Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1153: Everything is under control

"How could this be?" Everyone looked confused and looked at the center of the square with anxious eyes...

I want to see exactly what happened...

However, the scene was filled with smoke and dust, disturbing the sight...

"This is..." The elder of the Second Hall looked suspiciously at Lou Qianxue, seeing her beautiful little face, red lips slightly hooked, and a light smile, he couldn't help asking: "You won?"

Lou Qianxue nodded: "If there is no accident, it is true."

"You guessed it a long time ago?" This building Qianxue and the Ninth Hall are really incredible!

Xu Taro's cultivation base is so much different from Qi Heng, Lou Qianxue, where does his confidence come from?

How did Seutaro win?

Lou Qianxue narrowed her eyes and looked at the elder of the Second Hall: "Sometimes, IQ is more important than force."

"Ah-ah ah..."

They are talking...

On the central square, the screams of screams brought their attention back!

At the same time, the smoke dissipated, and everyone saw the situation on the square, and couldn't help but feel an uproar!

See you!

In the Ninth Hall, Xu Taro's handsome face in the early days of Wu Jun, which no one had optimistic about, was very calm, standing quietly in the room, looking forward calmly...


Qi Heng, who was arrogant and confident before, was filled with bright yellow flames. He was in the flames, screaming endlessly, and his body was constantly rolling, seeming to have lost his mind...

"..." Everyone was stunned for a moment: "This fire element is so strong!"

"Qi Heng has no power to fight back? Why not use water element?"

There were only a few elders, and after a brief period of doubt, their complexion suddenly changed: "Different fire! This is strange fire!"


After an unbelievable exclaim, everyone's eyes instantly moved to Xu Taro...

He, there is unexpected fire!

A small person from a small country has a strange fire that is rare in the entire Xuantian Continent! ! ! !

There are only nine different fires in the world, and many powerful people may not be able to see them in their lifetimes, but now, in the early days of Wu Jun from a small country, he has different fires and controls them!

At this moment, the elders of the various halls of the Yinzong faintly felt regretful...

They don’t really look down on these newcomers from the Seven Kingdoms, but they didn’t fight for it, so they were directly allowed to enter the Ninth Hall...

If Xu Taro was in their temple and guided him carefully, he would have a strange fire. Even if his cultivation level is low now, even if he cannot become an alchemist in the future, he will definitely achieve extraordinary...

Moreover, it seems that his talent should be excellent!

After all, although his cultivation is not as good as Qi Heng, he is also much younger than Qi Heng!

"I give up! I give up... It hurts... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you to take back the fire!" Qi Heng, who could not bear the pain anymore, screamed and begged Xu Talang.

In the fourth hall, Qi Heng, the famous Wujun pinnacle master, was defeated by the ignorant Wujun early stage in the ninth hall?

Everyone was dizzy, as if dreaming...

With a wave of his sleeves, Xu Taro retracted the fire, but no one knew it, and his back was soaked at this time!

There is a two-step difference between him and Qi Heng. If it weren't for the match in this situation, he would definitely avoid it...

Today, also relying on the trust in Lou Qianxue, bite the bullet!

In the end he was a little surprised to win...

Fortunately, this battle was under Lou Qianxue's control from beginning to end, and he was able to win Qi Heng according to Lou Qianxue's orders...

Thinking, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the words that Lou Qianxue had told him three days ago when he pointed him...

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