reverence. The reason why the bloody city has existed so far is because of the existence of the blood emperor. Therefore, the human race in the bloody city is extremely grateful to this person.

“That’s really not.” Su Bai sighed a little, and the Devil’s Strength was far from the Real Desolate, the Sovereign Dao’s eight-level demon, whose Strength is no less than the Sovereign Dao in Great Desolate. The existence of Peak.

Sun Chen’s heart suddenly swelled and looked a little dignified. He looked at Su Bai and said, “Lord, let’s rest here for a while, how?”

“Alright, after all, I have been on the road for two days.” Su Bai lightly said with a smile, with his current Strength, let alone the two-day road, even if it keeps catching up for ten days and a half, day and night, It’s not a difficult thing, but for others, it’s almost exhausting, and Su Bai swept away, clearly feeling that most people are barely supporting.

When you hear the words of Su Bai, both middle-aged men and others are relaxed and relaxed.

The entire group falls directly on the mountain of this humble one, where the clouds are misty and serene.

“Here rest for a quarter of an hour and then hurry.” Su Bai sat on a giant stone at random, facing the crowds not far away.

“Lord, in my opinion, we still don’t want to rush to the bloody city.” Sun Chen came forward, with a big wave of his hand, the majestic real yuan vented out, forming a real yuan shield, and they were square several zhang The area inside is covered, so that his voice will not be heard by middle-aged men and others.

“I know what you are worried about. Don’t worry, this time we don’t have to go to the bloody city to do it with the door. Moreover, those who do not necessarily come to us.” Su Bai lightly said with a smile.

“But if it is now, then it is not only the door to you, but I am afraid that even the owner of this bloody city will shoot… After all, it is the heart of the demon.” Sun dusted his face, though He witnessed Su Bai’s efforts to destroy the blood gods and the terrifying sword technique, but the Taomen is not comparable to the blood gods, plus some other cults like glare like a tiger watching his prey, even Su Bai Strength is strong, and it is hard to beat four hands.

“Sovereign Dao’s eight-fold cultivation base is really powerful, but I don’t want him to leave me if I want to go.” Su Bai is light and windy.

Hear this, Sun Chen’s helpless smile, his heart sighs, although his contact with Su Bai is not very long, it is only a short month, but he also understands Su Bai’s temperament, more stubborn “I only hope that things will go well, and the Lord must not reveal the true identity.”

After a short break, Su Bai entire group figure once again rose into the sky, turning into a stream of light rushing toward the sky.

When Su Bai entire group made another two-hour rush, about a few hours in the evening, a huge city that was almost endless was gradually coming to their sight.

The towering but somewhat dilapidated walls went straight into the sky, and the blood on the walls was mottled, showing how fierce battles experienced at the beginning, a path of huge cracks everywhere.

Despite the ruin, but through the size of the city, Su Bai can see the prosperity of the city’s formerly.

“This is the bloody city.” The middle-aged man pointed to the outline of the city at the end of the horizon, respectfully.

“This time I have been lucky.” Su Bai rushed to the crowd with a smile.

“It’s a privilege to be able to lead the senior with Ren. It’s a privilege to lead the senior. I don’t care if the Senior rewards me with a King Dao. It should be that I have to wait for it.” The middle-aged man respectfully said that he was also relieved. Relaxed, this way, he is always worried, afraid to annoy the two men.

“That’s not to say this.” Su Bai whispered, no more words, figure one step, it has appeared in the hundred zhang or so.

Sun Dian quickly followed, his eyes with a little alert to look at the distant city.

The two were very fast. They used to be led by middle-aged men and others. Therefore, whether they were Su Bai or Sun Chen, they did not use all their strength to prevent those people from keeping up.

Soon, a magnificent and desolate city appeared in the sight of Su Bai and Sun Chen. The grandeur lies in its vastness and endlessness. Standing in the void, it looks almost invisible at the end, while the desolateness lies in the whole seat. Most of the cities have been turned into ruins.

Both Su Bai and Sun Chen have converged their own aura and then plunged into the city.

The flow of people coming and going on the street made Su Bai feel like he was separated. During this time, he had seen too many dead cities and countless bones.

And here, although not prosperous, but at least a bit of life.

“Lord, what are we going to do next?” Sun Chen stood by and asked softly.

It’s just that Su Bai’s words about Sun Chen don’t seem to be heard, but frowns, and the look suddenly rises.

Su Bai’s sudden change made Sun Chen’s heart suddenly tighten and quickly asked: “What’s wrong?”

“I noticed the aura of the Taoist cultivator…” Su Bai whispered, but his voice was very cold.

At the moment when the voice did not fall, Su Bai figure had turned into a streamer and plunged toward the depths of the city…


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