The majestic near-terrifying pressure, like a sea, swept from all directions, standing in the void, Su Bai seems to be in the sea of ​​anger, he looked up and looked at the bloody giants whistling in the air. Raising your hand, there are countless words of crying in the sky and the sky, and there are countless savvy swords qi tearing out in the void, madly condensing in front of Su Bai, instantly turning into a Huge sword shadow.

Three distinct Sword Intent aura swells in the sword shadow, like a sacred sword, a path of space ripple swings on both sides of the sword shadow, and its edge wants to cut this piece of void.

At the moment when the sword shadow just condensed, Su Bai’s right hand suddenly fell.


The sword shadow was shocked, and the crisp and melodious sound of the word cry was smashed, and the slamming sound had torn through the sky and passed through the sky. No one saw it clearly. They only felt a smashing sword light plundering from the void. The giant hand that fell in the sky was cut into two halves and exploded.

After breaking the bloody giant, the sword shadow is still move towards Zhang Xiong.

Zhang Xiong was amazed, apparently did not expect Su Bai to be able to resist his offensive in such a light and sigh. He felt a bit of a sigh, and he did not retreat but moved towards Su Bai, while his In the palm of his hand, there was a bloody flame, and it was lingering in his hands. He punched it out and directly smashed it with the sword shadow that was spontaneously launched.


The sword shadow was suddenly smashed by Zhang Xiong, and the swept Sword Intent was burnt out by the blood of Zhang Xiong’s palm.

Zhang Xiong looked down at the sword mark that appeared on his fist. He said with a smile: “terrifying Sword Intent, if I don’t have the fire of death, I really pay a price…”

Su Bai’s eyes condensed in vain at this moment, and immediately his figure instantly became a phantom dissipated, appearing in the number of 100 feet, only to see where he was at the previous position, a narrow and long knife knives, and that Fang Tiandi cuts open.

At the same time, the figure of the young man emerged. His whole body, Blood Qi, lingered, as if the body had been Blood Qi, holding a bloody knife with a thin flap like a flap. The knife was also swayed by Blood Qi, and the ghost was fascinated at any time. .

Seeing Su Bai avoiding his own killing technique, the young man’s face is not disappointing, but instead shows the color of slapstick, lightly said with a smile: “The reaction is good, but the cultivation base is weaker, otherwise today I really can’t keep you… Sun Dust Your Excellency, you should be shot.”


When the words of young men have just fallen, there are countless rays of light coming from the heavens and the earth, and a path of mysterious roads can be seen in this emptiness and turned into a road. Su Bai and Zhang Xiong and young men are covered up.

Above the road, a man with a pale face looks vacant. Obviously, this man is the young man who is called by the young man, that is, the foreign aid that Blood Shenzong invited.

“Douglas…” Su Bai’s eyes were slightly condensed, and he looked at the road that condensed out of the world with great interest. He did not think that this Sovereign Dao cultivation was a famous actor.

In Dong Xuanzhong, the sects of the Taoist sects are not rare. It is not only the Taoist sects and the Taoist gates, just like the sword squad of Last Sword Territory.

Sun Chen looked down at Su Bai underneath, and suddenly his hands were combined to form a mysterious imprint.


Just in the moment when Sun Chen’s two-handed printing method was formed, there were nine red brilliances in the world between them, and the blazing fires turned into nine huge red and red gates, standing between the heavens and the earth.

At the moment when the nine giant gates came together, Su Bai clearly felt that the surrounding world was trembled fiercely, and an indescribable pressure was spreading open, as if the world was completely banned.

Sun Chen looked proudly at Su Bai below, indifferently said: “The nine palaces are in prison. You are the discriminator of the Taoist sect. You should have heard of this, and its power naturally does not need me to say more.”

“Holding a fist, I really haven’t heard of this so-called Jiugong prisoner…” Su Bai’s calm eyes swept over the surrounding fire gates, and finally fell on Zhang Xiong, not far away, indifferently said: “You The strength of the Strength is quite good. I give you two choices, surrender to me, or die…”

These people’s Strength is still a slap in the eyes of Su Bai. Now, he has stepped into the kingdom of King Dao. If he is trying to display the kind of Raytheon, he may be able to seal the kind of lightning in these people. Body.

However, when he said this, he immediately caused a sly laughter.

“What? I didn’t get it wrong. This brat just said that we surrendered to him?”

“Arrant’s brat, isn’t he still seeing the situation yet? Under the siege of the three men of Zhang Xiong’s Senior Brother, he will die, and dare to make a big slogan, brain teasing!”

“It’s really not afraid of calves for the first time. It’s still so calm now, say something like this.”

“Don’t say, he is really qualified to say this. After all, Sovereign Dao, who died under his sword, is not a minority. Unfortunately, the weakness of his sword technique has long been known to me…”


a path of laughter laughs in the air, in the distance, those who come with Zhang Xiong’s blood god cultivation, are shocked by Su Bai’s words, because from the current situation Look, Su Bai has become a catching a turtle in a jar, no doubt.

Zhang Xiong is also looking at Su Bai with a strange look. He obviously didn’t think that Su Bai would say such a thing. Haven’t you seen the current situation yet?

“brat, you don’t want to think about it, just you, Strength, I can solve you, what qualifications make me wait for the service. Come on, use your strong sword technique, let me learn the so-called sword technique… “The blood knife in the hands of young men is rising, the blade is slanting to point to Su Bai, and an unspeakable terrifying knife is madly condensed on it.

“You, I am not qualified enough to let me out of the sword.” Su Bai is indifferently said to the young man, and he has never seen a young man from beginning to end.

The young man is hearing this, his brow can’t help but wrinkle, and his heart suddenly bursts with anger. Immediately, he no longer talks nonsense, and suddenly takes a step forward. He only sees his body turned into Blood Qi, which disappears and disappears between heaven and earth. At the same time, a very cold knife light emerged from the back of Su Bai, like a torn hollow, and quickly slammed into the back of Su Bai.

This spatula light seems to have emerged from the nine greens, carrying a stalwart trend.

Very surprised offensive, if Su Bai is really a normal King Dao cultivation person, let alone resist the knife, even the reaction did not react, and died under this knife.


Su Bai’s body suddenly disappeared when the spatula was about to touch Su Bai’s body.

Sword Instant…

Zhang Xiong’s eyes slammed, and he saw the empty sky in front of him. A silhouette emerged quickly. Su Bai was the one who was under the guise of the move, and the punch was very simple. Without any fancy.

“courting death!” Zhang Xiong sneered in his heart, he did not expect Su Bai to dare to fight against his fleshly body, instead of using the sword technique, which in his view is no different from the courting death. At the moment, Zhang Xiong is also Punch out…

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