Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1483: hostility!

Lou Qianxue's beautiful little face, red lips slightly curved, and the cloud lightly took a step forward: "Young Master Hua, aren't you going to rest in the city? Why don't you lead the way?"

Hua Yunxiao looked at the Saint Child of the Golden Palace, a thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead, nodded and said: "Okay. Let's go."


The face of the Saint Child of the Golden Palace sinks slightly, a pair of golden eyes shoots fierce golden light, and the sharp blade makes a sound of breaking wind, and instantly shoots towards Hua Yunxiao.

Hua Yunxiao's face was pale, and he was locked by the coercion of the half-emperor master, he didn't even have the ability to escape!

Everyone didn't expect the Saint of the Golden Palace to take the shot, and his face changed again.

"The Golden Palace is a palace in the northern part of the territory. It is a truly first-rate strength. It has always been domineering, but now it is true!"



A pink bell appeared out of thin air...


Block the golden blade!

Hua Yunxiao escaped, his face pale as paper.

Everyone looked at this scene with different expressions.

"Quit it, since the Saint Child of the Golden Palace is here, the Wall of Streaming Light, don't forget it!" Ao Qingtian also simply said to Hua Yunhao, "Let's go!"

The next thing, you don't need to look at it, that woman will definitely fall into the hands of the Golden Palace Saint Child!

Hua Yunhao looked at Lou Qianxue with a vicious look: "Huh, how about a good talent? Under the power, he is still pinched by others!"

Then he coldly said to Hua Yunxiao: "Hua Yunxiao, you must be self-aware. For the sake of the same family, I advise you to stay away from those irrelevant troubles, otherwise, you don’t know how to die. of!"

After speaking, he left with Ao Qingtian.

Many other forces, although they have lost their heart to compete with the Golden Palace, still stay here. Looking at the eyes of the Saints of the Golden Palace, Lou Qianxue and others, they also reveal a little different...

The Golden Palace is the first-class strength outside the territory. They can't afford to provoke them, and they don't dare to **** people. However, the three people in front of them, but the people who have walked 36 steps in one breath, and the man, a sleeve of the previous fan flew a few enchanting How can the people of the palace be easy to deal with?

"Are you talking to us?" Lou Qianxue's beautiful eyes flowed, falling on the Saint Child of the Golden Palace with a smile but a smile: "If not, please make way."

"You deliberately?" The Golden Palace Saint's voice was cold: "It's useless to pretend to be stupid. Either leave the wall of flowing light, or follow me!"

Lou Qianxue sneered, her beautiful face suddenly sank, her beautiful eyes looked at him coldly: "What are you? Let me go with you, and I will go with you?"

"!!!" There was a burst of air-conditioning sounds around...

How dare she talk to the first-class strength son like this?

A trace of killing intent flashed across the golden eyes of the Saint Child of the Golden Palace, and he was about to speak...

"Bitch! How dare you attack!" A cold, charming voice suddenly sounded.

"Huh?" Everyone turned their heads and saw that the enchanting palace saint Yan Ruyu, who had been fanned out by Tan Taiyuan's sleeve, woke up at this time. Tan Taiyuan fanned her one sleeve, and she actually counted the accounts. Lou Qianxue!

The enchanting palace and the Golden Palace are also located in the outer north. The outer north is an ancient desert. There are many palaces in it. Many powers are named after the palace!

Among them, the Golden Palace is a real first-rate strength, and it is also one of the strongest forces in the north outside the region. The enchanting palace is weaker and can only be attributed to the second-rate forces, but there are three very powerful ancestors, which should not be underestimated.

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