Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1777: Join hands!

"I didn't think that you dare not do anything to me, it's just..." Long Liang's attitude was not good. Lou Qianxue always respected me and I respected you. You see me not pleasing to your eyes, and I will not give in.

"What gives you confidence that makes you think that if you act on me, you must have the upper hand?"

Lou Qianxue said lightly.

There was a strong pride and confidence in her words, exactly the same as before she started with the sixteen strong men.

Everyone whispered again.

"This woman is so courageous!"

"Don't worry if you dare to hide the Sejong Sect Master, even the Dragon Lord of the Dragon Palace will dare to smash!"

Many people question Lou Qianxue, but think she is crazy.

However, some people chose to believe her.

"Although I feel unbelievable...but, deep down in my heart, what should I do if I vaguely believe that she really depends?"

"Me too! If it hadn't been for the previous battle, I must have thought that she was crazy and wishful thinking, but she proved herself with the previous battle... So, in my heart, I was actually willing to believe her!"

Among the crowd, the middle-aged Eastern Region League, who was next to the Lord of Moon Worship, was really dumbfounded at this time.

The development of this matter completely exceeded his expectations, he had never dreamed of it...

Will it develop into this look?

He started to look down on Lou Qianxue completely, but he dared to talk like that to the city lord of Zhongshan who didn't even dare to speak, and he dared to argue with the people in Longgong...

This is what gave him ten guts, something he didn't dare to do!

Everyone was talking about it. On the stage, Lou Qianxue calmed down and said to the people: "The purpose of my coming today has been achieved. The Hidden Sect Sect Master can admit his mistakes, and the Hidden Sect of the Eastern Region can stand upright. In the world, I know enough, and you all say goodbye."

He said he was about to jump off the stage.

"and many more!"

Jin Mang, the enchanting palace Yu Linglong, who had never expressed it, also stood up.

Lou Qianxue paused slightly and looked back at them: "What?"

"When you stand on this stage, you are going to enter the Dragon Palace, the Golden Palace, and the Enchanting Palace. You must choose one of our three palaces to join."

"Must?" Lou Qianxue smiled: "If I remember correctly, I haven't passed the Sannomiya exam, right?"

After speaking, she shook her head: "I won't join any one of the three houses, so give up."

"you wanna die!"

Finally they no longer forbeared and violent!

Lou Qianxue can sweep sixteen strong people that they can't sweep, none of them dare to underestimate Lou Qianxue!


Holding the drum and pestle, Long Liang sounded the Dragon Heart Drum, the appraisal instrument of the Dragon Palace.


The Golden Palace Jinmang lifted the Golden Palace to review the spiritual tool and vigorously polish it.


Between the enchanting palace Yu Linglong swinging his sleeves, black poisonous fog filled all over.

The three even joined forces!

Whoosh whoosh!

The sound pattern formed by the Dragon Heart Drum carries a strong mental power, which shocks Lou Qianxue.

At the same time, Dali Mo was thrown on top of Lou Qianxue's head by Jin Mang, as if Mount Tai was pressing on the top, it went straight toward Lou Qianxue!

On the other side, Yu Linglong's poisonous mist quickly spread towards Lou Qianxue.

Although these three people didn't have much vitality fluctuations, the coercion formed by the spirit tool and the cultivation base of the few three people made it difficult for everyone around to breathe...

Some people with a low level of cultivation were even kneeling on the ground...


Even the table built by Zhongshan City was overwhelmed, showing cracks and making a clicking sound...

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