Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1839: Tit for tat

In the holy land, somewhere in the dense forest.

"Don't go too far, this place is still the holy land of my Profound Sky Continent after all!"

A cold voice sounded mixed with anger.

"Oh, too much? In the battle of the saint sons, it is a matter of course to rob each other of the holy luck. How can we go too far?" The excessively enchanting and charming voice is exactly the charm from the Shengxuan continent.

"There is no problem with plundering the Holy Fortune, but the problem is that you are not from the Xuantian Continent, and the Holy Fortune of our Xuantian Continent does not belong to you. You should not be here, let alone looting our Holy Fortune!"

Shen Sheng said Mu Zhanfeng.

And he is not the only one.

There are also Nangong Yu, Lin Qingyu, other people in Xuanji Mansion, and even two swords from the Tianshan Seven Swords.

Each of them had anger on their faces, their sharp eyes and flames in them, staring at the three people in front of them.

The charming and enchanting lotus, the cold and pale Jinghang, and the ice-skinned Xue Ji.

The three proud children from the Profound Sky Continent, after giving their holy luck to Murong Yi and Xiao Feng and sending them to the white jade seat, they went down the mountain together and went around on the Profound Sky Continent.

The Profound Sky Continent's Tianjiao were also forced to join forces, but even so, they were still not opponents.

They lost many times.

The holy luck that they had worked so hard to win was also robbed by these three people again and again. Although more and more of them came together to fight against the three of Shengxuan Continent, they still failed.

I heard that even characters like Jian Wushuang, Prince Yu, and the crown prince have lost several times under the joint hands of the three of the Saint Profound Continent.

One to one, they might be able to win.

However, Saint Profound Continent's son is bound to win the white jade seat. Now in order to obtain the holy luck, he doesn't pay attention to any gentleman's demeanor. If one person might lose, there will be two or three people.

The three of them teamed up, even if the ten of the Sita disciples teamed up, they were not their opponents.

Not to mention that Jian Wushuang, the crown prince, and prince yu are mostly lone travelers.

Therefore, in a short period of time, the three of Shengxuan Continent have regained a lot of holy luck.

"Hey, you are incompetent if you can't protect the Holy Fortune. Is it interesting to blame us for not being from the Profound Sky Continent? If your people on the Profound Sky Continent are stronger than us, we will naturally offer the Holy Fortune with both hands."

"Damn it!" Many Tianjiaos in the Profound Sky Continent were extremely angry and annoyed.

"Coming to fight, I don't believe it, we can never win you!" Mu Zhanfeng also fought with them a few times before, and there was a draw at the beginning, but the luck of the opponent was insufficient, but the opponent's luck was overwhelming, and he never won.

However, Mu Zhanfeng's temperament was tenacious. He was taught by Lou Xuanji before and was very human. He had fought many times with several holy children from the Shengxuan Continent. Although most of them were defeated, they were not without gain.

In the battle with people who are close to him or whose cultivation level is higher than his, he has grown a lot and improved a lot, and his own cultivation is also rapidly growing. Now if there is enough holy luck, he and the Saint Profound Continent Tianjiao In between, whoever wins and loses is not good.

"Tsk, if I were you, I would take the initiative to offer the Holy Destiny!"

"Don't think about it! My Profound Sky Continent doesn't have that kind of rat!"

"Hahahaha..." the two Fangzheng said, and a cold smile suddenly sounded on the side: "Mu Zhanfeng, wasn't it a majestic one when he met me? I am not being crushed and beaten now!"

As soon as he said this, Tianjiao's expression on the Profound Sky Continent changed slightly during the scene. He looked at the treetops aside and saw the man with the broken arm in the holy tower's clothes, and his eyes couldn't help showing disgust.

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