Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1249: Is she crazy?

"Is this leaf chasing crazy?"

Everyone couldn't help pointing and pointing: "A big man who is dignified and bullying a weak woman?"

"That girl Jiang is right. Ye Zhuixun did this to force her to death!"

"Heh..." Hearing everyone's voice, Ye Chaixun, who didn't care much about everyone's opinion, was slightly angry: "Jiang Yanyan, you dare to spend money on my master's life and dare not fight with me?"

Lin Tingfeng's eyebrows were also frowning: "When you were in the hidden sect and bought the life of my master, why didn't you say that you were a weak woman?"


In an uproar!

Everyone opened their eyes wide in disbelief: "Buy their master's life?"

"Their master... isn't it Lou Qianxue?"

"Jiang Yanyan, how dare you buy Lou Qianxue's life? Is she crazy?"

"Who didn't know that in addition to Shen Xiliang, Ye Zhuixun and Lin Tingfeng's powerful apprentices, Lou Qianxue also has a man Tantaiyuan who is invincible in the Eastern Region!"

"She was kicked by a donkey in her head, so she would do that!"

Jiang Yanyan was a little confused when he heard this suddenly, but quickly recovered: "You guys are talking nonsense! When did I buy your master's life? Don't be bloody!"

Ye Chai searched for Qi Knot: "Naturally someone told me personally!"

"Impossible!" Jiang Yanyan yelled in panic, "I have no grievances with your master, so how could it be possible to buy your master's life! Moreover, our spiritual cultivator can't offend the hermit at all, and I don't dare to move you anymore Elder Zong!"

Everyone felt reasonable after hearing it.

"Yes, looking at Jiang Yanyan's sober appearance, he doesn't look like someone who can do that kind of thing!"

"This is not the excuse Ye Chaixun wanted to kill Jiang Yanyan?"

"Yes! And, Ye Chaixun is Jiang Yanyan buying murder, but Jiang Yanyan buying murder? Who saw it? What about the evidence?"

Everyone couldn't help but stand on Jiang Yanyan's side, looking suspiciously at Ye Chaixun and Lin Tingfeng.



Hong Qinghe suddenly turned around and grabbed Jiang Yanyan's wrist: "How dare you! How dare you do that kind of thing!"

There are faint red bloodshot eyes in his eyes, looking at Jiang Yanyan's eyes, in disgust, they also have killing intent!

Jiang Yanyan screamed in pain, and quickly struggling to slap Hong Qinghe's face with a slap: "Let go of me! Let me go! Who allowed you to hold me like this, Hong Qinghe! How dare you treat me like this! Are you? Thinking of Lou Qianxue’s little vixen? I’m telling you, I went to the Seven Kills League to ask someone to kill her! What's wrong? Are you distressed? Tell you, the Seven Kills League young leader also has enemies with her, she is dead! "



I believed in her before and questioned Ye Chase Lin Tingfeng's person. They were immediately beaten. They all looked at Jiang Yanyan speechlessly. She was afraid that when this woman was born, her mother had forgotten to give her a brain!

"You're looking for death!" Hong Qinghe pinched Jiang Yanyan's neck, his eyes turned red!

The elders of the Lingxiu Sect trembled uncontrollably!

Jiang Yanyan actually bought to murder the elders of the hidden sect. Is she afraid she is crazy?

I don't want to live anymore, and it hurts the entire spiritual cultivation school!

Even if she is the daughter of the sovereign, he doesn't want to protect her at this time!

In the crowd, two female disciples of the Eastern Region Pavilion watched this scene quietly: "Did you see it? This is the ending that the elders have long guessed."

"However, this is not the result the elder wants." The female disciple said, stepping forward, mixing into the crowd, and loudly said: "Hong Qinghe, even if Jiang Yanyan did something wrong, she is also your fiancee. Are you going to be in front of us? For an outsider, to kill his fiancée?"

Hong Qinghe was stunned for a moment, and the strength in his hand couldn't help reducing, causing Jiang Yanyan to break free...

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