Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1441: I really owe them to the couple

"This little girl movie!"

"It's her again!"

"It collapsed Jianfeng before, but now it attracts others to break into my Tianshan Mountain and hurt everyone in Tianshan..."

The people who were waiting like a big enemy before, realized that the person Tan Taiyuan was looking for was Lou Qianxue, instantly became emboldened and angry.

Everyone looked at Lou Qianxue with bad eyes...

Lou Qianxue smiled awkwardly: "Um, sorry, he has a bad temper, don't mind..."

"Lou Qianxue! It's you again!" Sect Master Tianshan Sword Sect's beard blew angrily. He is not a violent person, but he met this little girl...

"Huh?" Tan Taiyuan's cold eyes sank, and his eyes looked coldly at the Sect Master of Tianshan Sword Sect. His handsome and flawless face, without a trace of emotions, made people feel the extreme danger for no reason. ...

"..." The Sect Master of the Tianshan Sword Sect opened his mouth slightly, and the words in his mouth stopped abruptly, stuck in his throat, unable to move up and down, and seemed to be unable to speak again...

Is that man threatening him?

Lou Qianxue saw it naturally, but pretended not to see it, and floated his eyes to the side with a guilty conscience.

The Sect Master of Tianshan Sword Sect has a stiff expression. I am really afraid that the bad-tempered man will give them a sleeve. It will be ugly when the time comes. After all, even if the opponent's cultivation base is high, they have no way to take each other. , It's still too embarrassing...

"Um, Sovereign, this is a healing pill, which I refined, with a purity of over 90%. It is particularly good for internal injuries. You are welcome!"

Lou Qianxue quickly offered the medicine.

"His personality is like this. Whatever he likes to go straight, he can't turn around, I will educate him when I look back...well, and, what he owes you, I will definitely help you get it back..."

She was worried that she would have to spend a lot of time alone in order to engrave the inscriptions and create the sword peak, but Tantaiyuan was different!

This person's inscription attainments are more than ten times higher than hers!

With him as a helper, no, he is the one who will do it. I'm afraid that the ten sword peaks are all right!

Lou Qianxue looked like a husband and everything, on the surface, she was embarrassed, but she felt happy in her heart.

I finally met someone who hadn't seen her for half a year. Even though the meeting was a bit awkward, she was still very happy!

"..." The Sect Master of the Tianshan Sword Sect and the peak masters of the peaks glanced at Tan Taiyuan's cold expression. No matter how unhappy they were, they didn't dare to say it. They could only smile aggrievedly: "Nothing, you are all. It’s a misunderstanding, just explain it clearly."

What else can I do except forgive?

Can't beat and beat, scold and dare not scold...

The people of the Tianshan Sword Sect were filled with helplessness. They thought he had the first-rate strength outside the territory, and no one dared to provoke the Tianshan Sword Sect, even the people of Xuanji Mansion, the number one power outside the territory, dare not treat them like this. Bullying so much, I still dare not say, it is really suffocated, suffocated can't do it!

"I know you guys are high-spirited, generous-minded, and adults have a lot of them and don't care about us." Lou Qianxue said with a smile: "Then we won't bother you to see the scenery, let's go back first."

Speaking of grabbing Tan Taiyuan's hand, it disappeared like a stream of light...

A lot of older people who could be her grandfather looked at her with resentment, and it was really overwhelming...

"..." The people of Tianshan Jianzong looked at their disappearing back, and they were speechless.

Where do they watch the scenery here? That little girl film is too nonsense!

The Sect Master of Tianshan Sword Sect even shook his head and sighed: "I really owe them to the couple..."

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