The bloody clothes fluttered, black and light dance, Su Bai quietly stood in this void, the scorpion deep, looking at the distant world, where a path of terrifying incomparable aura is like a flood, overwhelming, his face It is calm and calm. Scorpio novel


An earth-shattering roar blasted in the sky, and the black thunder took the hustle and bustle of the sky. A giant beast came out of the air, huge and huge, and its body covered with dark scales. The black thunder wraps around it, but still can’t cover the muscle-like muscles of it, aura terrifying.

“Strange, I just noticed a very attractive aura, how could it be a reptile…” This giant beast stood in the void, staring at Su Bai coldly, and a little excitement in the red blood. In Su Bai, it actually noticed the majestic Blood Qi, which is no less than him. “haha …luck is really good. If you eat this reptile, the Emperor’s Strength must be improved…”

“I feel power, that is my prey. If you dare to touch your fingers, don’t blame me for disregarding the same family.” At this moment, a loud snoring sounded from the distant world, and thunder was raging. The silhouette came out of the air.

“Put your mother’s shit, this prey is the first thing I have, it belongs to Father.” This giant beast said with a sneer, the limbs slammed in the void, the huge body burst out of extreme terrifying degree, carrying With the power of terrifying, it rushed directly to Su Bai.

The radiance is blazing, the black thunder is constantly falling, and the momentum is huge.

From the beginning to the end, Su Bai looked calmly at this scene. At the moment when this giant beast appeared, Su Bai recognized the identity of this giant beast, belonging to the demon black thre troll family. The demon, fleshly body contains endless thunder, as if there is endless power crouching in it, once it is blasting it is earth-shattering.

“I look so weak? If you want to eat me, you still have no qualifications.”

Su Bai’s body disappeared from the place at once, like a glimpse of light, and immediately appeared in front of the giant beast.

“Qualification? Interesting, reptiles like you, the emperor ate a lot, not thousands, there are thousands.”giant beast grinning, then the mountain-like giant claw, is directly to the Su Bai drop.

Thunder like a waterfall, like a dying, spread severe hundred zhang, apparently has closed Su Bai’s retreat.

Su Bai faintly smiled, he lifted his palm, with the body’s blood, and suddenly the violent power was bursting out of the fleshly body, a powerful opression sweeping open, the majestic Blood Qi in the majestic His within the body whistling, as if the sea is endless, it is endless.

This power, terrifying can’t be described, even he himself feels scared witless.

The most important thing is that this is the limit of his fleshly body power.

Is this the power of King Dao’s extreme environment?

This feeling is very good.

Su Bai clenched his palms and slammed it directly.

A simple punch, without any fancy, and without the power of Sword Intent, is a punch that is purely integrated into the strength of the fleshly body.


When Su Bai’s fist was hard with the raging giant claw, the earth-shattering roar screamed wildly, and the whole void was twisted, as if it could not withstand the sweeping power fluctuations, to break open. Come.

Giant beast’s heart suddenly stunned, it did not expect that the seemingly weak reptiles could actually hold their offensive with fleshly body strength, knowing that the most terrifying of the demon is their fleshly body.

“Not bad…” Su Bai is still satisfied with the power of his fist. This is just a punch. I haven’t really used all the fleshly body power, but the power is enough to kill the existence of the ordinary Sovereign Dao. Su Bai finally counts Know why King Dao has the power to rival the Sovereign Dao.

“Next, try 80%’s fleshly body power…” Su Bai muttered in his heart, and his body flesh and blood was rushing out of his fists and marching toward his fist. He took a step forward. The entire figure disappears instantly and appears directly above the giant beast.

Giant beast screams, giant claw directly move towards Su Bai.


Su Bai also slammed out, this is the power of this fist is stronger than before.

Ka-cha !

Su Bai this fist Landed on the palm of the giant beast, the giant beast’s hand bones burst into a crack almost instantly, and the power of the explosion opened, directly flipping the giant beast.

“Damn, how is the strength of this fellow so powerful…” Giant beast The bloody eyes are full of stunned colors. He never thought that the power inside Su Bai this fist was so terrifying that this power is not at all The so-called King Dao can have, if not he dares to conclude that Su Bai is too ridiculous, he suspects that Su Bai is also a demon.

“It’s too weak…” Su Bai looked at the giant beast that was hit by his own punch. Now it’s a sigh of relief. Step by step, his figure appears directly above the giant beast’s head and punches again. Out, it falls on the head of the giant beast.


The power of the terrifying gushing out of Su Bai’s fist, the head of the giant beast was directly smashed by Su Bai this fist, blood splattered, mixed with white brain, the scene was extremely bloody.

This scene, let another giant beast, who had just arrived in the distance, bump into it. The giant beast scalp was numb and creepy.

“How is this possible? Although the strength of the power is not as good as me, but it is not weak…” This giant beast looked at Su Bai’s gaze, and he didn’t even think about it, it was a crazy escape.

“Since it is here, let’s stay!” Su Bai looked up at the huge silhouette of the distant sky, screaming, his palm waving in the void, followed by a sword light tearing out nothing. Going through the air, it appears right in front of the giant beast.

Looking at the front of the virtual sky, the sword light, the giant beast has a bad hunch in the heart, and soon he saw a bloody silhouette slowly emerge.

With a fist, Su Bai took a step, and the punch was directly on the body of the giant beast. This fist, Su Bai used almost all the fleshly body power.

Of course, this all means that he has not used the Samsara Inextinguishable Sword Body.


The fist touches the moment of the giant beast body, a path of the bright bones cracking, the blood is instantly infiltrated by the whole body of the giant beast, and its heart can not withstand the power of Su Bai this fist, cracking Open, punch and kill.

Such a shocking scene, let those demon who came to the gallop to see, those demons are scared a cold sweat, trepidation, crazy escape, they were originally attracted by the movement of this place, the original I thought that there was a treasure that was born. After all, the aura of the blood essence of the demon was too rich, but I did not expect that there was such a terrifying Great Desolate.

For those who escaped, Su Bai did not continue to catch up. With his Strength, it is not difficult to hunt those demons, but he still has some more important things to do.

That is to return to the Liu clan.

“I don’t know how long I have been cultivation here… The previous demon emperor was taken away by me. Cao Feng should be relatively safe. I don’t know if they will return later…”

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