Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1489: Invite


When his gaze fell on the handsome man who was with Hua Yunxiao, who had perfect features and exuded noble aura, Hua Yunqing's gaze was slightly frozen.

boom! boom! boom!

She has a good talent in the Chinese family and a high status. The guests she receives are also from the top foreign powers. It can be said that she has seen many Tianjiao...

However, at this moment, she felt that there was no one anymore, more fascinating than that cold and noble man, who looked very cold, but fascinated.

At a glance, she could see that the other party's extraordinary--the confidence of the other party's gestures, and indifference to everything, not ordinary people can have.

"Strange, how could my brother entertain such a guest?" Hua Yunqing whispered, his eyes clinging to Tantaiyuan.

The more I look at it, the more I feel that this cold and ruthless man is full of charm, which makes her feel a desire to conquer!

"Worship the Young Master Yue, there is Yun Qing's elder brother among the pedestrians, I wonder if Yun Qing can invite them to come and sit together?"

Hua Yunqing, who had always disdained her elder brother, said to a handsome and proud man on the table.

He is the first-class strength outside the region, the young master of worshipping the moon, is a key guest of the Hua family, and the Hua family specially asked Hua Yunliu, the important arrogant of the Hua family, to entertain with her.

Hua Yunqing is good-looking and talented, Young Master Yue is very satisfied, but at this time, after seeing those two beautiful women who were either cold or indifferent, his feelings for Hua Yunqing suddenly changed. It faded a lot, and felt dull. At this time, his eyes were staring at the woman in the white skirt and the woman in the pink skirt who had just entered the door...

Hua Yunqing's suggestion happened to be at the heart of his heart. He couldn't help but nod and said proudly: "Since it is your brother, you can naturally sit together."

Hua Yunqing smiled slightly and stood up and said, "Brother Yunxiao."

Hua Yunxiao, who was about to bring a few people upstairs with Qianxue, suddenly heard a familiar voice and was stunned for a moment.

Lou Qianxue smiled and said, "Young Master Hua has many acquaintances."

Before the Wall of Streaming Light, there was Hua Yunhao with eyes above his head, but now there is another little beauty.

"Sister!" Seeing Hua Yunqing, Hua Yunxiao's eyes suddenly brightened, and explained to Lou Qianxue: "The land of trial is open, countless arrogances from outside the region come to practice, the nine families are stationed in the place of trial, it is necessary to entertain All Tianjiao, countless disciples of my Chinese family, have all been appointed... I am also not good at cultivation level, not qualified enough, just so leisurely-that is my sister, my sister, but her talent is much better than mine, also very good in the family It is valued, Miss Lou, wait a moment, and I'll talk to my sister."

"it is good."

Hua Yunxiao smiled and walked towards Hua Yunqing. Hua Yunqing is his sister. Even if he doesn’t like him on weekdays, he loves this sister very much in his heart. He is very concerned about her affairs and naturally knows who she is entertaining. Salute to everyone in the court: "Worship the young master of the moon."

"Yeah." Young Master Yue nodded.

Hua Yunxiao smiled and looked at Hua Yunqing: "Yunqing, what a coincidence, I didn't expect you to be here."

Hua Yunqing nodded, still looking at Tan Taiyuan's direction: "Brother, are those guests the family wants you to entertain?"

Hua Yunxiao shook his head: "No, they are my friends."

Hua Yunqing was stunned: "Since I'm a friend of my brother, why not come and sit together. Those who have entered the trial site this time are all Tianjiao of the same age. If you can make a friend, it would be great."

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