Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1206: Sure enough!

"What about people?" Wei Qing looked at Lou Qianxue proudly and confidently: "Who will come?"

Lou Qianxue touched his chin: "Our Ninth Hall, each of whom is an elite, is not difficult to pull a disciple at will. It is not difficult to defeat you."

Wei Qing didn't believe it.

The third and sixth elders of Dongyu Pavilion also showed subtle expressions on their faces: "Hehe, Miss Lou can really joke."

Lou Qianxue ignored them and only looked at the Ninth Hall: "Lin Tingfeng, Bai Tingting, come out."

"Yes, Master."

The two came forward together, one handsome and handsome, the other gentle and graceful.

"These are my two disciples, you can pick one at will, anyone will do."

Lin Tingfeng's eyes lit up and he was eager to try, and Bai Tingting's gentle and beautiful face also showed a touch of firmness.

Everyone in the hidden sect was stunned, and suddenly remembered that Bai Tingting was once the enchanting genius of the hidden sect...

It's not even worse than Wu Ming, but she is in poor health and has rarely done anything in recent years...

But now, Lou Qianxue actually let her do it?

Could it be that she has recovered?

Everyone looked at Lou Qianxue and Bai Tingting in surprise.

As for Lin Tingfeng...

Everyone frowned slightly. Although he has made a lot of limelight in the Yinzong recently, compared with Wu Ming, there is still a lot of gap...

"Huh!" Can you deal with him by just pulling one? A puff of breath was held in his chest, but Wei Qing forcibly endured it and pointed at Lin Tingfeng and said, "I won't fight a woman, you come."

"Tsk." Lou Qianxue shook his head.

Everyone is puzzled.

Lin Tingfeng's fighting spirit took a raging step, and eagerly said: "I will let you know that our hidden sect must have the ability to kill you!"

"Sure enough." Lou Qianxue quietly muttered.

"What is so?" the second elder asked her in doubt.

"I asked Wei Qing to choose people. In fact, I gave him the choice of life and death. After all, Tingting is a woman, and she is gentle and kind. If he chooses Tingting, he will be defeated the most. It is not good for face, but Lin Tingfeng..."

The previous tit-for-tat made Lin Tingfeng feel uncomfortable, and according to her observation, Lin Tingfeng is also a master who is not afraid of things, this Wei Qing is almost impossible to live!

The second elder frowned, and his eyes were full of doubt: "But, with the cultivation skills of Wei Qing and Lin Tingfeng, Lin Tingfeng should not be able to win."

Lou Qianxue looked at him with a smile, "Second Elder, I have been beaten so many times, why don't you learn a lesson?"

The second elder's face flushed.


"Originally, I met a rare opponent and wanted to learn more...but you and Dongyu Pavilion are disrespectful to my master. I feel upset and I don’t bother to fight with you. I just want to prove that my master’s words, No exaggeration at all! The sword is coming!"

Lin listened to the wind with a low cry, a sword light flew from the sky!

"Heh!" The double-edged sword flickered in Wei Qing's eyes, reappearing, looking at Lin Tingfeng with contempt.

No one in the East Region Pavilion knows that Wei Qing's swordsmanship is the best, and he is least afraid of others fighting him. This Lin Tingfeng is really looking for death!

The straight and long sword, shining bright and cold, shot directly at Wei Qing...

Dongyu Pavilion and the others all showed a bit of sarcasm in their eyes: "Swords that are so straight and flat, even the angle will not change, only beginners of swordsmanship can use it!"


Go straight to Wei Qing...

Wei Qing looked relaxed, and took a few steps back casually...



A line of scarlet blood soared into the air instantly!

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and the scene instantly solidified...

next moment……

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