Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1240: question

That is the elder of a small sect.

The elder had a pair of revoked eyes and a mean face. Seeing that everyone was looking at him, he couldn't help but straighten his chest: "I think the martial arts conference cannot end like this."

Everyone was in an uproar!

"Why do you say that?" What this person said was equivalent to a smashing battle meeting, but the East Region Pavilion Lord was not angry at all and asked with a good temper.

"I heard that the martial arts conference is to judge the best disciples of the younger generation! But I don't think that those on the court are the best disciples in the Eastern Region!" The person's eyes were cold, even slightly disdainful. Falling on Ye Zhuixun, Yinzong and others.

"Why do you say that?" The pavilion master of the Eastern Region sank his face.

"Everyone knows that before the martial arts conference, I still had the most authoritative Tianlong list for the young generation in the Eastern Region-the demeanor of Young Master Qingfeng. He is an unknown person. Why can he beat Young Master Qingfeng and be the first among young people in the Eastern Region?"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but nod their heads and whispered: "Yes, Young Master Qingfeng, but a legendary figure. If he participates in the martial arts conference this time, he will be the first in the martial arts conference. Where is Lin Tingfeng? "

"There is also Dongcangyun. Dongcangyun is third in the Heavenly Dragon Ranking, and Fengliuyu is fourth. If Dongcangyun participates, it will definitely be stronger than Fengliuyu!"

"In this way, the number one in this martial arts conference is indeed not the true number one."

"You can't say that!" The young man wearing a blood-colored mask, with a cold and evil temperament, has been silent, seemingly inconspicuous in the crowd, suddenly said.

Before he spoke, everyone didn't seem to notice him, but once he spoke, everyone's eyes could not be removed from him!

This person seems to be born with a weird attraction to people.

Looking at the scarlet mask on his face, many people changed their expressions: "Seven Killers!"

Among the Eastern Regions, the Seven Kills League is nothing compared to the top sects of the Eastern Region Pavilion, Prince Dan's Mansion, and Sky Profound Sect, but it has also changed many sects!

Because the leader of the seven kills assassinated and assassinated! If they work hard, even the elders of various sects will not escape their assassination!

"Leader Shi Shao, what do you mean by this?" the East Region Pavilion Master asked, a trace of dislike passing through his eyes.

Obviously, he also knew Shi Mengyang.

Shi Mengyanglu showed coldness and sarcasm in the eyes of the peach blossom outside the mask: "How strong is Young Master Qingfeng? He didn't participate in the martial arts meeting, because he did not have confidence in himself. Since Young Master Lin Tingfeng has won the martial arts meeting, Naturally deserves its name!"

The elder who had objected to the ranking of the martial arts conference before couldn't help but glance at the pavilion master of the East Region, and then said: "Young Master Qingfeng didn't participate in the martial arts conference because he was practicing. It's not that he didn't have confidence in himself as you said!"

"Oh? You know it again? I'm curious, how can you be an outsider so clear about Dongyu Pavilion?" Shi Mengyang said lazily.

Although the last time he killed Nishang for Lou Qianxue personally in Tianzhao Imperial Capital, he and Lou Qianxue had already cut off contact and became passers-by, but...

Seeing that the people she brought out were questioned, and seeing the Yinzong clearly targeted by the Eastern Region Pavilion, he still... couldn't control himself!

When there was no reaction, I couldn't help but utter the words of maintenance.

Lou Qianxue's expression was complicated, her eyes did not stay on Shi Mengyang for long.

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