Strongest Gene

Chapter 300


Xu Fei muttered to himself.

He is very thankful that he didn’t provoke this Demoness, I rely on, if a word doesn’t agree, he will kill the city. Are the villain bosses in the comics like this?


Wang Chun was furious.

He didn’t expect the so-called “little destruction” of this woman is actually a massacre!

“Calm down.”

Chen Feng held him, “Let her do it.”

“That’s a massacre!”

Wang Chun was in a heavy heart, especially when he watched countless people die tragically in front of him, those who were alive, and even many people crawled over for help.

“I won’t die anyway.”

Chen Feng said in a tranquil voice, “Forgot the villain I killed the previous two days?”

“You mean…”

Wang Chun is sober.

“I want to see too.”

Chen Feng’s eyes are like electricity, “You can recover if you kill someone, and you can recover if you destroy an item. Then if the city is slaughtered, can the entire city be destroyed? Recovery?”


“Will the real Guardian appear behind the scenes?”

“I am looking forward to it.”




The terrifying apocalypse continues.

“hahahaha, where to escape!”

“little brother, let the elder sister kill you~”

The strange cry of Mingyue is in Heaven and Earth echoed, and accompanied by the roar of thunder, the entire city was finally reduced to ruins, and there was nothing intact!


Living creatures!


It’s all dead!


“The experiment is completed Yo.”

Mingyue came back with her little feet, and everyone looked towards her expression was full of weird and surprised Fear, this woman… is it too scary?

Even if these people can come back to life…

But this way of killing…


Shen Wu coldly snorted.

If it weren’t for Mingdu, she would have done it a long time ago.

“demonic girl.”

Shen Yi muttered.

“Thank you.”

Ming Yue blinked her eyes and accepted the title of demonic girl.

“little brother, what do you see me doing?”

Mingyue looked towards the sluggish Xu Fei, “Do you want to do something more intimate?”


Xu Fei shivered and quickly flashed behind Chen Feng, what a joke, how far can he hide when he encounters this kind of Demoness in the future!

“You really…”

Wang Chun gave a wry smile.

There is such a completely uncontrollable summon character, he does not know whether to cry or laugh.


Chen Feng lightly saying, “Now that the experiment is completed, wait for the result.”


Everyone is nodded, it can only be so now.


The next day.

At the moment when the sunlight brilliance appeared, the whole city was shining, and it seemed to wake up at that moment. The nearby door opened again, and a familiar voice came.

“Yeah, how many guests are early? See how many dressed up from the Western Regions?”

Dian Er!

There was an air-condition in everyone’s hearts.

Sure enough!

It’s him again!

“It’s repeated…”

Xu Fei is helpless.

“There is no way to kill the city?”

Wang Chun smiled bitterly.

They always thought that the key to breaking the game was someone or something in this city. They never thought that Mingyue would destroy everything, but it would repeat it!

This place, I am afraid there is a mysterious power!

Is that kind of lifelessness?

Shen Wu’s special righteousness is invalid for it!

Even Mingyue’s mysterious power has no effect on it!

“Are you going to be trapped here forever?”

Everyone was horrified.

They can all imagine the consequences if they cannot break the game.


Chen Feng shook his head, “It’s nothing more than some kind of power at work, as long as…”


Chen Feng complexion slightly changed.

At this moment, he actually felt the alarm of lucky value!


Someone is here? !

That direction…


Chen Feng looked outside the city!

“Someone is coming.”

Chen Feng was surprised.


Wang Chun and the others are even more shocked. Besides them, there are outsiders coming? Is it also a Mutatéd Beast who strayed into this place by hunting and killing lions?

“Hide first!”

Chen Feng’s decision without the slightest hesitation.


Everyone hid silently.

And now.

In the distance.

The seemingly closed city gate, one by one mysterious Shadow comes in.

That kind of dress…

“It’s a mysterious organization!”

Chen Feng shook his heart.

Could it be said that this place is a camp of the mysterious organization?

Just when they flashed this thought, they realized that those who came in were also confused, looking blankly at this quaint city.

“It’s not them.”

Shen Yi concluded, “They are also very confused.”

“That’s good.”

Chen Feng’s heart beats.

If it is a mysterious organization…

Chen Feng and the others are weak, but if it is a mysterious organization, there may be a way to break the situation! After all, the breath of those people is at least B-Rank!

This is definitely a core member of the mysterious organization!

“They may have a way.”

Chen Feng guessed.

“We can’t beat it.”

Xu Fei spreads out.

If it’s just ordinary B-Rank, a few of them are fine. Maybe they can kill them one by one, but those two A-Rank…

Anyone can hit them hard!

This is not a level opponent at all!

“Who said I was going to fight them?”

Chen Feng mysterious smiled, “They don’t know we are here.”

“You mean ……”

Wang Chun’s eyes lit up.

“Not bad.”

Chen Feng indifferently smiled.

His plan is very simple. If you compare this city to a game that everyday all automatically rewinds, if these aborigines are all NPCs, they are the players who broke into here!

They are, and so are members of the mysterious organization!

It’s just…

They broke into here first, but they have some advantages.

“From now on.”

“Please call me NPCMr. Chen.”

A smile appeared on the corner of Chen Feng’s mouth.


In a dilapidated small courtyard where there is no who lives, several people quickly put on clothes of this era and blended into the city perfectly.

And now.

The core members of the mysterious organization finally entered the city.

A line of twelve people.

The Inn of neat and tidy’s entrance.

“How many adults do you stay at the top?”

Dian Xiaoer seems to feel that these people are not to be trifled with, so they are very respectful and serve delicious and delicious food. People’s inquiries also know everything.


Nothing can be asked from his mouth.


The curfew?


They are all the old things Chen Feng knew.

Several people seem to feel the extraordinary power, and they don’t dare to mess around. In such a restricted zone that no one knows, even A-Rank must be vigilant!


They spent the day quietly.

The next day.

They also finally saw the mysterious power of this city, but they were not surprised but delighted! Item recovery, creature recovery…

When people can be recovered after killing, they have already guessed something.

“The resurrection of the dead really exists!”

The Captain eyes are like electricity.

“It seems…”

“Just catch the person behind this scene.”

Vice Captain coldly smiled beside him.

The mission goal is determined, and start to execute! However, the implementation of the plan is also somewhat different. They used various methods and still couldn’t break the situation!


Slaying the city!

“It seems that we can only use the long-term plan.”

Captain brows tightly knit.

Several people wandered aimlessly on the street. After a few days of temptation, everyone here was killed all over. They didn’t care about the opinions of outsiders.


didn’t expect.

When passing by a dilapidated courtyard, a long drink came from inside.

“Count the sky, count the earth, count the world.”

“Know you, know me, know everything.”

“I, Chen Banxian, do you want to count it? “


The dilapidated door opened.

A youngster with a long beard walked out from inside, “Looking at a few of the Yintang’s darkened eyes and lackluster eyes, I’m afraid there will be blood light disasters these few days…”

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