Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1835: This is cheating!

Lou Qianxue came out of the mountain and river space, standing in the spiritual holy land, with a pensive look on her beautiful little face.

"In this holy land, there are many spirit beasts and spiritual plants that carry holy luck, but how can we find a place with a lot of holy luck like the Breath Tree?"

Before, she felt that she had a lot of luck, but compared with Sita Yuan Haomiao, her luck was still much worse.

Lou Qianxue's thoughts flew, thinking of one place, her beautiful eyes suddenly brightened.

"Right! The Eye of Tianwu!"

The Eye of Heavenly Martial Arts that Tan Taiyuan gave her can see through the truth through falsehood, bringing her a lot of convenience in her growth along the way.

Is it still useful this time?

"Eye of Tianwu!"

Lou Qianxue closed her eyes and opened them again, her eyes glowing with silver. Looking around, the aura of the Holy Land instantly changed its appearance in her eyes.

It becomes a layer of transparent yarn, and inside the yarn, there is still a shining star.

Some stars are really like starlight, only a little bit, but some are like stars, a large group of dazzling white light...


Lou Qianxue's heart moved slightly: "Could it be that that layer of veil is the aura of if there is no such thing, those stars... are the holy luck?"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Thinking of this, Lou Qianxue's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Can the Eye of Tianwu really find the holy luck?

"You have to take a look to know."

Lou Qianxue must have flew in the direction of a white nebula!

After a while.

Putting away the eyes of Tianwu, Lou Qianxue stood on a mountain stream with water curtain caves and waterfalls that sprinkled from top to bottom like silver springs, shining brightly under the sunlight.

Lou Qianxue stood under the waterfall, feeling the impact of the waterfall on his body, a steady stream of holy luck penetrated into his body, and a bright smile appeared on the beautiful little face.

"My guess is correct!"

"After using the eyes of Tianwu, all the stars you see are holy luck!!!"

"This is simply cheating! As long as there is the Eye of Heavenly Martial Arts, it is too easy for me to find a place with a lot of luck!"

Those holy fortunes are invisible under Tian Wuzhi's eyes, and all the places with holy fortunes are shining. If this way, her holy fortunes can't be the most, then she doesn't have to participate in any holy children's disputes, just go home and eat. Forget it!

Lou Qianxue uses elemental power and spiritual power to absorb the holy luck at the fastest speed.

A few hours later, the holy luck behind her suddenly rose a few feet.

Realizing that the holy luck in the waterfall has disappeared, Lou Qianxue moved his muscles and bones, and a bright smile appeared on her beautiful little face: "This speed is really fast. If there are two more waterfalls like this, my holy luck can be achieved. I caught up with Yuan Haomiao!"

However, she had a faint hunch in her heart. In addition to Yuan Haomiao, the powerful enemy in her battle for the saints in this holy land, the five mysterious and powerful people who were blocked in front of the disciples of the saint may also be powerful enemies. .

This thought flickered in Lou Qianxue's mind, and quickly disappeared. Although it might be that way, Lou Qianxue actually didn't care. The battle between the saints was a top-notch event in the Profound Sky Continent. If it is true It would be too boring to let her take the position of the saint child casually.

If there are really well-matched opponents, it will be even more exciting and expectant...

Next, Lou Qianxue, as before, did not team up with anyone, nor communicate with the outside world. He still doesn't know that in the Holy Land, something happened that shocked many geniuses in the Profound Sky Continent!

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