Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1824: Unwilling!

He exploded his holy luck and exploded it!

Lou Qianxue stepped aside subconsciously, and the powerful aftermath of the explosion shook the air endlessly. That power could almost blow up a city! No less than the blew of a decision master!

"Can the holy luck explode?" Lou Qianxue frowned, what a pity, the holy luck behind every disciple of the holy tower is very impressive!

This thought flickered in Lou Qianxue's mind, and her figure flashed to the side of another person again, and started again...

With the gust of wind, coupled with the artistic conception of the wind, and the blessing of the holy luck, Lou Qianxue's speed has reached an extremely terrifying point. If she ignores the other seven and only deals with one person, no one is her opponent, and no one can be defended. !


The Santa disciple screamed, vomiting blood and staggering to the ground.

As soon as Lou Qianxue stretched out his arm, the powerful suction force forced that person's holy luck into his own holy luck!

Behind her, the crimson luck tumbling, and a few feet taller!

"Damn it!"

Yuan Haoran watched from the side, with bloodshot eyes and a face full of unwillingness and disbelief. The first time he fought Lou Qianxue alone before, he was defeated and only felt humiliated.

Now, looking for seven helpers and eight of them to fight Lou Qianxue together, what he felt was not only humiliation, but also fear!

He has always been confident in his brother, but at this time, seeing Lou Qianxue's growing holy fortune, watching the people who are losing his side, he even raised an extremely weird thought in his heart-will he even have his brother Can't deal with this woman?

As soon as this idea came up, he was forcibly suppressed.

"No! Impossible, it won't! How can this woman be able to compare with his elder brother!"

Even though he thought so in his heart, Yuan Haoran insisted: "Everyone, explode their own luck!"

he can not! Can no longer just watch Lou Qianxue claim their luck!

When a person is seriously injured, the Holy Fortune on his body will also be turbulent, and even because of the rules of the Holy Land, after losing to someone, the Holy Fortune will automatically float to that person and explode the Holy Fortune. It is the only one who can not increase Lou Qianxue’s power. Method!

Although his brother had already left the customs, he didn't know how long his brother could come.

What if his brother arrives and Lou Qianxue has absorbed all of them?

They are sacred disciples, arguably the strongest group of people in the entire holy place. Each of them has a lot of holy fortunes far surpassing others. If so many holy fortunes fall into the hands of Lou Qianxue, maybe Lou Qianxue can really Beat his brother!

The rest of the Holy Tower disciples were stunned for a moment.

The holy luck on them was collected after they entered the holy land, and they finally collected so much, so naturally they were reluctant to give up.

However, they were still unwilling to give the Holy Fortune to Lou Qianxue like this!

It would be nice if Yuan Haomiao could come early!

In the hearts of all the disciples of the Holy Tower, a little expectation could not help but rise.

But Yuan Haomiao did not come, but Lou Qianxue smashed them all!

These eight people were very cruel. Except for two people who couldn't react, and the Holy Fortune was captured by Lou Qianxue, the other six people actually exploded the Holy Fortune just like Yuan Haoran ordered!

Even their holy luck exploded and affected the Breath-Life Tree, which directly cut off the vitality of the Breath-Bearing Tree. Lou Qianxue was almost affected. When everything calmed down, all the eight disciples of the Holy Tower were seriously injured and fell to the ground covered in blood. Lou Qianxue's expression was cold, staring at them with evil brows, a slight murderous intent floating around him...

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