“no! Very important! Very important!”

Chen Qiang answered almost without thinking, and his tone and attitude were equally solemn.

“Xu Lao, whether Fu Qianyan and I are really married does not affect my attention to Tianhong Group.

The grace of dripping water, please report to Yongquan!

Fu Qianyan is a friend of mine. He once helped me when I was most disappointed. It can even be said that she was the only friend I could communicate with during a certain period of time.

Now She is in trouble, I cant let it go!

On the other hand, its my personal business.

I always think that Gao Wei from Hongye Group has a problem. And I have been murdered and acted upon me.

My gratitude and grudges are clear, since he provokes me, then I cant assume that nothing has happened!


And Tianhong Group is the best platform for me to fight against, so, on this point, I can’t sit back and watch Tianhong collapse!”

These words are indeed Chen Qiang Real inner thoughts.

In front of a great character like Mr. Xu, Chen Qiang has no need to conceal it. It is useless to conceal it.

“What a gratitude and grudges are clear!”

Old Xu raised his head and laughed heartily, while patted Chen Qiang’s shoulder and said, “young man, if you dont worry about Tianhong Group , Thats disappointing!

Our people in Shouyangshan, although they have a mission, are also a value emotion, value friendship.

If you are interested in Tianhong Group I dont care about the situation. I will even doubt the authenticity and ulterior motives of the words you just said.

You have no news here, but we know a little bit.

You are right. Tianhong Group is indeed in trouble now, and it should be within these two days that the little girl Fu Qianyan may make an important decision.

However, You dont have to worry, I guarantee that before you go back, Tianhong Group will not have too much change!

Even if the information you provide us is really of great value, I I can also help you appropriately.

So, Chen Qiang, you should listen to me. When I find the corresponding technical personnel, I can tell you what you know, how about it?”

With Xu Laos guarantee, Chen Qiang can finally feel a little relieved, as long as he can return to the time and prevent Fu Qianyan from selling fixed assets, as for Xu Laos appropriate help, Chen Qiang is a little bit I dare not think about it.

Because he knows that people like Xu Lao cannot intervene in normal private commercial competition at will.

“Well, Chen Qiang, in order to be in a hurry, we can drive back to South China while waiting for people to come, how about it?”

“That’s naturally better.” Chen Qiang continued, “Old Xu, can you please borrow my phone to use it. I will call my friend so that she will not worry.”

“No problem.”

Old Xu Pointing at Xiao Li nodded, Xiao Li took out a wireless satellite phone from his bag and handed it to Chen Qiang.

“Hey, Qianyu, listen, and immediately rush back to South China with Rhubarb and Lark. I am also on my way back…Dont ask that many, and tell you elder sister for me Say, dont rush to auction the companys fixed assets. I will rush back in one day at most… I’m really fine… Tell you elder sister, wait until I go back.”

After briefly confessing a few words, Chen Qiang followed Xu Lao and Xiao Li into the car and went straight to South China City.

It is of course the best to be able to rush back to South China as quickly as possible.

However, what made Chen Qiang puzzled was, didn’t Mr. Xu just wait to see the relevant technicians?

Could Mr. Xu change his mind?

An hour later, Chen Qiang finally understood, Mr. Xu and their terrifying efficiency!

The commercial vehicle driven by Xiao Li stopped at the second high-speed service area leaving Cangnan.

And in the open space not far from their car, there was a helicopter parked!

Chen Qiang is not a fan of the military, but he can tell at a glance that this is a military armed helicopter!

Chen Qiang just stopped their car and got off the helicopter. Two young people who were less than 30 years old came and ran over quickly.

After the car door opened and the two young men came up, they respectfully saluted Xu Lao, “The head is good.”

Xu Lao kept a smile on his face. Chen Qiang introduced, “Chen Qiang, these twin brothers happen to be the top positioning system professionals in our country today. Now you can tell them about your communication bracelet.”

Xu Lao did not introduce the names of the twin brothers too much. It may be because of the tight time or some safety considerations.

However, these are not important to Chen Qiang. He also wants to finish the matter here as soon as possible and rush back to South China. Therefore, he quickly took out three communication bracelets and handed two of them to the twin brother opposite. .

“Two of you, both of you are experts in positioning systems, and the communication bracelet in your hands has a special positioning method, which is completely different from our current international positioning system.


As for the details and structure, I dont quite understand this. You can study it slowly after you go back.

What I want to say is the positioning system of this communication bracelet, It is not located by satellites in the outer space of the earth.”

One of the twin brothers hearing this asked inexplicably, “How is this possible? As everyone knows, the so-called positioning system is Signals transmitted by satellites in extraterrestrial space are transmitted to mobile or fixed receivers through ground relay stations.

At the beginning of the international launch of satellites, not at all considered positioning. , It was developed later.

So, the positioning system must be related to satellites.

After all, our earth is a ball. Without satellites, signal crossing is impossible. How to locate it?”

Chen Qiang shook the head, “In fact, I dont understand what you said, but when I got this communication bracelet, I had heard of it. The related defects of the satellite positioning system.

But I know one thing.

That is, if any satellite in the satellite positioning system has a problem, you can only relaunch Repositioning.

But what if the satellites that make up the positioning system all have problems at the same time?

Lets not talk about the time and operability of retransmitting repositioning, at least, In this process, maybe some hostile countries will destroy it?”

Chen Qiang said this, and Mr. Xu on the side also understood a little, asked the facial expression grave,” Chen Qiang said Is there such a probability? What is the probability?”

The twin brothers glanced at each other, and the young man who just raised the objection nodded, “The probability he said is very high, and it is also Including us, a major issue facing the international community!”

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