
Hearing the familiar birdsong, Sect Master Hidden's eyes flashed a bright light!

Then he raised his long sword...


The magnificent and powerful sword aura swept across, born between the disciples of the Hidden Sect and the disciples of the Eastern Alliance, a boundary between the Chu and Han Rivers!

"Boss, fifth, hurry up, you take Jiuyatou away!"

The Hidden Sect Sect Master's face was excited, and his eyes were red and roared loudly!

Before, he had always said to let Lou Qianxue leave. Lou Qianxue refused. He didn't say any more. He didn't acquiesce to Lou Qianxue's choice, but was waiting for the vulture!

The vultures have been retreating since they returned from the last combat meeting!

After leaving the customs today, the whole body breath is stronger than before!

It is also more hopeful to fly out of the siege of the Eastern Alliance!

"Sect Master!" The elder of the First Hall had a blue vein on his forehead, "No! We can't leave you behind!"

Moreover, as the elder of the Hidden Sect, he was the target of the Eastern Region League's heavy click and killing. On the Eastern Region League, three elders chased him and intercepted him, even if he wanted to **** Lou Qianxue away!

"Yes, Sect Master, we are not going!" The Fifth Hall elder said with blood on the corners of his lips, and was also full of blood, beside him, there are also two Eastern Alliance elders fighting endlessly!

"You!" The hidden sect master was angry: "Do you really want the hidden sect to be buried in our hands? All the hidden sect disciples obey orders and swear to hold back the Eastern Alliance! One hall elder, five halls elders, immediately **** nine halls elders , The disciple of the ninth hall, and the chief disciple of each hall to leave on the vulture!"


The vulture hovered in the air with a long cry in his mouth!

"Don't let them go!" The pavilion master of the Eastern Region gave his orders: "Shoot that bird!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Several iron arrows shot into the air.

"Hurry up!" Sect Master Hidden roared loudly!



After a dull loud noise!

A tyrannical aura suddenly rose from the hidden Sect Master!

The surrounding Yuan Li seemed to be emptied instantly, the Yuan Li turbulent time, the whole field, the sky was dim and the earth was dark, flying sand and rocks...

"King Wu?"

"how is this possible!"

"Sect Master Hidden, how come you become King Martial!"

Everyone in the Eastern Region League was frightened!

"Sect Master! You... why are you so stupid!" On the side of the hidden sect, several elders who knew the situation shed tears in pain: "You can only support for half an hour at most, and you will be exhausted. And die... why bother... Sect Master..."

"Quick! Go!" The hidden sect's sect master straightened his hair, burning his life, and advanced to the realm of King Wu. In the Eastern Region League, he was able to punch an elder of the Eastern Region League like a man in the world. Save the elders of the first hall and the fifth hall!

"Leave here! Teach them well...I will be below, watching you rebuild the hermit!"

The elder of the first hall stared at the red and hopeful eyes of the hidden sect lord, and instantly understood his determination!

Also understand, at this time, what is the best choice!

His eyes were extremely red, bloodshot, terrifying and crazy, gritted his teeth, he nodded: "I know! Fifth, go-one day, the Eastern Region League will pay the debt!"

The elder of the Five Halls trembled, knowing that he could leave because he knew the technique of alchemy, and he would heal the disciples left behind by the hidden sect, so he cried and nodded and flew onto the vulture!

"The chief disciple of each hall, hurry up! Go to the vulture!"

"Bai Tingting will take you to the vulture! And Lin Tingfeng, Qiuyang, come on!"

"No!" Lou Qianxue also had red eyes. Even though she first entered the Hidden Sect, it was only to restore her cultivation, but since she is already a member of the Hidden Sect, she could not leave other disciples behind and leave by herself...

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