In the palace of death, the endless white bones are covered with white snow, and the entire palace is quietly standing on it. These stone sarcophagi are quaint and pure, as if they were directly carved with pieces of giant stone. Cheng, here, I do not know how many years existed, the vicissitudes of life and the ancient aura spread from it. 『

Quiet, it seems like the wind has disappeared.


But at this moment, a sudden abnormal sound suddenly sounded.

I saw a cluster of flames rising above the huge stone sarcophagus in the center. It was only a thumb-sized flame, which seemed to be able to blow it away with a single breath, but it was burning strangely.




a path of crisp sound crying from the underside of the white bone, followed by a broken sword with a broken handle. These swords are covered with densely packed cracks. After the baptism of endless years, these swords have been lost. The edge of the past, it looks more like a pile of scrap copper, but at this moment, a path of the fierce aura from these swords, and gathered toward the flame in the center of the stone.


A handle sword broke open with a sorrowful word cry.


The fierce aura came from all directions and was integrated into the flame. The flame of the thumb size was soaring at this time, burning, full of slaps, and changing rapidly, eventually forming a sword-like flame. , hanging above the stone sarcophagus.

The heavens and the earth trembled, as if a long-lost aura appeared again in this world.

Wudao Wuzong, a hall full of more than a hundred zhang high stands quietly in the sea of ​​clouds, like the unchanging existence of the ancient, scattered with a sharp edge of the air, as if a giant sword will cut the entire sea of ​​clouds Open.

At this time, in the palace, the music is loud, the drums are continually, and the scenery of a song and dance is flat, one after another. The beautiful woman like a jade sways a graceful figure, the dance is enchanting, and on both sides of the palace, one side After the seat, one after another Last Sword Territory’s forces were sitting in jeopardy. Their eyes did not flow through these women, but looked at them with awe and reverence.

There, there is a siloette sitting, that silhouette looks tall and tall, he has a pair of dashing eyebrows, like a star-like scorpion dotted with his original beautiful face more out of the ordinary, is such a Silhouette, let the various forces in the presence of the forces do not dare to breathe, because his autumn road Wu Zong, Wu Zong.

“Emperor Dao powerhouse is really different from Sovereign Dao. Even if he doesn’t have any aura revealing, just sitting there, it’s easy to suppress me, etc. It’s also a wise choice to surrender to my autumn Wu Zong. From now on, look at the whole Last Sword Territory, no one is his opponent, even if the Palace Lord of the West Temple and the Wu Zhou of the Wu Zhou Imperial Court are not his opponents…”

A force’s leader looked at the silhouette of the seat, and sighed in the heart. The situation of the Last Sword Territory was probably completely broken after the success of the Emperor Wu Zong of the Qiu Dao. Today, except for the Xi Tuo Lu Ke Dian, In addition to the Wu Zhou Huang Ting, Sword Territory and the Jianmeng, the powerful forces in the Last Sword Territory are able to come to congratulate.

“After this emperor, I want to unify the Last Sword Territory. If everyone can help each other, this seat will never be treated badly, but if everyone is stubborn, it will be ruthless…” The man slowly opened his eyes, and the slightly majestic eyes swept over the crowd, indifferently said.

The sound of the piano suddenly stopped, the drums dissipated, and the entire palace echoed the voice of the middle-aged man.

The leaders of various forces in the hall rose up and said, “I am willing to surrender.”

“Okay, very good! In the future, everyone will be proud of today’s choice, Xuan Ying, notice, if there are still forces in March to surrender to my autumn Wu Zong, this seat will visit one by one.” The man’s palm is pressed, lightly said with a smile.

“Yes!” A white clothed youth stood up in a recent vacancy, facing the middle-aged man and bowing, and then strode outside the hall.

“Right, I heard that you saw a little girl in the Wu Zhou Imperial Court some time ago?” Just as the white clothed youth was about to step out of the palace, the majestic voice of the middle-aged man sounded again.

Hear this, white clothed youth There was finally a change in the calm face, stopping, turning around, and some swearing: “There is such a thing, but the helplessness of the discipline is not enough to win the heart.”

“That’s the way to tell Wu Meng, you look at the little girl in her Wu Zhou Imperial Court…” The middle-aged man was indifferently said that his silhouette suddenly disappeared, but the terrifying pressure still enveloped the entire palace.

“Yes!” white clothed youth Xin joyfully said, he knows that there is a teacher’s remarks, even Wu Meng does not dare to easily defy.

At this moment, a path of sorghum’s incomparable word cry suddenly sounded, and the various forces in the field included the white clothed youth, his face was changed, and he was horrified at the swordsman beside him. All of them reveal the peerless edge, and the fierce Sword Intent aura lingers on it, but at the moment, these swords are involuntarily unsheathed out, and the whole body vibrates, and the pointed finger towards the temple.

In the sea of ​​clouds, the figure of the middle-aged man suddenly emerged. His face of calm and composed was also amazed. At this time, he was holding a sword in his hand. This is his sword, but at the moment This sword is struggling in his hands. If he is not holding him, the sword will break free, like in the temple, no, it should be the swords in the entire Wudao Wuzong.

At the same time, Last Sword Territory, the thirteen states, countless Sword Dao growers’ faces are changing at this moment, whether they are fierce battle or cultivation cultivation, they are looking at the sword in their hands, these swords Inexplicable tremors, a path of high-sounding sword cry burst out and rushed into the sky.

One hundred… thousands of ways… million roads… million roads… millions of roads… hundreds of millions of roads…

Anyone can hear the meaning of sorghum in the sound of sound, anyone can feel the meaning of the sword in the hand, a path of sword cry, tearing, nothing together, together, vast, like the sound of heaven and earth , spread throughout the entire Last Sword Territory.

Until the end, these swords are uncontrolled and free from the hands or backs of the cultivation. They are suspended in the void, and their sword tips are all pointing in the same direction, as if they are worshipping or welcoming.

At this moment, Last Sword Territory, countless cultivation people shake together…

And far away from tens of millions of miles, Su Bai seems to have noticed something in the hunting war zone. Turning around and looking at the direction of the Last Sword Territory, he seems to hear a word cry…

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