On the blue sky, the sharp wind broke through, and the two silhouettes ran across the sky like a long rainbow. For the silhouette of the white clothed, the rising sun reflected behind it, making it a kind of saying. Unspeakable and out of this world, like a god walking in the world.

Another silhouette follows, and respectfully follows this white clothed silhouette.

These two silhouettes are naturally Su Bai and Sun Chen.

In the middle of the road, Sun Chen’s vigilant eyes swept across the surrounding world, and then he turned his head to Su Bai, who was next to him, and whispered, “Where are we going now?”

Su Bai looked at the sky in the north and whispered, “Where do you think we are going?”

Sun Chen shook his head slightly, and immediately started talking: “I don’t know, but the subordinate can guess the intention of the Lord. It must be traced back to the Taoist cultivation.”

“Well, the news that I got the heart of the demon emperor spread in the hunting war zone, the Taoist sect has become the target of the public, the situation of those fellow is not good, if it is careless, it will be stared by other teams…” Su Bai He whispered, but he was not very worried. After all, there was some understanding of Hong Ling and Qin’s unbeaten Strength. The three of the Changsheng Hall were enough to cope with some sect teams.

“I hope that those fellows will not be so bad luck, and they will encounter the team of the Daomen.” Su Bai slightly closed his eyes, and his unyielding spirit was rushing in all directions. This trip was not aimless, but pursued. The aura of the sects and others came, but after a long time, the aura left by the squad of the entire group has dissipated almost until it is completely dissipated.

Hearing this, Sun Chen’s heart suddenly slammed tightly. In his opinion, Su Bai’s best choice now is to leave the hunting war zone directly, instead of strolling in the hunting war zone. After all, he has the spirit of the demon. Has become the goal of all sect teams, immediately, he said solemnly: “The hunting war zone is not big, but it is extremely difficult to find some people in the hunting war zone, no doubt seabed fishing needle. But if there are traces If you can follow it, you can still find it easily. I don’t know where the Lord has agreed to meet with them, or leave some marks or passwords on the road.

“At that time, the separation was rushed, and I didn’t have time to say it.” Su Bai shook his head slightly, but they were running away from time to time, and there was time to say this.

“That’s a problem.” Sun Chen’s heart slammed.

“It’s a little trouble.” Su Bai indifferently said.

In the following period of time, Su Bai was on the road most of the time. During this period, he also hunted a lot of demons, many of them existed in the Sovereign Dao level. After this road, he gradually adapted. Your own fleshly body strength and the soaring cultivation base.

While refining the blood essence of the demon, he was caught in the endless killing of the Emperor Will, but now it is not a cultivation, especially after those killings, he is in control of the Slaughter Sword Intent. The more he entered, the more he practiced the realm for the fourteenth and fifteenth swords, and the power was even greater.

In January, it’s just a blink of an eye.

During this time, Sun Chen also witnessed Su Bai’s 14th sword and the fifteenth sword. The unpredictable sword technique made him feel terrified and scalp. He finally understood why Su Bai was. Said that this group of people did not even qualify for his sword.

“There is such a terrifying sword technique in the world… Even if you know the flaws of this sword technique in advance, beware of it in advance, but there are several people who can resist this one sword.” Sun Chen first heard about Huo Su talking about Su Bai sword technique. I didn’t take it for granted. This is also the time when he and the blood gods face Su Bai.

“Unfortunately, Sword Dao has become a crime. Otherwise, Su Bai’s accomplishments in Sword Dao cultivation will inevitably become an immortal existence of Sword Dao.” Sun Chen felt a sigh in his heart, after a short contact, he Only then can you know what kind of younger youngster looks so young, how terrifying innate talent and potential on Sword Dao.

“Weird, how do you feel that there are fewer and fewer demons in the Sovereign Dao level? Some time ago, you can hit one or two Sovereign Dao level demons in two days. Now it has not been met for five or six days.” Advanced Mastery handles the demon corpse. This is a Tian Dao demon of King Dao. Its body has been shattered and killed by Su Bai.

“Well, it’s a bit strange. Not only is Sovereign Dao less demon, but even the average King Dao level is less. It shouldn’t be so bad.” Su Bai nodded slightly, he always felt kind Wind and rain The feeling of coming.

Sun Chen also noticed an unusual, revealing color, and immediately started talking: “On the Lord, do you think it will be the existence of these sect teams? After all, Hundred Sects has been open for more than 40 days. The sect team’s actions to kill the demon must inevitably lead to the idea of ​​most demons, and the demons are beginning to gather together.”

“There is this possibility.” Su Bai nodded slightly, believing that Sun Chen’s guess.

“In this case, it is tricky. After all, there are some Sovereign Dao squadrons in the hunting war zone. If those demons are gathered together, then Strength is terrifying enough to destroy most sect teams. Sun dust sighed softly.

Looking at Sun Ding’s look with a dignified look, Su Bai lightly said with a smile : “Right, do you say that there will be a hunting hunter staring at me?”

Hear this, Sun Chen’s face suddenly changed dramatically, and the voice became a little nervous. “Should… no!”

“Whoever said the standard, after all, the devil’s heart has an irresistible temptation for our Great Desolate growers, let alone those demons. If I get the news of the demon’s heart is known to the demon, I can imagine how crazy those demons will be.” Su Bai lightly said with a smile, he said it is easy, but after Sun Chen listened, the more nervous and dignified the look.

“hehe, don’t be nervous, I just talk about it.” Su Bai saw Sun Chen’s face tense and couldn’t help but chuckle.

At this time, there are dozens of silhouettes from the distance in the distant horizon.

Su Bai’s figure suddenly stopped, his eyes looked into the distant sky, where a group of people were talking about something, even though they were far apart, but with Su Bai’s Strength, those people’s words still fell into Su Bai. In the ear.

“big brother, now the outside world is very chaotic, and why our brother is struggling to take the risk of life to pick up the task of the door.”

“Yeah, big brother, we have a lot of people…”


“Door Gate…” Su Bai’s eyes condensed slightly, which is the first time that Hundred Sects has heard the door since the opening of the war.

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