Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1414: Anomaly!

Time goes slowly...

Countless sword intents are circulating in Lou Qianxue's sea of ​​knowledge...

Count the sword intent, count the artistic conception, but all the ways are one!

After comprehending more and more sword intents, countless sword intents entangled with each other, tried each other, and merged with each other, giving her a leap in understanding of swords...

Three more days passed.



A strong sword intent suddenly burst out from Lou Qianxue!

The sharp sword intent, like the sharpest divine soldier in the world, with its sharp edges, several swords who enlightened the sword in front of the sword peak were directly injured by the sword intent, lined up, and retreated several feet!

"what happened?"

"What's up with her?"

Xuehua and Li Huayan, who have become sword bodies, are slightly better, but their faces are also very pale, and they are almost shocked.

What's more frightening is that the sword energy in the entire Jianfeng seems to be messed up, almost all of them changed their trajectory and flew towards Jianfeng...

"Sword Qi?"

Several Tianshan disciples who were tempering their bodies in Jianfeng were far from the center of Jianfeng, but they soon noticed the changes in the sword energy in the air.

"How did Sword Qi fly away?"

"No more tempering our bodies!"

"what happened?"

Without the impediment of sword aura, many Tianshan disciples looked at each other suspiciously, and walked towards the center of Jianfeng...



Before they approached, the powerful sword intent carried tremendous pressure and burst out from the center of Jianfeng...



One by one Tianshan disciples were bounced up by the powerful pressure and sword intent, and the blood flew upside down!

"not good!"

The expressions of the six Jianzi also changed suddenly. Facing the strong pressure and sword intent, they kept retreating, retreating, retreating, and then retreating!

At this time, apart from the powerful, fierce, stunning young woman who was standing in front of Jianfeng, no one, any power, could approach Jianfeng...

"Jianfeng seems to be rioting!"

"I can't see through at all! I only see sword intent, countless sword intents, various sword intents..."

At this time, all Jianfeng's sword auras were almost all gathered in the center of the sword peak. The layers of the sword auras were originally transparent. At this time, they overlapped with gray, rotating with each other, condensing into a huge vortex, strong sword intent. And extremely dangerous power burst out from it...

Let the six Jianzi feel deadly crisis in their hearts!

"Those sword intents are getting stronger and stronger... Hiss! My eyes are so painful, that sword intent, I can't see it, it seems to have cut my eyes..."

"How can there be such a huge power? Jianfeng has never been like this..."

"What should I do? Miss Lou is still in front of Jianfeng... No, we have to save her!"

"How to save? We can't even get close to Jianfeng now... Looking for the Sect Master, the major elders, if they join forces, they will definitely be able to save the girl downstairs!"

Without further ado, the six swordsmen turned around and flew towards the position of the Tianshan Sword Sect Sect Master, as well as the major elders and peak masters...

Countless sword auras condensed into a gray vortex. While the vortex burst out with powerful force, it also produced a terrifying suction. Everything around the sword peak was sucked into the vortex. Lou Qianxue standing in front of the vortex was as stable as a mountain, but The ground under her feet was sucked by the powerful suction and cracked open. Numerous cracks, like spider silk, quickly spread through the sword peak...

Slowly, the entire Jianfeng vibrated!

At this moment, everyone in Tianshan Jianzong was shocked!

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